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AL VS LFR of 4th and why I'm so disappointed


That guy, who does that thing.
Pauper, yeah, I get the desire to just ignore the person, but it's so much more effective when you don't announce it. Hehe. That is just short of sticking your fingers in your ears and saying "nyah nyah, I can't hear you." I mean, I get it, but just for future reference, easier to just do it and not say it.

Your opinion has been noted. : )


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For instance, the SCAG officially suggests non-elf bladesingers
Thus suggestion is about human, dwarven, etc. bladesingers
but they've ruled the more restrictive elf only route, so it just means that my Halfling bladesinger
Half-elf bladesinger is part of the standard restriction, so you're free to create one
Ah, good point. I'd not considered that,
Of course it didn't really make sense with how inhuman the 4e genasi looked anyway. Would have better fit if they kept the pre-4e look where a fire genasi might indistinguishable from a normal human beside his heair being a shade more red and a little more wild than that of normal ginger humans. With the 4e monstrosities with crystal growing out of their heads it's not very believable
It was a while ago now (2009?), but I hooked up with a bunch of folks who decided to level up our LFR characters for the first year of LFR paragon modules at GenCon. Starting in February, we literally played LFR every weekend from February through June in order to get our characters from about 5th level up to the paragon tier in time for GenCon.

The next year, we found out that a different group of players in our area went from level 3 to nearly paragon tier in two weekends using the first MyRealms packet, churning through one every half-hour. They then finished off with a series of hand-picked H3 mods to make up for what they considered inadequate gearing from the original MyRealms, and voila!
well, one could have saved time by writing three dozen 30 min MyRe mods, but the level 11 characters created this way would not have any more items or gold beyond what any other level 11 character would have. Since the max XP/gold were fixed and you were required to take the min XP/gold (also fixed) there was no way to play more MyRe than normal adventures in a given tier.

And if minimzing RL time spend on the mods is the only goal, you and your DM could also just handwave all RP in the normal mods and just roll the combats and skill challenges and get nearly the same result (except that you'd get story awards on top you don't get with MyRe)
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There's a phrase I'd like both of you to say to each other. "Your opinion has been noted."

Those of you advocating the mixture of SCAG and EE sources: Trust me, I think they understand your points. Unless you think you can restate it differently, I'm pretty sure you communicated your point, but I don't think there will be a change at the moment to resolve it the way you want it.

Sometimes we gotta deal with the limitations that are presented to us. For instance, the SCAG officially suggests non-elf bladesingers but they've ruled the more restrictive elf only route, so it just means that my Halfling bladesinger idea joins my death cleric and aarakokra characters firmly in the home game region. So, I'd say your genasi EK with greenflame blade would be a welcome addition to that party of characters.

I'm sorry, but I don't roll over and show my belly. We are a community and sometimes the loudest squeak gets the grease. Others have joined this thread and expressed their displeasure on the ruling concerting EE Companion and SCAG, and as long as I can't have my Genasi EK with GreenFlame Blade or Booming Blade (Because it makes sense flavor wise and isn't broke). I'm going to rear my ugly head every once in a while and scream "When are you going to see the light"! I know they understand my argument, but the more support I get the more likely things are to change. 2-3 years for a revisit to the rule it just too long. I want more inclusion with exclusive content and more care taken when restricting content. I believe those to be two aspects of AL that can be changed by the Admin Team, and I also believe that those changes are sorely needed. At the very least, they can champion the cause to Wizards.

I began this thread by expressing how my experience with this edition with organized play was lessoned compared to last edition because of those two specific aspects of AL. I was NOT trying to say LFR was great and awesome and AL sucks.

Also, I don't tolerate someone being an ass to my face, and I won't tolerate it in a forum either so "Your opinion has been noted" doesn't work for me.


First Post
I'm sorry, but I don't roll over and show my belly.

I think Hoshisabi was trying to be polite everyone involved, as opposed to saying something like, "Okay, you've all said your piece, now shut the hell up and move on to the next subject." This thread has been filled with such vitriol this past week or so, I'm legitimately surprised it hasn't been locked yet, as -- among other sins -- it's still continuing to stir up more acid as people are hitting random posts along the 14-page excursion and responding to those, even if those are points no longer necessarily viable.

