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Al-Qadim: Land of Fate (5e conversion)


First Post
Just letting people know, I have updated the Warlock Genie-kind patron that I posted to the Database here on ENWorld. The updated version can be found here: http://connorscampaigns.wikidot.com/5e-warlock

As stated earlier, it works with all pacts and is a simpler translation of the sha'ir than literal translations from previous editions. [MENTION=20323]Quickleaf[/MENTION] was going to have a look. Anyway, just thought I would mention for those interested in this.

Great work so far guys. :)

Quick question on your version:

In the Pact of the Chain section for level 6 when it comes to getting spells you state:

"-You gain advantage if the spell to be acquired has effects relating to the element you currently have Elemental Resistance on.
-No modifiers for spells relating to the other 3 elements or if they are on the Sorcerer, Warlock or Wizard Spell Lists."

But at 6th level you also start to gain resistance to 2 elements. I presume that this would mean you have advantage on getting spells from two different elements, and no modifier for the other 2? Or do you mean that one element has to be designated the "primary" element for the purposes of getting spells?

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Great work.

One thing I was wondering - are there any PC races that were detailed in the original setting that were unique to Al-Qadim?
Though not expressly PC races, the Yikaria, or yak men, and yuan-ti are present. According to Wikipedia, the City of Delights supplement offers goblins, hobgoblins, kobolds, lizard men, ogres, half-ogres, and orcs as playable races. Though genasi weren't around when Al-Qadim was published (at least not by name), they'd fit right in.

It's important to note that while prejudice towards race isn't typically a thing in Zakhara (or at least not as much as in other areas of Aber-Toril), your background, social status, and profession is.

Dark Sun Gnome

First Post
Though not expressly PC races, the Yikaria, or yak men, and yuan-ti are present. According to Wikipedia, the City of Delights supplement offers goblins, hobgoblins, kobolds, lizard men, ogres, half-ogres, and orcs as playable races. Though genasi weren't around when Al-Qadim was published (at least not by name), they'd fit right in.

It's important to note that while prejudice towards race isn't typically a thing in Zakhara (or at least not as much as in other areas of Aber-Toril), your background, social status, and profession is.

Thanks! It mentioned Zakhara in the Elemental Evil guidebook, plus Calimshan. I was thinking of brewing up a Zakharan Half Ogre.


Quick question on your version:

In the Pact of the Chain section for level 6 when it comes to getting spells you state:

"-You gain advantage if the spell to be acquired has effects relating to the element you currently have Elemental Resistance on.
-No modifiers for spells relating to the other 3 elements or if they are on the Sorcerer, Warlock or Wizard Spell Lists."

But at 6th level you also start to gain resistance to 2 elements. I presume that this would mean you have advantage on getting spells from two different elements, and no modifier for the other 2? Or do you mean that one element has to be designated the "primary" element for the purposes of getting spells?

It would apply to any Element you have resistance for. Thanks for that; I will reword it to read as such. (And yes, at 10th level, it would apply to ALL elemental spells). EDIT: Changed. :)

On another note:
I know 5E does not have a distinction for 'elemental' spells, which to me, is a shame, but it really should not require a list. It should be an easy call what is or is not an 'elemental' spell. If you have a group that is a stickler for rules, then you might need to make that list, or this might not be for you ;)
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Devil of Chance
Hey all!

This seems like a pretty cool project. I do have a question about the Sha'ir though. In the post with the subclass, you mention jann, but I cannot find statistics for them for 5e. Is this an oversight, or has monster stats not been started on yet?

I ask because I am doing a conversion of the Sha'ir as a class of its own, closer to the original than yours (including a toned down version of the gen searching for spells, but have no clue about how to stat out a jann. I have done conversions of gen, but they were simple to do; put them on par with other familiar options.


First Post
Hello there!

Thank you all for the compliments! And thank you for the supportand previous work, [MENTION=20323]Quickleaf[/MENTION]! I finally could read all the flavor that you and others were developing to AQ during the project to update it to D&D 4e. The ideas there were great, and I would like to include some of those in the main plotline that I was developing, trying to consolidate a “timeline” that could bring Zakhara to D&D 5e in a compatible way with the rest of the "current" D&D 5e Realms. However, the spirit here (in my opinion) would be to maintain most of the feeling of the materials, books and boxes developed previously.

I am very excited and happy due the the new D&D 5e SRD and the DMs Guild opportunities. Since we should be able to create and distribute material developed to Forgotten Realms using the D&D 5e ruleset (and considering that Al Qadim could be considered and extension of FR Intellectual´s Property – to be confirmed by Wizards), I would like to move forward with these ideas.

