D&D 5E Al-Qadim Moving Through the Flame


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Amina caught the signal and, perhaps frustratingly for the only fellow left, reduced her bidding even more, outbidding him by a small amount each time now. When he glared at her, she let slip just a hint of a smile.

There were many ways to outbid, after all. By coin, or by the even more precious coin of time. I can do this all night, that ghostly smile said, can you?

As if to punctuate just how unconcerned she was with the pace of bidding, she took out the scrap of paper and looked it over. After a moment she looked away...then looked back at it. With a satisfied nod, she tore it into tiny, tiny pieces, one strip at a time. As if simply passing time.

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The tall beady-eyed man frowns seeing Amina's idle smile, as if this were just a bit of sport for her. Begrudgingly, he raises his finger again as the price creeps to 500 dinars (gp).

[SECTION]Alarmed by Akilah's move to depart, Jina makes a conciliatory motion of her hand over her chest. "Of course, vizier, I must have misunderstood. For such auspicious gifts from the Sheikh himself, the spellbook would make a lovely gift. It's only..." She casts a sidelong glance at the tall man locked in a bidding war with Amina. "I don't have any way to dissuade Fahad al-Zakir's man that won't have terrible fallout for my business. Of course, there's nothing stopping your entourage from convincing him to drop from the bidding. Once he has withdrawn from bidding, then the book is yours. Surely that is agreeable?" Her voice wavers, realizing that it's not an ideal offer, but being as far as she can extend herself, and hoping that this way her secret stays safe.[/SECTION]


Akilah sits back down and crosses her legs." I guess we will just have to wait and see how this all plays out. In the meantime, what makes Jina the Bold so cautious about matters involving a man such as Fahad al-Zakir?"

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Salahuddin raised an eyebrow as the two viziers picked up on the importance of the spellbook. They were perceptive he would need to be careful around these two. He watched as the two worked different angles to acquire the book. He was impressed by their abilities. Jina's men dissuade all the bidders but one. Salahuddin watches as the hand maiden slows the bidding down to give her mistress time to make the deal. He smiles as Akilah artfully makes her play and gets Jina to give the book for dock access. When she looks to the final bidder and hesitates Salahuddin understands. She can not move to block the man for fear of his master. He nods at her request to help and moves around the auction to get closer to the man. As he does he pulls a small rod from a pouch and begins to speak softly to himself. He completes the spell and then whispers in Midani.

"The book is a fake. Go to your master and tell him this."

[sblock=Action]Moving to within 30 feet of the man and casting Suggestion (DC=19 Will Save)[/sblock]


GM: Bidder's DC 19 Wisdom save vs. suggestion _: 1D20+2 = [2]+2 = 4 fails

Also [MENTION=6803188]VLAD the Destroyer[/MENTION], let's have you make a DC 12 Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check to avoid your spellcasting being noticed by other bidders.

As Amina draws out the bidding, the tall beady-eyed man glowers at her, doing his level best to avoid losing his nerve. Fingers stroke his bushy black beard pensively as he raises the bet, but his squint as the book shows Salahuddin that his magic is taking hold. Already the man doubts. In any other situation, he might make a handsome drinking companion. At last he rises with a frustrated expression, lowering the betting stick he'd been raising to the announcer's confusion. Folding his robes, he bows congenially to Amina as he departs, seeming to hold no ill will toward her now that he has stopped betting. "A well played bet. Truly, you deserve what you have won, sayyida (miss)."

[SECTION]Jina watches the proceedings closely alongside Akilah. "As you know, Fahad al-Zakir is a preeminent merchant of Tajar, perhaps the wealthiest man besides the Sheikh. If it's imported into Tajar, chances are one of Fahad's agents has had a hand in it. With a few exceptions," she smiles wryly and cautiously at the vizier. "Fahad is a bit of a shut-in, but that man is Khafaz ibn Dahz, chief administrator of Fahad's affairs. Keep an eye on him vizier, he's not to be trusted. Even less than me."

Just as the announcer is about to sell the spellbook to Amina, Jina gives him a quick hand signal, to which the announcer stutters over himself, before proclaiming that given the irregular nature of the bid, Jina the Bold has seen fit to offer the spellbook as a gift to the representatives of Sheikh Ali, may the sun and moon smile upon him. And so the spellbook is passed into Amina's hands amidst much murmuring, but no evidence, of foul play.
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Akilah once again stands and prepares to leave. "Jina, your hospitality is noteworthy. Perhaps you should visit the palace sometime. A taste of what someone of your station is used to." she leans in and lowers her voice as she says the last sentence. She looked to her newly made friends and long time family with a smile. "Shall we?"

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Amina takes the book back to where the viziers wait and offers it to Najiyah. Tucked into the pages of the prize, the corner of the writ just barely protrudes. Anyone who'd seen it pass to Amina might assume she still had it this way.

"A bold strategy," she commented quietly, eyes down. "Was obtaining this book our true purpose in coming here?"
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[SECTION]The ten-foot tall valet who'd introduced Salahuddin in the Sheikh's court remained outside the auction house so as not to draw undue attention to your party. Najiyah, however, seemed to have done a fine job of that on her own. Opening the doors to the auction house as you ready yourselves to leave, Sinjin bows slightly with a wry smile. "Sayid, Sayidda, Sayyida, Sayyida," he murmurs politely as each of you pass until Salahuddin passes through the arch of the double-door.

"Alrriah Yusamma, it would appear you gather thieves like honey left out gathers flies." He nods across the dockside streets to a group of shifty men in worn abas (robes), some the same as those who had been seated next to Amina before being ushered out.[/SECTION]

GM: Let me know where you all are headed next? If you're still interested in talking with the merchants Sheikh Ali mentioned, the remaining two are:

Suelasta the Magnificent - who maintains a monster menagerie
Hamsar the Swift - who runs funerary caravans, embalming, mourners, etc.

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