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D&D 5E Al-Qadim Moving Through the Flame


[SECTION]Arching his brow, Ajan bin Najon al-Yaqud glances toward the city gates, expecting men-at-arms from the city to approach. Instead he makes out a sextet of travelers in rough desert garb approaching with packs and animals, pursued by an irate lanky merchant complaining that if they've been lying about serving the Sheikh he'll report them to the guards. "Your men? An interesting choice," he chortles as the nomads of House Bakr with him chuckle at the spectacle.

"Why my most trusted outrider, Burhan beni Bakr, brought the message to the Sheikh," he says with a puzzled expression at the question. "He delivered the message to a woman, one of the Sheikh's trusted confidantes, I was told. Burhan is out scouting for watering holes near the mountain, for sulfur has tainted two of our oases. It is a strange thing."[/SECTION]

The six travelers and the lanky merchant draw near...

[SECTION]A rough-faced man accustomed to doing dirty work in the shadow of dunes, Nimar al-Solak casts a skeptical eye over Ajan before giving what passes for a bow to Akilah. Ajan returns the skeptical stare. "So generous of you to bring breakfast, oh Vizier," he says slyly to Akilah, indicating the gift of sheep's milk and walnut-dates in her hands, "my men are quite parched." It's clear that three of the men are recovering from hang-overs, the aroma of palm wine so strong they seem to have brought a distillery with them. Gesturing to his left, the leader introduces his siblings, "My younger brother Derafsh, who you already know." Derafsh nods his head quietly, having fallen into a subservient role since the meeting at Rawun's Well. "And my younger sister Fereshte al-Baksheeshi." The tall woman to his right, Fereshte, merely watches you with haunting beady eyes from behind her veil.[/SECTION]

[SECTION]"Now just one minute–" Upon beholding the Vizier Akilah's image, and that of the Sheikh's trusted servant Husam, the lanky merchant's voice catches in his lungs. Looking from Nimar, who gives the merchant a smug I told you so nod, the merchant clears his throat. "Blessed is this day, I greet the morning with your visage, Oh Vizier! For the Loregiver said that 'Truth knocks in the dawning of each new day...'" The merchant trails off, not remembering the rest of the verse.

"Imad al-Mashallah, purveyor of fine goods for the discerning caravaneer, at your service," he bows with a flourish, tugging at the reins of his ornery camel laden with all manner of trinkets. "I have supplied these..." Imad glances to Nimar and puzzles for the right adjective, "...distinguished servants of yours with sundry supplies totaling in value 675 dinari (gp). Does the generous and upright Vizier wish to close their account now, or perhaps I could interest you in my wares? At a discount for the noble house of Sheikh Ali, of course." He glances up from his exaggerated bow with a shrewd-eyed grin.[/SECTION]

GM: Husam hadn't heard of any such requests being made [MENTION=20005]Matthan[/MENTION] – it would absolutely be something he'd have heard about if the Sheikh held an audience concerning sending out a war party or lending soldiers to House Bakr.
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First Post
Amina focused immediately on Fereshte. Of the people joining their company, she struck Amina as the most dangerous. Derafsh wouldn't start trouble, though he would follow his brother's lead if it started. Nimar could have a double-cross or trick planned, but he fancied himself in control. If he was a threat, it was a comparatively distant one.

Their sister though... Amina knew the look she had in her eyes. She'd seen it staring back at her in still pools of water. If these cursed wanderers were pack hunters, she would be one of the ones who slunk around behind while her brothers kept watchers occupied.

When Fereshte glanced Amina's way, she made no effort to hide her vigilance. Let the hyena woman know that there would always be at least one set of eyes on her, whatever antics might be going on elsewhere.


Dusty Dragon
A few moments earlier

Lal glanced at the spellbook's margins - he was no expert in arcane matters and normally wouldn't have made the attempt, but after last night's strange vision... Perhaps they would be writing from his homeland? Or maybe something he happened to have seen in his travels here?

arcana check on spellbook margin: 1D20-1 = [18]-1 = 17

OOC: Lal's Arcana is pretty poor (although that's a respectable roll), but is this writing from the Purple Land?

Back in the present

Lal nodded to Ajan. "It is indeed a strange thing" he replied, keeping his voice as neutral as possible.

Lal's nose wrinkled at the approach of the 6 rough-looking travelers. Palm wine was a product that had a very short shelf life, that fermented very quickly. Afternoon palm wine was sweet and pleasant. Palm wine drunk late at night... stronger and sour. To be drinking it in quantity in the evening showed a certain... desperation. And yet they had ordered over a 100 dinars of supplies each? Either that merchant or the travelers - or likely both - were taking advantage of the Sheikh's generosity.

Who were these travelers? Were they.... ah yes, they must be. This was going to be an ... interesting... trip.

Lal turned to the merchant approaching.

religion roll to complete the religious saying: 1D20+3 = [15]+3 = 18

"... and wisdom comes with the moon" Lal adds firmly, almost sternly... followed by a beatific smile.


GM: Just going to point out this post from the interrogation of Derafsh where he mentions the spellbook holding a map concealed by illusion that leads to the wicked ex-Sultan's treasure cache. Since it's been a while (and several of the current players weren't here for that part), it might be worthwhile having some of the players who were present giving a recap - either just glossing over it and trusting other players to read older post, or describing in your own words.

