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Align this character.

I recently came across a character, and would like to get your opinions on his alignment. I'll list a few points on his morals and let the thread go on from there.

- He would never harm a child or defenseless person.
- He wants to save the world from a tyrannical and thoroughly evil organization.
- He'll give the shirt off his back to a stranger if that would help them.
- Staunchly loyal to his friends.
- Won't keep rewards from quests, preferring to give it back to the town or to another worthy cause.
- Uses torture as his primary questioning technique for prisoners.
- Has, on several occasions, beaten someone to death with their own limbs. (This was their punishment for a crime, most likely hurting children or the defenseless.)
- A fervent believer in eugenics, he has sterilized many useless or stupid people along his travels.
- Seduces women in every town he comes across, hoping to sire an army along the way (ala Ghengis Khan).

So, what's the verdict? I've heard every alignment offered up as an answer, so I'm eager to see what the bright minds of EN World have to say.


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First Post
theredrobedwizard said:
- He would never harm a child or defenseless person.
- Uses torture as his primary questioning technique for prisoners.

You don't typically torture somebody until they are defenseless. The alignment system doesn't handle doublethink especially well.


After reading that over and over for a few minutes, my assumption ends up being Lawful Neutral verging towards Lawful Good. We don't have enough infor to say definately but those traits for me seem predominantly good with a lawful bent. Its the torture and beating someone to death as a punishment, that tips me towards LN.


First Post
frankthedm said:
About LE, swinging toward LN

I'd say he is bumping into the Operative from Serenity in the afterlife.

hmm..I'm tempted to say LG. Were those tortured considered evil? How about the dismembered ones? And I can see a player making the argument that by sterilizing a few, you benefit the greater good..


First Post
DragonLancer said:
After reading that over and over for a few minutes, my assumption ends up being Lawful Neutral verging towards Lawful Good. We don't have enough infor to say definately but those traits for me seem predominantly good with a lawful bent. Its the torture and beating someone to death as a punishment, that tips me towards LN.

Not the infliction of extreme suffering on others as a primary information gathering tool?

Nevermind the fact that he attempts to ostracize and financially cripple a long string of women for his own personal goals.


First Post
DevoutlyApathetic said:
You don't typically torture somebody until they are defenseless. The alignment system doesn't handle doublethink especially well.
Most likly "defenseless person" was refering to non combatants, while those who were being tortured were combat capable before being rendered 'defenseless' for the intent of interagation.


DevoutlyApathetic said:
Not the infliction of extreme suffering on others as a primary information gathering tool?

I referenced that in my post. It was one reason why I shifted down to LN.

Nevermind the fact that he attempts to ostracize and financially cripple a long string of women for his own personal goals.

I don't see that as relevant to any alignment. Attempting to seduce and sleep with women is hardly a trait related to a specific alignment.


First Post
DragonLancer said:
I referenced that in my post. It was one reason why I shifted down to LN.

When your primary method of information gathering ruins other people's lives it's tough to say you're "Neutral".

I don't see that as relevant to any alignment. Attempting to seduce and sleep with women is hardly a trait related to a specific alignment.

This depends somewhat on the setting but a pregnant woman who isn't supported by a man can be completely ostracized from society and unable to support herself financial during the late term of the pregnancy.

Wanting the sexings isn't evil. Securing sex with the intention of impregnating people for your own ends without regards to what happens to them is. Ranks highly on the selfish meter.

While the character in question obviously cares little for material wealth and would not fall under the typical "Selfish" label he is extremely selfish in regards to his goals. Quite willing to harm others as it's the simplest route to his goals.


First Post
I was going with LE until the last item. Siring an army seems a pretty self-centred thing to do which would be NE, but all the other stuff points to LE.

Basically, this character doesn't conform to the D&D alignment system.

Maybe he has multiple personalities.

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