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An Example Character, Levels 1-30

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First Post
Rowsdower said:
I'd like to see a blaster type wizard if thats all right.

Since they are supposed to be the controller role, I'm wondering how far from that you can push the class and still retain the controllerness of the class.

thanks if you do, meh if you don't.

EDIT: referencing an earlier post of mine. Without this little PS it looks pretty bad from me.

I'm working up a cold power based wizard. It's pretty much a hybrid between controller and blaster.

Built as level 1 and level 11 so far.

Not quite finished, I have everything picked out, just need to add up all the numbers and fill in the blanks.

I have a busy afternoon today, so most likely I won't be able to finish and post it until much later tonight, however, to give a basic answer to your question- it's primarily blaster, but has enough variety in the dailies that it can be a sufficient control wizard, if necessary. Expanded Spellbook helps greatly with this.


Spider, Human Ranger

Spider, Human Ranger 1
"No, not Strider. Spider. If I had a penny for every...(fades into unintelligible mumbling)"
STR 13 +1	HP 24	bloodied 12
CON 12 +1	surge 7 per day 6
DEX 18 +4	AC 15	Fort 12, Refl 15, Will 13
INT 11 +0	Init +3	Move 6
WIS 14 +2
CHA 10 +0

Skills: Athletics +7, Endurance +6, Heal +7, Nature +7, Perception +7, Stealth +9

Feats: Defensive Mobility, Agile Hunter, Sure Climber

Race: Bonus At-Will Power, Bonus Feat, Bonus Skill, Human Defense Bonuses

Class: Martial Striker, Archer Fighting Style, Hunter's Quarry, Prime Shot.

Basic Attacks: :ranged: longbow: +6 hit, 1d10+5 dmg, range 20/40, :melee: longsword +3 hit, 1d8+2 dmg

At-will Attacks: :ranged: Careful Attack: +6 hit, 1d10 dmg, :ranged: Nimble Strike: +4 hit, 1d10+4 dmg, shift 1 square before or after attack, :ranged: Twin Strike: +4 hit (two attacks), 1d10 dmg

Encounter Powers: :melee:/:ranged: Evasive Strike: +1/+4 hit, 2d8+2/2d10+4 dmg can shift 3 squares before or after attack,

Daily Powers: :ranged: Split the Tree: +4 (roll twice, use higher for both targets), 2d10+4 dmg, target 2 creatures within 3 squares of each other

Equipment: longbow, longsword, leather armor, standard adventurers kit, 60 arrows, journeybread (10 days), 3gp

edit: Fixed saves, Nimble Strike damage, melee damage, stat bonus for dex. I'm too used to pcgen doing all my calculations for me. :)
edit2: Actually read the Feat chapter, switched Human Perserance to Sure Climber.
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First Post
I love the way paladin's can spend so much time jumping on grenades for the good of the rest of the party.

DM: The dragon attacks the cleric for...
Paladin: No, I'll interrupt and take the damage.

next round

DM: The dragon breathes fire on the cleric, for...
Paladin: No, I'll automatically take full damage, everyone else, you automatically take half at most.

next round

DM: The dragon finishes its attack, and moves next to the cleric...
Paladin: On my turn I'll switch places with her.
DM: See, this is why I don't like it when people game with their girlfriends.


First Post
jujutsunerd- If the only melee weapon you're using is a longsword, you can hold it two handed for a +1 damage bonus. Also, you have mistakes in your stat bonuses. You list an 18 dex, but only gave yourself credit for a +3 bonus. All your attack and damage numbers should be better.


First Post
Here's one a friend of mine made.

Human	Fighter/warlord	lvl 10

str	18	+4	HP	85
con	16	+3	AC	22
dex	10		Fort	25
int	10 		Reflex	20
wis	10		Will	21
cha	16	+3	Init	+9
			Speed	5

Base Attacks
+10 Halberd - 1d10 +7

At Will

:melee:cleave: +10atk (1d10 +7)
-adjacent enemy takes 4 damage

:melee:reaping strike: +10atk (1d10 +7)
-4 damage on a miss

:melee:sure strike: +12 atck (1d10+3)


:melee:Come and Get It: +10atk (1d10 +7)
-enemies in a burst 3 move next to you, you can attack each.