Here follows a quick description of important topics for update:

1 - A Treaty of Zakharan religion
I was making some research for equivalent real world religions and beliefs to use them in Zakhara (with all due respect for existing ones, surely), and I believed that we could use some analogous concepts for the old Persian religions that could exist previously to the Path of Enlightenment and the revelation of the Loregiver.

Such religion could be loosely based upon Zoroastrism, with the concept of a single good deity served by their good angelic servants (a benevolent deity like Ahura Mazda, Mithra or similar god), with its evil counterpart (Angra Mainyu, Ahriman) and its hosts of ancient fiends. These servant entities could be the celestial Ahuras and fiendish Shaitans. They could represent the LG/LE duality in the Zakharan cosmology. This religion was spread by an enigmatic hermit and sage simply named the “Ancient”, and later historians called him the First Prophet, and his teachings became the Manichaeistic Faith.

With the revelation of wise woman that was named the Loregiver (or Second Prophet) and the development of the modern Zakharan religion (including its specific interpretations of the Caliphate and the Pantheistic League), this ancient religion was mainly forgotten in Zakhara as a whole. However, with the resurgence of Ahriman/Shaitan (the Adversary) and the release of the tiefling from their infernal prison (like the ideas discussed in the other forum previously), the Manichaeistic Faith was renewed in some portions of the Land of Fate, especially in the Haunted Lands.

[we could also consider here an increase/apprearance in the number of aasimar in Zakhara, with the coming of the Ahuras to battle the Shaitans from Ahriman].

Some could even argue that Ahriman could bring some resemblance with an aspect of the faerunian archdevil Asmodeus, and that his goodhood due to the Spellplague caused the ascension of Ahriman in Zakhara.

More recently, the schism of the faiths caused by the Path of the Enlightenment of the Caliphate and the Holy Emirates of the Pantheon (basically due to the Caliph´s acceptance of the Manichaeistic Faith and the intolerance of the Pantheon´s Council of Sheiks of this “unholy” religion).

Other religion options could consider the strange belief of the Hakimas and some of the Al-Badia, that follow the teachings of the Three Wise Goddesses (Manah, Allat and al-Zhura), representing a different aspect and interpretation of Fate by the nomad people of the desert.

Lastly, the Elemental Gods (and their Princes of Elemental Evil counterparts) could also have several cults scattered in the land.

The main purpose to include these religions would be to provide to players a lot of different cultural and game options, providing a multicultural and polytheistic middle eastern fantasy setting, with Arabian, Persian and other local influences.

2 - Spellplague / The Great Unbinding
I considered that the Great Unbinding of the seals of Jafar-al-Samal could be a great counterpart of the Spellplague, resulting in the release of the genies and the breaking of the sha´irs influence over them. So, instead of binding them to their service like the sha´irs of old, they currently establish new “pacts” with genies, reflecting their ruleset and transforming them from “wizards” to “warlocks” in the game.

The Unbinding could also result in the “awakening” of the genasi and their increase of population in the Land of Fate. They would be a new playable race.

The genies, like their cousins Memnon and Calim in northern Calimshan, began to create domains from themselves in some places of Zakhara, representing a shift of power and the threat of the end of the sovereignty of humans over the Land of Fate.

3 - Political situation
In very brief terms, we could have the following situation in Zakhara:

Caliphate: This is the remaining of the former Empire of the Path of Enlightenment, fractured due to several setbacks and occurrences. It is still the most influent nation in Zakhara, and from its capital Huzuz the Grand Caliph still is one of the most powerful man in the world. However, the Caliphate is facing probably its most dire challenges, with revolts erupting everywhere, like the policital Mamluk’s Revolt due to the formation of the Tuigan Sultanate or the new domains claimed by the genie rulers in the Material Plane, or the religious crisis due to the coming of Ahriman and his shaitans horde, and the division of faiths caused by the Sheiks that declared the independence of the cities-states that form today the Holy Emirates of the Pantheon.
To make things more delicate, the Grand Caliph also need to chose one of his three sons to succeed him, and this choice may represent the beginning of a new age for the Caliphate, or the announcement of war with neighboring nations.

Holy Emirates of the Pantheon: this new kingdom was formed due to the decision of the ruling Sheiks that govern its city-states to formally break tie with the Caliphate , due to theological and (some would say mainly political and financial) divergences. The Holy Emirates represent today one of the most ascendant powers in Zakhara, and its narrow view of the recent changes in the world attracted most of the refugees to its protection.

[For the ideas below I am using the original texts from [MENTION=20323]Quickleaf[/MENTION] - please confirm if you agree with those!]

