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Air Pirates: Episode 1: The Revenge of The Air Pirates:FULL!

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Voda Vosa

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I would love to play this game, what ever has pirates in it catch my attention. It would be nice to use a warlock, I had always the dream of fire brimstone blasts from an air globe! , but if theres some problem with that class or you think another is more needed, please let me know. If not I will stick with tha old problem solver warlock ^^


First Post
I would like to throw my submission in as well. I was thinking a hexblade/pally of slaughter with the variant from PHBII. A debuffer of sorts. I could see him being the ex-Lyrandar helmsman. Then again, an evil druid would be cool too. Flying around on a dire bat, keeping enemies away with wind spells(as well as destructive magics)


First Post
Shayuri, go with the the dragonwrought kobold. Lemme guess...old mage. I am familiar with the cheese.

Stonegod, you can stay (an airship needs 15, after all). Present your other options as needed.

EvolutionKB, go ahead on the paladin of slaughter. No PC backstabbing, but everything else is OK.

Voda, warlocks are good. You're in.

Mellub, bard is go. (Not to dictate or anything, but you should learn the songs from the Pirates of Penzance. Especially that one where Mabel tells the heroes to all go and die.)

Redclaw, go ahead on the warblade.

Drerek, team necromancer is go. I'll give you two human warrior skeletons to start with for 200 gp (aquired via command undead)

Blackrat, go ahead as the team ninja.

Anyone else interested, this is going to be a large party, and we could also use an artificer (for ship repairs). As long as everyone posts once a day, we're fine for speed, and I can coordinate the round.

I'd like character background, but I'll have a team background for you guys. Here it is.

[sblock=A very short history of the air pirates]
One day, a bored scion of House Lyrandar got into trouble with his family. He was framed by jealous family members, and competely innocent. However, his family disinheirited him and decided to take away his airship. However, the scion was a capable merchant who had made many odd, but capable, friends on his travels. Gathering his friends for crew, he vanished with his airship, and he and his friends became...
For 5 years, these pirates became a menace to be feared across the world of Ebberon. They raided valuble cargoes, pulling off daring escapes and getting rich, only to spend it in the small Pirate Isles in the Sea of Xen'drik (uncharted except by pirate vessels). The best part? They never had to pay for a drink. It was a wonderful life.

Sadly, it was not to last. The corrupt and amoral trader Flanagan, another airship captain who the crew had a personal grudge against (he was not a kind person), became a bounty hunter. After a terrific battle in the skies of Xendrik, Flanagan collected his cash (100,000 gp) and turned them over to King Kaius. That's where we are now.[/sblock]

Voda Vosa

First Post
Background... ended up more extensive that I thought. I hope you understand half of it, you see I'm not a native English speaker, but I do my best.

Vasintze wasn't always the manipulative pirate he is today. Long time ago, he was a manipulative mercenary. But more far away in time, Vasintze was just like any other boy in a small grape farming village, near the forest most close to the estuaries of Scion Sounds. Although the rest of the kingdom had a nice temperate weather, his village was stormed by lighting storms, terrible winds and extreme temperatures.
Across the sea, Vasintze could see the paradisaic island of storm , where the house of Lyrandar changed the weather to their will.
In the windy shores, he played "pirates" whit his friends, representing the law, the righteous and the honorable.
Many things changed since that distant times, obscured by the mist of greed and power hunger. As the young Vasintze grew up, as any other normal child, he started to see what was the real life about. It was about money, about power, and about the struggle between them. As a smart young man, he manages to learn tricks, all kinds of tricks, that he used to steal, rob, fool and the like. That kind of skills quickly get him in troubles. After some years, the not soy young lad finished a "nice" job. Or so he thought: he was arrested by the local militia, and threw away in a prison. No one knows how did he escaped, all they saw was a big hole in the brick wall of the cell.
With nowhere to go, the errant Vasintze, was confused: How could he made such a hole in a well build brick wall? It felt like when he did the other tricks... but more intense... Would he be able to use such skill again? Is that was so... then his possibilities had just expanded greatly.
Following the trade routes, our novice warlock managed to get into a small city. Big enough to make a living as he knew, without great chances of getting caught.
So far, Vasintze was firstly a small boy whit skills in pickpocketing and after that, a minor thief. His next step was into the glory of a more honorable job, the mercenaries.
His skills controlling eldrich energy where remarkable, so he found work easily.
Days passed by... weeks... months... years... Vasintze developed a self trusting character, thinking great things of himself. No challenge was at his hight. Or that he thought: One day, a scion merchant of House Lyrandar came into town, looking for some quality muscle, for what he said was a not so easy task. Despite the poor muscular mass of Vasintze, he got the job, as no other mercenary was willing to fight for it. It proved to be just what Vasintze needed. Both the scion and the warlock ended up bitting the dust. Although the mission was a failure, Vasintze developed a durable friendship with this merchant.
Two years from that, and five years since today, the same merchant came to Vasintze again, now , with an airship, and a crew, talking of gold and treasures, battles and blood, victory and glory. Vasintze eyes sparked in enthusiasm with a deep purple color, as they did two years ago.


First Post
A couple of quick character creation questions:
First, how do you want us to figure out hit points? Roll them on Invisible Castle or take a set amount based on hit die?
Second, not to sound greedy, but is the 84 point buy before or after our level 4 ability point boost?


First Post
Whoa, what?! I didn't ask for a dragonwrought kobold...and I've never made an old mage in my life!

Youch. I feel the burn.

I was thinking a warforged artificer...or perhaps a kalashtar monk or...something.

Though I see there's an artificer proposal already. Hmm...lets see...perhaps a brick. Something big and...brickish. Or a druid with a dire bat companion! Might be possible, if you allow the natural bond feat...


First Post
Shayuri said:
Though I see there's an artificer proposal already. Hmm...lets see...perhaps a brick. Something big and...brickish. Or a druid with a dire bat companion! Might be possible, if you allow the natural bond feat...
Natural bond is aimed at rangers or multiclass druids. It specifically says your effective druid level can't be above your character level. Wild shape could be fun, however. ;)


First Post
Yes, but what about when your wildshape level is reduced for the purposes of animal companions? If I have a dire bat, my druid level is reduced by 4 for animal companion purposes.

Then I take Natural Bond, which raises it by three...but no more than my druid level. Well, down 4, up 3...I'm still a level behind my druid level, aren't I? :)

Anyway, I know some GM's that do it that way, some that don't. If not, no biggy. As you say, wildshape would still be quite handy. I'd need to know if it was the "original" wildshape, the "new" wildshape, or the shapeshifting variant wildshape though.

...being a druid is like ordering a hamburger these days. So many things to keep track of!

Voidrunner's Codex

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