An Alternate Rage . . .


. . . Or ways to make one. Using Ki Frenzy, Defensive Stance, and Barbarian Rage as a basis, I have designed a system in which a player, instead of taking the default Barbarian rage, constructs their own Rage-Like Ability

Step 1: Determine Enhancements
Start with a base of 3 Enhancement points. With one Enhancement point, you can get . . .
. . . A +2 bonus to Str, Dex, or Con
. . . A +2 bonus to Fort, Ref, or Will
. . . A +2 Dodge bonus to AC
. . . A +2 Competance bonus to Attack rolls
. . . A +2 Competance bonus to Damage rolls
. . . A +10' bonus to Speed
. . . +1/- DR
. . . 2 Temporary HP per level
. . . Temporary use of the Flurry of Blows ability
. . . A 1-step improvement to Uncanny Dodge
. . . A 1-step improvement to Evasion
. . . A +2 round durration (Durration is normally 3+con modifier rounds)

Step 2: Determine Mitigating Factors
Most rage-like abilities have at least 1 mitigating factor. For each Mitigating Factor you accept, you gain 1 extra Enhancement Point for your rage. Mitigating Factors include . . .
. . . A -2 Penalty to Fort, Ref, or Will
. . . A -2 Circumstance penalty to AC
. . . A -2 Circumstance penalty on all attack rolls
. . . Take 2d6 Subdual damage at the end of the rage
. . . Become fatigued for the rest of the encounter after the Rage ends
. . . Inability to move durring rage
. . . Inability to concentrate durring rage

Step 3: Determine Affects of Greater and Superior Rage
When a character gains Greater Rage, they get an extra 3 Enhancement Points to put into their rage. Alternatively, they may, instead of gaining an Enhancement Point, get rid of a former mitigating factor. When a character gains Superior Rage (This is No Longer Winded After Rage for Barbarians), they gain yet another Enhancement Point.

Step 4: Go Kick Major Ass
I think that this one is pretty much self-explanatory.

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First Post
Heres an idea step one pick for of these step two chose two of these (you can chose more then one to get more on step one). Then you can say they can stack.

Heres what this will be like.

Step one: A +2 bonus to Str, A +2 bonus to Dex, A +10' bonus to Speed, Temporary use of the Flurry of Blows ability.

Step two:Become fatigued for the rest of the encounter after the Rage ends, Inability to concentrate durring rage.

which come to be the Ki Frenzy like ability.


I think he's suggesting having the 3 different tables ...

for example: choose one from table A or 2 from B ... Choose one from table B or 2 from table C.

(like astral constructs in the PsiHb)


First Post
I have a problem with the 2 temp HP/level thing. It is almost always better than con. The damage done to temp HP goes away after the rage, the damage done to the HP because of Con, stays there and may drop or even kill the Barb. Also the only other benifit to con is better fort saves, which the barb already has.
Similar problem with the dodge bonus to AC.
Nix these or drop them to 1/level and it is okay.


First Post
Kinda what wolf sead but a little different.

Chuse 4 from list one. Bonuses.
Chuse 2 from list two. Drabackes.

You may lake more Drabacks for more bonuses on a one for one bases.

Sorry my spelling smells.


First Post
I'd be careful with the "take more drawbacks for more bonuses" part. For example, for a high-level Barbarian I could make:

+4 STR, 2 temp HP per level, +4 attack, +2 damage, +6 Dodge AC

Inability to concentrate, 4d6 Subdual, -4 Fort save, Fatigued after it wears off

It's just that certain penalties (like Fort save or inability to concentrate for a Barbarian) just aren't really much of a drawback, and I can keep stacking penalties on to get more bonuses. Let's say I take the "2d6 Subdual" penalty 10 times. Okay, I'm unconscious after the fight ends, but in the meantime I just added 20 to my STR and killed you. So, most of these abilities need a "take one time only" clause, except for the +STR/+DEX/+CON ones. Also, the +2 attack and +2 damage should probably only apply to melee attacks.

I like the idea of the A, B, and C tables, but not a progressive power like the psion constructs.
A: Attribute increases
B: Bonus abilities (Evasion, +10' speed, DR, Flurry of Blows, Uncanny Dodge, temporary HP)
C: Competence bonuses (+attack, +damage, Dodge AC)
D: Drawbacks
Only abilities in category A can be taken multiple times.
So, for the basic Rage you pick 2 things from A, 1 thing from B, 1 thing from C, and 2 from D.
For Greater Rage, you add 2 points to A and/or B; one of these points can be used to cancel a drawback instead.
For Superior Rage, add 2 more points to A, B, and/or C, and either point can be used to cancel a drawback instead.

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