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Alaric, Marten, Raven & Rid [Closed]


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Hello there enworlders. This thread is going to be the new home for out of character discussions for my PnP game.

Nick, Claire, Matt & Damien. Welcome! :cool:

Seeing as Neoteros is being a weekly pain this the the place for all musings, discussions and requests.

So to kick things off.

Damien you missed last night. so I'll fil you in.

The group left Whitehearth and travelled back to Darguun. There were vavrious gibbering evils that tried to eat you, but the speed of the land cart, plus everyone's general consensus to 'get the hell out of dodge' meant that none were engaged.

On teh way back Marten picked up his Niece's petrified body from brightbrook (thus ditching the cat) and you all continued on your way.

The next day in the fields of ruins the group was caught in a lighting storm & headed for the cover of a 1/2 destroyed building. Unfortunataly the building was the home of a Warforged patrol (8). Failin took 2 arrows to the chest, promptly threw the cart into reverse and backed in to the building. There spells flew, swords and bows struck, raven went invisible and SA'ed the WF caster. Alaric & Marten both went down and were revived by Failin and Rid. The group were victorious (only just) and after sitting out the lightning storm were on thier way - more booty with them (Rid now has a mundane spellshard - I'll give you the spells in it next session).

The group did however become quite sick. Rid & Alaric got the Shakes, while Marten came down with the Devil chills and Raven got a bad case ofblinding sickness (the the joys of the mournland). Rid, Alaric & Marten almost died, and eventually shook off the effects after Failen drove them out of the mists (5 days bed rest).

The profound madening effect of the Mounrland on you also took its toll, force of personality & wisdom suffered, eventually healing.

Lady Eladryn was most plaese that you returned the schema piece to her and you all escorted her to Sharn as 'bodyguards'- mainly getting drunk w the Kraken guad.

The group returned to Sharn, collected the Claws gold (only 1500go left) with some masterful Rid impersonation (done by Nick in your stead), checked out the new digs (Lady Eladryn gave you a property in Clifftop, Upper Dura) and have generally started to enjoy some downtime.

Thats where we left it. next session will be downtime at first - probably about 3-4 weeks of it. So you can scribe, create etc and research. Also there's an apartment that needs furnishing.

Oh and guys - as a group: You'r going to need a group name soon. Start to think of one as it'll probably come up in the next 2 sessions. Always be prepared.

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Alaric has no intention of playing house with Rid, not to mention Marten's eight-year-old niece (we should have kept the cat!) and has got his old room back at the tavern. He's going to spend the next few weeks recuperating, catching up with his old mates and showing the ladies his battle scars. And possibly killing some harvest mice for the few remaining XP required for level 5 - if he can find some that are e.g. asleep.

Do we have an IC thread too? I want to post some stuff about House Whatsitcalled, the Claw and so on and it'd be more fun to do it from the p.o.v. of Alaric.


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What no tea with the MDP changeling- surprise surprise

Okay Claire not a problem. Remember the place you were staying at is in Middle Menthis (roughly 1 hour away from Clifftop). You need to deduct your costs for staying there yourself (2gp/week). You can find yourself something similar that's a bit betten placed - say in another Upper Dura district - but as alwasy the choice is yours.

One other thing - that place ain't to safe or secure. I'd advise against keeping any loot ahtat you want to keep there.

Speaking of which a decent safe for the house might be in order - House Kundarak could do you a doosy.

As for drinking, catching up with mates sure whatever. Show the girls your new wounds etc.

As for killing harvest rats - stuff off your an adventurer. You don;t do rats, thats for the watch and other muppets... oh wait you were being sarcastic :heh:


As for an in character thread. Feel free to create one over in Playing the Game - just make sure you state at the top that it is for In character thoughts and provide a link to this thread.

spot ya.


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sorry woke up with a hang over, keyboard is all over the place (bloody French) and I thought I might wish you a merry Christmas.

Looks like I missed a good session; but again aren't they all?

It appears that I won't be able to make it the 29th again as I'm arriving way late in the night.

So Merry Chritmas to you all; Thanks for the summary Ben and good job everyone else on keeping me alive; even though I'm sure you didn't try too hard.

Take care and see you next year.


Hi guys...made it through Christmas day okay. Hope you all are okay and well fed.

I'm not going to be able to play until after the new year, so keep the post coming so we can sort out a day.



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Hello all and hope you had a good Christmas. Most of my haul this year was Warhammer-related (lots more Skaven, and some Tyranids for 40k too) but I have some wicked new dice to show off when I see you.

Ben, are you still on for the 30th? Come round about lunchtime, unless you have other plans in which case later on is fine. We're not doing anything much so we can fit around you, but let us know so that we can make sure we're in. Shame you can't make it Matt/Damien, but it's only another week till we play again anyway.

I would like to announce snow in central London, for anyone not in the immediate area to appreciate it.

In game, Alaric will move to a tavern a couple of streets away from the house and hopefully make some friends and contacts in the area. I am still having real trouble getting my head round Sharn's abstract geography - are we living half a mile in the air at this point? No need to worry about loot storage as he doesn't have much stuff and can easily carry it around with him. I'm guessing that by level 4 he looks tough enough to not have to worry about every common mugger, provided he doesn't go anywhere stupid or wander around drunk.

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