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airwalkrr's Rise of the Runelords (OOC)

Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!
That's good to hear Shayuri. I agree with pretty much all you said. I plan to eschew random encounters in this campaign almost entirely. I don't want to diminish the hazards of overland wilderness travel however. From time to time, particularly if I feel you guys need to catch up in XP/wealth, I would be inclined to simply give a short narration of random encounters in the wilderness and basically give the PCs the xp and treasure for free, especially if the encounter wouldn't pose a threat to the group or expend any appreciable resources. If this offends anyone's sensibilities let me know. However, from time to time, I may highlight the danger by introducing an encounter which will tax your resources and be a genuine threat. These may not be story related but will serve the purpose of emphasizing the danger inherent in wilderness travel or a dangerous road, especially if the area is notorious for such a thing.

I can stomach that. One suggestion though!

In a narrated encounter, perhaps allow each of us to make one post that depicts our actions in the conflict, after you set the scene and inform us that we can essentially narrate our victory.

Gives us a bit more investment and a chance to show off, which is always fun now and then, while still keeping things fairly simple if not quite so much as you handling it all.

Both of these sound excellent to me. A great way to keep the feeling of danger in without wiling away days and weeks on encounters that don't do anything for the story!

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That sounds like a great idea, Shayuri. For such encounters (which will be uncommon as most of the story-based encounters in APs are enough to get you where you need to be in terms of xp/wealth), I will set the scene and allow those who wish to do so narrate their characters' actions.


The occasional narrated encounter with player input sounds good to me. I have certainly had combat derail games in the past when it drags on too long to no purpose.

I found an image today and when I uploaded it to OP I lost all the edits I had done. I should have saved first. Word to the wise. Anyway, I lost some ground I'll have to make up, but having made the choices once it shouldn't take as long second time around.


Sorry to hear that Scotley. As I said, I cannot vouch for the stability of those sheets as QA is community-based only, but they look pretty good once it's all said and done.


I don't blame the sheet or the site. Anybody who has used computers as long as I have should know to save often. Anyway, he's mostly done. I'm writing the fluff in word and will copy over. Crunch is done except for some minor equipment. Anyway, as I mentioned earlier I'm going for fun in the sun tropical storm watching tomorrow, so I'll be largely out of touch until Friday. I will try to check in.


First Post
Alright, I'm going to go with the stronger story, I think. A gnome fey sorceror would be a lot of fun...but I think my other concept has better ties to the setting, and stronger motivations. I'd always have to ask myself, 'why is my gnome really involved in this?' wheras with my human concept...it's very clear why that is.

Sheet is now officially under construction. :)

Question! Do we get one of the regional bonus feats discussed in the Player's Guide? Country Born, Lone Wolf, and the like...

UJgh...these sheets are kind of awful. I wrote a huge big background, and clicked Save, and it LOST it. I can't put it in the Character Bio for some reason... ARGH.
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I just added a wiki page for special items available for purchase in Sandpoint. Rolling up all those items randomly got me wondering. Is there a random item generator for Pathfinder anywhere on the web which anyone knows about? It would be helpful in speeding up the process when you guys visit other towns.


My Rogue is ready for review, but I can't figure out how to save a bio. I'm placing it here for now. I left it pretty vague since I didn't know how you plan to bring us together.

Vandalin or Van is of Chelaxian decent his ancestors having long since immigrated to the Varisian colonies. He has the dark hair and eyes as well as the sharp features of those folk. His father ran a mercantile concern while his mother was a Wizardess of minor skill at the Twilight Academy. His early years in Galduria were simple enough, the family was doing well and he had tutors to give him a good education, though young Van showed little interest in Magic or shopkeeping. When he was in his early teens the family moved to Magnimar as his mother was interested in study at the Stone of Seers. But those of Chelaxian decent where not so welcome in Magnimar and young Vandalin was forced to live by his wits and learn to defend himself. His father struggled to make his business a success in such a hostile realm and his mother was busy with her studies. Van spent more and more time on his own often getting into trouble. He was also fascinated by the many ancient monuments here. He learned to read the writings on them from his mother. But it was then that his mother died during a magical experiment here and Van and his father fled one step ahead of their creditors on a boat to Riddleport. At least here people cared little about who you were. Van’s father was more successful here, but Van found the streets even more challenging. He developed skills here and sought thrills among thieves and vagabonds, but never wholly gave himself over to crime. His parents had instilled in him a sense of what was right and good even if he failed to adopt the traditional Chelaxian faith in laws and rules. He did continue to dream of striking it rich. He also began to take an interest in what might lay beneath the monuments that dot the landscape. As he grew toward adulthood he left his father’s home and began to travel and seek his fortune. He survived doing odd jobs where ever a fellow who was handy with sword or bow might be needed and going from ruin to monument exploring and hoping to find some fabulous long buried treasure. Always seeking thrills and adventure Van has come to Sandpoint to explore the ancient ruined lighthouse here.

Van is a lean shape featured young man who moves with wiry grace. He favors well-made clothes and a quality chain shirt, but often covers them with a hooded cloak. He wears a pair of short swords and a bow. His pack is filled with items need to pursue his penchant for exploration, rope, tools, light sources and supplies. He is a pleasant well-spoken young man and is equally comfortable chatting with bar patrons or scholars.

Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!
The character pages on OP edit and save in their entirety. There's not a separate section save. Just edit whatever you need to in whichever section, then use the save button at the bottom.

It's the one right above the Update Image section.
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