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Alternate Familiar for the Warlock

Arrond Hess

First Post
Warlocks & Familiars

With the presence of CA and the Acquire Familiar Feat, Warlocks have the option of acquiring a Familiar as a Wiz/Sorc, however it is the opinion of this gamer that such a familiar may not follow the same form as a traditional caster but have a flavor unique to his own abilities. I do agree with the requirement of needing a Feat for the Warlock. One of the thoughts I have had about it is considering the nature of the Warlock and his abilities. Primarily, according to the CA:
Complete Arcane said:
Warlocks are born, not made. Some are the decedents of people who trafficked with demon and devils long ago. Some seek out the dark powers as youths, driven by ambition or the desire for power, but a few blameless individuals are simply marked out by the supernatural forces as conduits and tools.
Complete Arcane said:
In fact, many warlocks are created by nonevil powers – wild or fey forces that can be every bit as dangerous as demons or devils.
With these things in mind, what I have envisioned is a familiar that is a part of the warlock as well as a conduit between himself and the Powers which have granted him his powers.

The Familiar:
For the most part the Warlock familiar operates the same as for a Wiz/Sorc with the following differences:

Familiar Basics:
Alignment: Same as the Warlock.

Statistics: A familiar retains its original statistics & increasing Int score (as per familiar progression) except it now has a Cha score of 10 + the Warlocks Cha modifier.
The increase in Cha rating I have based on the idea that the familiar is more of a refection/gestalt of the Warlock and his Patron personalities and thus shares many of their traits.

Familiar Ability Descriptions:

Master		Natural
Class		Armor	
[U]Level		Adj.		Int	Special				[/U]			
1-2		+1		6	Alertness, Improved evasion, Empathic Link
3-4		+2		7	Alter Self 
5-6		+3		8	Telepathic Link
7-8		+4		9	Speak, Polymorph
9-10		+5		10	Eldritch Conduit
11-12		+6		11	Spell resistance, Bonus Feat: Improved Familiar
13-14		+7		12	Eldritch Sight
15-16		+8		13	
17-18		+9		14	
19-20		+10		15

Alertness, Improved evasion & Empathic Link: as per PHB

Alter Self and Polymorph: The familiar is able to take the form of an Imp, Quasit, or Psudodragon, which is based on the patron of the Warlock. This form, once chosen, may not be changed. Treat these abilities as per their respective spells, with the following modifications: useable at will, with a 24 hour duration and requiring a move equivelent action on the part of the familiar.

Improved Familiar: The evolution of the Warlock's familiar is now complete, with the familiar permanently changing to the type of creature in question, retaining the alignment of the Warlock, its Int and Cha, and the ability to use its Polymorph ability to assume it's previous form.

Telepathic Link: The Warlock has a telepathic link with his familiar, up to a 1 mile distance. This link allows actual communication.

Speak: The familiar may verbally speak, in either of its two forms. It may also use any language the Warlock knows.

Eldritch Conduit: The Warlock may use his Invocations through his familiar, up to line of sight. The range of this ability increases to 1 mile at 13th level. The Invocations useable are limited to those that affect the Warlock only, through touch or have a telepathic component (such as Warlocks Call). When channeling an Invocation through his familiar, he is still subject to attacks of opportunity (if applicable).

Spell resistance: As per PHB

Eldritch Sight: The Warlock may make use of a special Invocation, allowing him to shift his visual perceptions to his familiar. While this ability may be used at will, like his other Invocations, the duration of this Invocation ends when he shifts his sight back to himself. In any given 24 hour period, the warlock may may not use this Invocation in excess of one hour.

Familiars and Death:
Familiars may not be dismissed. Should the familiar die, the Warlock must attempt a DC 15 Fortitude saving throw. Failure costs the Warlock 200xp/level; success reduces the loss to one half, the same as with a Wiz/Sorc. Should the Warlock be killed, the familiar suffers the same fate as his master, as his life is tied with his. A slain familiar may not be replaced for a year and a day. If the Warlock is later resurrected, he needs to only wait 1 month before he may summon a new familiar.

OK... How does all this look to ya guys & gals? Good, bad, indifferent? I look forward to your critiques. :heh:
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First Post
dude, i for one, do not play arcane spellcasters when given the choice (and usually i dont have the choice becausei am DMing). That said, i cant really comment on this, but i encourage other EN Worlders to. You seem to have a very cool idea going here, but my limited experience with Mage-types shows in this sorta discussion. sorry.

Let us hope that some other brave soul will critique this obviously well flavoured variation on a D&D staple.

Arrond Hess

First Post
Nyaricus said:
dude, i for one, do not play arcane spellcasters when given the choice (and usually i dont have the choice becausei am DMing). That said, i cant really comment on this, but i encourage other EN Worlders to. You seem to have a very cool idea going here, but my limited experience with Mage-types shows in this sorta discussion. sorry.

Let us hope that some other brave soul will critique this obviously well flavoured variation on a D&D staple.
Many thanks for your kind words Nyaricus. :) But, please, don't let your percieved lack of experience with arcane casters hold you back. From a DM's stand point, your imput would be greatly appreciated.


First Post
Arrond Hess said:
Many thanks for your kind words Nyaricus. :) But, please, don't let your percieved lack of experience with arcane casters hold you back. From a DM's stand point, your imput would be greatly appreciated.

thank you back for you kind words in return.

Honestly though, although i DO have a very good grasp of the game (IMHO), i couldnt say much for this. My group (with the exception of one) are all basically noobs at D&D, and thus they are only just gettign into the game. in fact, we had to stop a really good game because that got in the way > we started at 6th level, got to 8th, and they simply couldnt handle it (didnt get how their stuff added together, character classes were too similar for noobs [mostly fighter-types] and the only "healer" was a Druid NPC'd bye yours truely, cus one of the guys left the group).
Long story short, one of the guys (actually, one who was a noob) is now playing our first PC arcanist (a halfing necromancer :p, to be precise). So up untill now, i havent played mage types and i havent had to deal with a PC arcanist. So i'm stuck for this.

Truely sorry man, but as stated before, i hope someone will help you with this varient. perhaps making a new entry in the general area would help, but maybe the mods would think this to be too much of a house rule to be allowed in there. Sorry, i cant be much help for this, but best of luck!

Arrond Hess

First Post
Sigurd said:
Have you considerred the fiendish symbiants from Fiend Folio????
Could you elaborate a little bit?
One thing that I do see though, is that it would tend to preclude the fey based origin warlocks. Which is why I have the Psudodragon included with the forms the famliar could be.

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