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All-time favorite fictional characters


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Wow, how do I keep track of them all?

Lotr: Arwen: Married to Aragorn...Nuff said.
Buffy: Buffy
Batman: Catwoman: This is pretty sad. When I first read a Batman comic book involving Catwoman I actually cut my hair in order to look more like her. I should probably also mention that I was about eight years old at the time and was doing the haircut with a pair of regular scissors....the results were not pretty.
Spiderman: Spiderman
Van Helsing:.....the main chic....I'm completely drawing a blank on her name.
Potc: Jack Sparrow
X-Men: Rogue
Star Wars: Yoda: Come on, who wouldn't want to be Yoda?

Cowboy Bebop: Faye and Ed
Tenchi Muyo: Ryoko
Gundam Wing: Duo Maxwell
Wolf's Rain: Kiba
Armitage: Armitage
Princess Mononoke: A:):):):)aka
Trigun: Priest

Taming of the Shrew: Katharine
Sojourn: Sojourn

Video Games: Yes, I'm aware how stupid this category is.
BloodRayne: Rayne
DOA 3: Christie
Zelda: Link
Soul Calibur 2: Ivy
Halo: Master Chief

I'm sure that I'm forgetting a ton, but I figured that I'd taken up enough space already. :heh:

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Joshua Randall said:
I'd like to adventure alongside Sir Harry Flashman (various Flashman books)... although he'd probably sell me out to save his own skin.


Too true, but it would probably be worth the ride! ;)

I have seen several people post Trek figures as favourite characters, all of them captains, but I would like to submit one of the most complex and intriguing characters of the Trekverse:

Plain, simple Garak

Now if he isn't an amazing and multifaceted creation who constantly stand re-evaluation, no one is! ;)


Wombat said:
Plain, simple Garak

Now if he isn't an amazing and multifaceted creation who constantly stand re-evaluation, no one is! ;)

Garak's a legend! :)

Someone colected a few of his quotes (including some of my favourites) here...

I'm going to agree with the original poster and put Miles Vorkosigan at the top of my list.


Spike from Buffy.
Spike from Cowboy Bebop.
Dumbledore from Harry Potter.
Elric from Michael Moorcock's books.
Darth Vader.
Y.T. and Hiro Protagonist from Snow Crash.
Agent Dale Cooper from Twin Peaks.


Londo Mollari (B5)
Scorpius (Farscape)
Ezekiel Stone (Brimstone)
Garak (DSN)

Sparhawk (D. Eddings' Elenium series)
Ford Prefect (Adams' Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy)
Zaphod Beeblebrox (D. Adams' Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy)
Nathan Brazil (J.L. Chalker's Well of Souls series)
Throckmorton P. Ruddygore (J.L. Chalker's Dancing Gods series)
Harry Purvis (A.C. Clarke's Tales from the White Hart)
Captain America
Beta Ray Bill
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Abraxas said:
Lando Mollari (B5)
Garak (DSN)

I think you mean Londo. Otherwise you get Billy Dee Williams with a Centauri frill. Think about that for a moment.

Agreed on Garak, though - he'd make an excellent guest at a party to my mind, because anyone who knows him will be unwilling to look away from him, and he'll be witty, engaging, and subtle, thus managing the atmosphere of the entire room in a manner I heartily approve of. I could also see inviting Sisko and the Old Man along to that party. They're cool. Maybe Worf too - he's interesting.

Provided I could acquire (and bequest) invulnerability, I wouldn't mind Kain (from the Legacy of Kain game series) at that party. Very... interesting fellow. You'd share a laugh with him, and then feel really wrong.

And the first name that sprang to mind when I saw the thread was Miles Vorkosigan. Who doesn't like Miles?

There're others, of course, but it would take too long to meticulously catalogue them. So let's leave it at that for now.


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Jon Shannow and Druss the Axe, from David Gemmell's novels.

Jack Shaftoe, Neal Stephenson's Baroque Cycle.

The eponymously named protagonist from the Garrett Files.

Mat Cauthon and Min Farshaw, from the Wheel of Time.



First Post
The ones that come immediately to mind for me are:

Corwin (Chronicles of Amber): Just one of the coolest cats around. He's a great warrior, but down and dirty- he rightly sees fighting as violence, not competition (and he has one of the best lines in a book- actually many, but my favorite is when he faces down Borel, a Chaos warrior who wants to test his mettle against Corwin, but Corwin beats him by playing dirty. Borel- "Oh, basely done!" Corwin- "This isn't exactly the Olympic games.") He's also sneaky and plays his cards close to the chest- so much so that he is able to pull a fast one several times on people who know much more of the plot than he does. He's just... cool.

Gerald Tarrant: The most standout villain in any fiction that I can think of. Intelligent, powerful, scheming, and with a sense of honor and dignity that is so ingrained into his character that even centuries of murder and villainy cannot completely eradicate it. Like Darth Vader, but without the terrible "Anakin" phase of life. :)

John Daker: The "true" Eternal Warrior. My favorite of all of Moorcock's characters/incarnations. I love Elric, but Daker has always been more tangible to me. Ironically, I read a review of the Eternal Champion recently that, while not unfavorable, remarked that it was raw and unrefined being one of Moorcock's first pieces. Yet, to me, that book was more visceral and meaningful than any of his later works.

D'Artagnan: He's kind of like Corwin as far as the coolness factor goes. Watching him grow and develop over the course of the entire "Three Musketeers" trilogy (well, quintet if you count each of the three parts of the "Man in the Iron Mask" series)- watching that development really put a perspective on him that hasn't ever really been touched very well by any of the movies.

Richard Sharpe: What can I say about this guy? Once again, cool. I first fell in love with his character when I saw Sean Bean play him in the Sharpe movies (and, hell, Sean Bean is pretty darn cool himself). That prompted me to pick up the Sharpe books, and I've loved every one of them. A regular joe just trying to get by doing the only thing he knows how to do. His struggles against a class system that rewards nepotism and entitlement over accomplishment and merit is one that I think most people can relate to (I certainly can), and is as topical in the 21st century as it was in the 19th.

Aaron L

I'ld have to say:

Raistlin Majere
Elric of Melnibone`
Rand Al'Thor
Ryoko Hakubi

{edit} Jeez I CAN'T forget Paul Atriedes and Duncan Idaho
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