[MENTION=23]Ancalagon[/MENTION] Way to finish the quote ;) As for the Arcana check...I have a policy as DM that non-proficient skill users will never do better than skilled users when it comes to attempting the same task. So, since [MENTION=6803188]VLAD the Destroyer[/MENTION] Salahuddin - who is proficient in Arcana - examined the spellbook already, using what I interpreted as a passive Arcana score of 15, I'm treating that as the upper boundary for Lal's check in this case. So no new information to glean from it. The writing is not from the Purple Lands; it's definitely Midani (i.e. Zakharan in origin).


"Woman confidante, the Dulcet? Could it be..." she dismisses the thought. There is too much on the path ahead to focus on what's behind her. " Cousin, would you be able to point out the oasis that have been tainted? I feel there is a grand scheme at play here. Could be nothing, could be everything..." she says trailing off at the sight of Nimar and his... family. Akilah hands the sheep's milk and walnut dates directly to Nimars men, ensuring that they eat their fill and that none are left for Nimar.
As the merchant stumbles over his words the Akilah holds her hand up to silence the man as he tries to offer her his wares. "Do tell merchant, what does 675 dinari in wares from your shop look like exactly." she says.


[SECTION]As Nimar’s men make rough jokes, shifty eyes surveying the nomads, they enjoy the sheep’s milk and dates. Each wears a keffiyeh (head scarf) much like Nimar and his siblings, perhaps to cover a hidden second mouth uttering silent curses. Ajan bin Najon al-Yaqud frowns at the uncouth vagabonds, though keeps his doubts to himself. ”Yes, I can show you which oases have been tainted by minerals. Hakim Oasis, and Murr Oasis to the south by the Realm of Bleeding Trees. Have you a map? I can mark them for you…” He inquires of Akilah and her companions. ”We know this desert like our own livers, and so have little need for maps. My map is the sand, my compass the wind and stars.”[/SECTION]

[SECTION]The merchant Imad al-Mashallah puffs up his chest upon hearing Akilah’s request. ”Why, as I was just telling your…esteemed servant…” He gestures to Nimar al-Solak with a begrudging look, ”the house of Mashallah keeps meticulous receipts of all transactions. Let me see…”

Opening a small ledger, the merchant begins to recite with an air of self-importance…

”Armaments to include 5 short bows, one longbow, 6 quivers of 20 arrows, 5 throwing daggers, and a daraq shield. Totaling 205 dinari (gp).

“Mounts and animals to include one pack camel of the one-humped species, a military kharj (camel saddle), bit, bridle, and saddlebags. And one messenger pigeon. Totaling 160 dinari (gp).

“Provisions to include 15 bottles of palm wine, and 5 pounds of coffee beans. Totaling 20 dinari (gp).

“Tools to include a set of cartographer’s supplies, a coffee brewing kit, a set of navigator’s tools, and a climber’s kit. Totaling 90 dinari (gp).

“Other assorted gear to include 6 explorer’s packs, 6 fine keffiyehs, 2 vials of sulfuric acid, a magnifying glass, and a steel mirror. Totaling 238 dinari (gp).

“For a sum of 713 dinari (gp), which I have, in great gratitude for Sheikh Ali and his most pious and generous of viziers, discounted to the round sum of 675 dinari (gp.)”

When the merchant finishes his accounting, Nimar al-Solak clears his throat.[/SECTION]

Salahuddin watches as their guides approach. Seeing Fereshte he reaches out to Easifa.

That is the one you followed. Looks like she has returned from wherever she went last night. Perhaps it is a good idea that you keep an eye on her. Maybe you can determine what she might have planned.

His Gen vanishes leaving behind a wisp of cloud which disperses in the morning breeze. He looks to Ajan at the mention of the sulfur tainted oases. This might be the work of the efreet and their plans for Qaybar.


Akilah pulls out a small that she had already wrote up. She wrote in the merchants name and dinari amount owed to him and then sealed it with her signet. "I trust you know where to take this." she says, handing him the sealed document.

Turning to the others she says, "If there is nothing else needed here we best be off."


[SECTION]As the merchant kow-tows and accepts the writ from Akilah, bowing again and again as he promises to give the worthy vizier the selection of his finest goods on her next caravan, Akilah's cousin entrusts the reins of the camels he has brought to the rest of your party. "Thirteen camels with strong backs, sturdy legs. They should serve you well, and know their way back to Tajar. You can thank my uncle Sheikh Ali for that. Even our camels are growing soft from the sweetness of city life," Ajan winks to the rest of his dozen men who chuckle as they prepare to travel. "There is only one matter, cousin," he says politely, taking the reins of his own camel, "where are we headed?"[/SECTION]


Harun leads his horse along with the rest, Ahzeem perched on his shoulder. He mounted the horse with the practiced ease of one who'd lived much of his life in the saddle, as Harun had done.

"Go fly around, little one," he said to his hawk. Ahzeem took flight, gears whirring and clicking as it soared through the air.

When the men came with the camels, Harun mostly ignored them. He was looking out at the desert, the place he had spent so much of his life. He felt drawn to it, as if his home was calling him.

Voidrunner's Codex

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