:melee:Lion’s Roar: +10atk (2d10 +7)
-you or an ally can use a healing surge

:melee:Surround Foe: +10atk (2d10 +7)
-an ally adjacent to the target can slide to another square adjacent to the target. can move through their squre.


:close:Thicket of Blades: +10atk (3d10 +7)
-attack each enemy in burst, slowed.

:close:Inspiring Word

:melee:Victorious Surge: +10atk (3d10 +7)
-regain HP as though used a healing surge


Defensive Training: +2 to F,R,W

Into the Fray: move 3 squares, must
end next to enemy.

Inspiring Reaction: when you or an ally next to you is hit, use healing surge

Human Perseverance
Potent Challenge
Power Attack(figured in)
Student of Battle
Novice Power
Acolyte Power
Adept Power
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First Post
More of a "Blaster" Mage. Note that he can deal 2d10 damage to himself per spell and add that damage to all targets, which is probably neccessary for him to be competitive with a striker. Still, some pretty
powerful stuff. Meteor Swarm is angry against most things when your foes lose 20 fire resist.

Also, most of his Range/Area spells are Range20, which is in sharp contrast to the Warlocks mostly Range10. Also some good Force spell options for dealing with insubstantial foes, who not only take full damage, but some extra as well.

Level 30 Tiefling Demigod Wizard Blood Mage

Str 10 +0 HP 155 bloodied 77
Con 12 +1 Surge 38 per day 7
Dex 22 +6 AC 43 Fort 34, Ref 44, Will 38
Int 30 +10
Wis 16 +3 Init +25 Move 7
Cha 14 +2

Skills: Arcana +30, History +30, Nature +30, Religion +30

Feats: Hellfire Blood, Astral Fire(+3), Fiery Rebuke, Evasion, Spell Focus, Resounding Thunder, Inescapeable Force, Devastating Critical, Psychic Lock, Irressistable Flame, Spell Accuracy, Great Fortitude, Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes, Fleet-Footed, Improved Initiative, Combat Anticipation, Toughness

Race: Fire Res20, Bloodhunt, Infernal Wrath

Class: Wand Mastery+6, Cantrips, Ritual Casting, Spellbook

Paragon: Blood Action, Bolstering Blood(1d10 or 2d10), Burning Blood

Epic: Divine Spark, Divine Recovery, Divine Miracle

At-Will Powers:
::ranged:: Magic Missle: +31vsRef, 4d4+16 Force Damage
::close:: Thunderwave: blast3 +31vsFort, 2d6+16 thunder damage, push 3

Encounter Powers:
::close:: Black Fire: blast5(foe): +32vsRef 6d6+19 Fire/Nec Damage
::ranged:: Chain Lightning: +31vsRef, 4d6+16 lightning damage, make two secondary attacks within 5 for 2d6+16, all other enemies within 20 for 1d6+16
::ranged:: Force Volley: 1,2 or 3 target. If 1, +4 hit. +31vsRef, 3d6+16 Force dmg and Daze.
::area:: (Paragon) Blood Pulse: burst 3(foe): +31vsWill, 2d6+16 damage, +1d6 for every move

Daily Powers:
::area:: Meteor Swarm: Burst 5 +32vsRef, 8d6+19 Fire Damage; Miss: Half
::area:: Elemental Maw: Burst 4 +31vsRef, 6d6+16 (choosetype) Damage, pull 2 towards origin. special: Any target at origin suffers 3d6+16 and is teleported 20; Miss: Half and no pull.
::ranged:: Disintegrate: +31vsRef, 5d10+16 and ongoing 10(se) then ongoing 5(se); Miss: 3d10+16 and ongoing 5 (se)
::area:: (Paragon) Destructive Salutation: burst 3(foe): +31vswill, 6d6+16 psychic, stun, ongoing 10; miss: Half, no ongoing, still stuns.

Utility Powers:
Mass Fly: Close burst 5, gain fly 8. Sustain minor (Standard, Daily)
Stoneskin: You or Ally gains resist 10 to all for encounter (Standard, Daily)
Blur: +2 all defenses, enemies 5+ cant see. (Minor, Daily)
(Paragon) Soul Burn: Spend a surge to regain an encounter power (Minor, Daily)
(Epic) Divine Regeneration: Regen+28 (Daily, minor)

Gear: +6 Wand, +6 Amulet, +6 Feycloth
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Voidrunner's Codex

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