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An Epic Problem: Legends Undone


You all know of the Legend ban, and have recently been told that your birthmarks, in addition to making strange things seem to happen around you all too frequently, will allow you to pass through the barrier and into the material plane. You also know that you're not the only ones with such marks, and that somehow these 7 beings that are currently terrorizing the material plane have somehow ALSO managed to break through the barrier. You are the only Marked who showed up to speak to the Committee about figuring out what's in there.

As you assemble in the main Committee room of the Observatory, you can hear outside the swarms trying to get through the barrier, fighting each other and the few who are trying to restore order.

"Lets make this quick" Says the Solar Lord, Makariel "there is much bloodshed going on out there and I would like to do something about it before it escalates to full out war. I had hoped more of the Marked would appear to help us, but we haven't the time to wait, and as I have heard, perhaps with SOME of them, the fact that they are not here is a good thing. We have searched our memories, our archives, everything, and could not find a single reference to this foretelling in which you are mentioned. However, there is a man on the Prime who would be able to help you. An ancient bard, the only mortal who was alive before the ban, and I hear he has been around longer than even the great Patriarch here."
The Solar gestures to the Great Prismatic Wyrm laying nearby, who nods and speaks.
"The Ancient One has been there for as long as dragons have memory. If any know of this Foretelling, it will be him. He has chosen to reside in peace on the Material plane for the same reason that the Ban was first instituted... He became sick of all the over-powered beings trying to carve a little hole for themselves." His deep rumbling voice reverberates around the gigantic room for a few seconds after he stops talking, and the third member, a Halfling that you all recognize steps forward.

"Hello again, old friends" Says the Demi-god of Adventurers "As you may have surmised by their relative silence and lack of a representative, the greater Gods have decided to stay out of this, though why they have not chosen to say. I believe it to be related to an old rumour about the ban, that it was both proposed AND opposed by various Gods, and that the ones who lost may be responsible for our current situation. Who they may be is, unfortunately unknown. I can say, however, that those breaking the ban are doing so with some degree of divine help, whether one of them has divine powers, or a God is backing them." He sighs and sits on the table. "As far as I can tell, what we need to do is get you guys in there, find the old man..." *He is cut off by a growl from the dragon* "Uh, I mean find the 'Ancient One', and get him to tell you... well, basically what to do. I can also tell you that you need to be quick about it. As you may guess, most of the more powerful adventurers on the Prime are worshippers, wether directly or through their actions, of myself, and I have been feeling a rather large drop in their activities and powers."

The dragon raises its head "Any questions, adventurers, or are you ready to enter the Prime?"

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"I have a question, my lord, if I may?"

The voice hung in the air like notes from a vast trumpet made from pure diamond. Loud and deep, perfectly clear and crisp. You could cut yourself on the enunciation. A head raised up above the others gathered on a long sinuous neck. Both were fluid and graceful, sparkling white silver like mithril. Not nearly as large as some of the other dragons, but gifted with the all important marks of prophecy. At his side stood an elven woman of surpassing beauty and an even more ethereal than usual aura. She was clad in a simple garment of white that looped over one shoulder and was belted at the waist with a golden rope. Under it though, mithril mail could be seen.

"This Ancient One. What manner of 'mortal' would live so long? If he is older than you, surely he cannot be mortal...the very definition of the term precludes it! Also, he surely possesses great power after such longevity. How has he avoided the ban?"


The great head nods at the younger (though still magnifecent in stature Silver) "That same question has been asked by all who know of him. Whatever power he possesses is like nothing else known to the universe. It is known that he is NOT a god, nor undead, and has no divine power. He is human throughout, perhaps even the first of their kind. We refer to him as mortal because that is how he refers to himself. He avoided the ban simply because he CAN'T leave. His power is imeasurable, though he took an oath many millenia before I was born, that his power would only be used for self defense and education. It has been said by some that his power comes from the world itself.. To know more, you would have to speak with him yourselves... a feat that only being alive today has.."

The Patriarch nods to the Halfling Demi-god, who shrugs and smiles.
"He's hard to find, and his methods and manerisms are... very peculiar, but I've no doubt he'll help... in his own way. He has no desire to see the Prime torn apart.


"If you're ready and there are no other questions, we can escort you all to the gate right now. I warn you, however, it is rather hectic out there." the Halfling smiles at you, motioning with his hands.


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The silver dragon bows his head, and the elf maid at his side gleams with white light as she floats up onto his back just over his shoulders at the base of his neck.

"We are ready," he says with all the finality of a slamming door. "Will we be able to contact any of you once we are there?"


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Mary walks over to the silver dragon and the elf.

"Getting to the portal is not exactly a hard task, but would expend far more energy than its worth. I don't suppose I could grab a ride?"


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The plated ridges over the dragon's eyes draw down a bit in a frown, but the elf smiles and slaps his neck reprovingly.

"Yes...yes, of course," the dragon rumbles, leaning down to give Mary better access.

The elf reaches a hand down to help Mary up behind her.

"Don't mind Athear," she says with a laugh in her voice. "He likes to seem old and grumpy, but he's really just a kitten."

"Rhodia," Athear protests, "I am not a 'kitten.'"

Rhoda smiles affectionately and leans forward to rub the dragon's immense shoulder. "I know...I'm sorry. A cat then. A magnificent hunting cat." She gives Mary a wink.


The Halfling sadly shakes his head. "Once you arrive, there will be no way to contact us, and only two points on the plane where you could leave it from. You'll arrive at one of those places."


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The eight foot tall archon, standing behind the others speaks, "Do we have any intelligence on these beings already there? If they are as powerful as we are, I would think they would be notable for their absence."

"Also, these marks. If there is a common link between us all, it may give a hint as to their origin, and it may be worthwhile to compare histories."

"I am Minathiel, Captain in the sevice of the Hebdomad. My primary responsibility is direct intervention in situations which concern the Heavens. When the situation is dire enough my unit and I are called upon."

Voidrunner's Codex

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