Tuigan Sultanate: 50 years ago, the Cities of the North were invaded by the Tuigan khan Kaland Pyar, whose nephew had been abducted during a raid by Zakharan soldiers for boy mamluks. Khan Kaland sought to create a clan-society which would purify the decadent ways of the city – to the Khan, the best way to defend his people’s steppe was to conquer their enemies. When he invaded the “Free Cities” he met fierce opposition, but skillfully timed his attacks during in-fighting. After just three years he conquered the 4 northernmost cities of Zakhara (Utaqa, Hafayah, Qadid and Muluk), before the Grand Caliph recognized a Tuigan Sultanate. Harsh punishments for thievery, cowardice, and lying were implemented, all youth were required to learn Tuigan, horsemanship, an elaborate code of honor, and spend 2 years living as a nomad border-guard. However, great leeway was given to the independent character of the city-states. Any mamluk fleeing to the Sultanate would be freed from service.
The last of the cities to fall to Khan Kaland Pyar was proud Muluk, whose people suffered under an endless winter siege. Wishing to spare further suffering, the Khan met with Muluk’s King and, impressed by his character, allowed the kings of Muluk to rule on as vassals of the Tuigan.

The Mamluk Rebellion: Several mamluk generals disagreed with the Grand Caliph’s acknowledging the Khan’s proposed sultanate, and with the indentured servitude of their children, and increasingly this cadre of mamluks became more independent of the Grand Caliph, pursuing their own agendas. It is not uncommon for orders from Huzuz to be “delayed” or “misinterpreted”. Some believe the Qudran emir even has pretensions for the Enlightened Throne.

Finally, we could use the Dark Omens concept from my previous post to include them gradually in the setting, considering that they occured and were revealed to the Grand Caliph (or its descendants) over the last hundred years.

I shall bring more ideas soon. I would like to hear your thoughts and opinions here.

Let´s create our version for Al-Qadim for D&D 5e! We could consolidate these ideas in a shared dropbox folder, what do you think? :cool:
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Shared Dropbox folder would be amazing. I am currently working on an Adventurers' Guide for my players since we're starting up again (stylized like SCAG). I will post the slideshow I made for them here too.

*Edit* Here's the Power Point Presentation and I apologize for the wonky formatting:

https://www.dropbox.com/s/7smq471q7hjpi3o/Zakhara Intro Powerpoint.pptx?dl=0

*Edit 2* and since many adventures begin in and around Muluk, City of Kings, I made a little info sheet for my players a few months ago. Link here:

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Elder Thing
I just got the confirmation from D&D AMA's at Reddit:

Al-Qadim, Maztica and Kara-Tur is considered part of the DM Guild, which means that we could produce D&D 5e for Dungeon Masters Guild content!
The problem with this is, while it allows us to publish Al-Qadim material, it means we need to treat Al-Qadim as though it is part of the Forgotten Realms. Which it always has been, nominally, but it never ever fit well there.

Zakhara has a completely different set of gods than FR, and its relationship with gods is also completely different. Zakharan gods have never been statted out (except in a Hackmaster supplement), and do not walk the world shacking up with mortals. Let alone being (as having game stats would imply) high-end monsters to be hunted and killed.

Zakhara lacks a great number of traditional D&D monsters, and has a number of new/unique ones - the vast majority of which do not (yet) exist in 5e. The lack is probably the smallest issue, since we can make those up.

But the cultural approach is also radically different, and seeing Al-Qadim described as "Arabian" or "Middle Eastern" makes me cringe. The GURPS supplement does that, not Al-Qadim.

Al-Qadim is not a generic "Arabian" culture (of which the Realms has like 4 already anyway); it is specifically drawn from The Arabian Nights, which is a rather fantastically (ha!) different animal.

Al-Qadim was blissfully free of metaplot silliness, and treating it as a part of the Realms means having to interpret the Realms' metaplot silliness into the setting.

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First Post
Al-Qadim was blissfully free of metaplot silliness, and treating it as a part of the Realms means having to interpret the Realms' metaplot silliness into the setting.


I don't really see why that's true at all. Just focus on the Al-Qadim that you know and ignore the rest of the FR which might officially be on the same planet as Zahkara but doesn't really seem to have much of an effect on it. Just write your adventures and supplements as if it's NOT in the Realms. You'll be fine.

The DM's Guild pretty clearly allows for a lot of leeway in what you write and make. I'm pretty sure I've read several times in which folks from WotC have said that if you write an adventure generic enough to be placed in the Realms, even if it doesn't explicitly actually reference the Realms in any way (as long as it doesn't reference OTHER WotC properties) its fine. The fact that they're explicitly saying Zakhara, Maztika, and Kara-Tur are considered part of the Realms seems pretty clearly to me to just be a way for them to say "sure, go nuts with those."

I genuinely don't think there's anything you need to worry about here. If someone else wants to make something in Zakhara that more explicitly places it in the Realms that's fine, but if you want to make your own stuff that _doesn't_ and just focuses on Al-Qadim without any acknowledgment of any of the rest of the Realms, that's cool too. You can write that. I would in fact encourage you to do just that!

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