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All good things come to an end...

Hare's Foot
Minor Artifact

This appears as the long hind foot of a black hare attached to a thin silver chain. Its possessor gains a +10 luck bonus to all checks, as well as a +10 luck bonus to Armor Class. Three times per day the possessor may choose to roll a natural 20 on any check.
The one exception to this bonus is when one rolls a Search or Spot check to notice the foot being taken by some method, usually Sleight of Hand, or being Disarmed. In these circumstances no bonus is applied to the roll, and they take a -4 penalty in addition.

If one loses possession of the hare's foot they automatically lose all bonuses and in addition take a -10 penalty to all checks, as well as a -10 penalty to Armor Class. There is a cumulative 5% chance each day that one who has lost possession of the foot dies in a freak accident, anything from tripping and impaling themselves upon their own weapon to choking on their meal. The penalty does not apply to these rolls.

If one loses the foot, but later regains it, the conditions reverse, once again granting exceptional luck and dispersing the chance of dying. Loss of the foot yet again starts the chance of dying at the base 5%.

The only way to break this curse is to burn the foot within a Hallowed area.


Characters with ranks in Knowledge (arcane) can learn more about the artifact. When a character makes a skill check, the following lore is revealed, including information from lower DC's.

DC 20 - The hare's foot is said to be a cursed item that brings exceptional good luck to those that wield it and horrible bad luck if one loses it.

DC 25 - Those that lose the hare's foot always seem to die soon afterwards from a freak accident.

DC 30 - The hare's foot is said to have been created by a powerful hag in an unhallowed locale under a full moon on friday the 13th.

DC 35 - The curse of the hare's foot may only be broken by its burning in a Hallowed locale.

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White Whale

First Post
IMO, too powerful if you have it, and too devastating if you should lose it. Both options are bad. Reduce the numbers and it is fine, probably.


First Post
I think it rocks. You let somebody in the party have it, then take it away. They then spend time (with the help of their non-cursed friends) trying to steal it back so they can burn it.

Might be the most fun if the cursed character is a beloved NPC, or the cursed PC at least has a competent cohort. :)


First Post
when it changes possession, this information shows up on all the next divination checks in the area.
Thus, a lot of peopl know about it and will chase after it.

Good way to introduce the item to the campaign.

10 seems _way_ too much, though.


Sounds like there's an easy way out: give it to someone.

The bonuses and penalties are a little OTT - make them +/-2 or +/-4 - and I'd suggest that the 5% chance becomes something like 'suffer some mishap which does 10d6 (or whatever) damage.'

White Whale

First Post
The Vorpal Tribble said:
Well, it is a cursed artifact afterall.
Yes, I noticed it is an artifact, and while you may argue that artifacts should be powerful, I think that the item is so powerful that it will not be fun.

White Whale said:
Yes, I noticed it is an artifact, and while you may argue that artifacts should be powerful, I think that the item is so powerful that it will not be fun.
It's hardly more powerful than most other minor artifacts, not to even mention the major ones.

I mean, you can gain over 100,000 xp with a deck of many things, plus 1d4 wishes, etc etc.

It's meant to make you ridiculously lucky and then horribly unlucky. I don't know why you wouldn't have fun with that, but for an artifact I hardly think it is a big deal, especially as other items will kill you immediately instead of just eventually.

Voidrunner's Codex

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