We should all move along at this point; revisit it down the road when new options or avenues have presented themselves. Everyone has stated their grievances, and rebuttals and/or explanations as to why things are not set up that way have been made. People are free to disagree with them if they wish, but continuing to repeat the same thing ad infinitum will not change things any faster. If a squeaky wheel continues to squeak, yes, it may get the grease. But if it continues at the same, unchanging pitch, it can instead become a constant droning in the background, and the brain eventually tunes it out as just more background noise. If the answers provided have not been to someone's preference, they should make a note, and move on until they have either new evidence/arguments to present, or the situation has changed such that new avenues are now open for discussion.

I think I need to agree with Steve_MND and it is likely I will just stop reading this thread given the level of vitriol, the signal to noise has lost any chance of finding something useful. If the admins had control of these forums, I would lock this thread.


First Post
Robert has moderator privileges Greg (he deleted a spoiler thread in this forum in the weekend leading up to the Season 4 reveal). I considered asking him to delete posts or lock this thread earlier in the week (esp. when they seemed to be escalating rather than de-escalating) but decided against it given how busy you all are in the lead up to Winter Fantasy.

I am kind of surprised you don't have moderator privileges though.

Just want to support aarduini position - just because I have accepted and understand the reasons given by Kalani and Co. does not mean I agree with the rule. It just means that it is what it is until they revisit the ruling. Nothing that has been argued here has convinced me that playing a Genasi or Goliath utilizing SCAG rulebook breaks the game. I believe I am entitled to voice my displeasure over such a ruling just as those with an opposing point of view are entitled to voice dissent to my viewpoint. exchanging differing viewpoints promotes understanding and compromise. We all love and appreciate playing D&D, we all enjoy aspects of organised play - remember that the person on the other side of an argument is arguing from a position of love of the game.


Half-elf bladesinger is part of the standard restriction, so you're free to create one

Yes, but my comment was talking about a Halfling. Like I said, I'm fine with it being available for home play only. All OP programs have some amount of restrictions on what you can play. In my home game, I made a warlock invocation that is the same as the False Life one, only instead it lets you cast Armor of Agathys. Because home play, and I wanted to, and so I did.

There's just some benefits to doing home play. I have a lot more control, and when I play with my friends, I can trust them to not ruin my game by taking advantage of things... or at least being understanding when we have to readjust if something goes wrong. (And we've been playing together for over 20 years, so ... I know I can trust them.) But, OP doesn't know any of us that well, so I understand that they can't trust us.

I'm sorry, but I don't roll over and show my belly. We are a community and sometimes the loudest squeak gets the grease

This isn't about showing your belly. Your opinion is well understood, I'm just saying that it's very unlikely that what we say or do here will change the direction of the AL with regards to this specific decision: it's unlikely SCAG and EE will be allowed together. We have an honest-to-goodness administrator, at least one RC, and I happen to be an LC myself (Detroit Area, though I'm not speaking officially, not that I really have any pull either). But, you got the word out, so that did happen.

I mean, I don't disagree with the basic opinion. In fact, I would *love* for genasi to become an "evergreen option." Just like they put svirvneblin in the SCAG, thus prolonging its legality... I'd like to see genasi get that same treatment.
I think that might be a different enough approach, that maybe we could suggest that. No guarantee, but it's a different approach to suggest what you want.

I don't think we can necessarily get the spells approved, because there's a lot of spells and I can imagine those would be a hassle to vet as far as balance issues... (And I've already been annoyed with some of the EE spells). But a race is probably a much easier target to justify. (and maybe include goliath in there, too, because I like those weirdos too.)

So, we can keep it all casual, next time I get a chance I might suggest "Might we see genasi and goliath become permanently permitted races?" Because, why not?
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I wholeheartedly agree with your viewpoint Hoshisabi - I am completly on board with the do not mix multiple core books resources - but the playable races - I see no issue with that.

Robert has moderator privileges Greg (he deleted a spoiler thread in this forum in the weekend leading up to the Season 4 reveal). I considered asking him to delete posts or lock this thread earlier in the week (esp. when they seemed to be escalating rather than de-escalating) but decided against it given how busy you all are in the lead up to Winter Fantasy.

I am kind of surprised you don't have moderator privileges though.

You are correct, though with him at WF, its unlikely for him to see it anytime soon.

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