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An increase in the rate of thread necromancy.


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Is it just me, or is the rate of thread necromancy increasing?

It seems that every new member takes it upon himself to raise at least one, maybe more, threads up from the grave.

And it's mostly threads which people don't care about.

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Theo R Cwithin

I cast "Baconstorm!"
I think a fair number of them are actually spambots, not real new users.
Other than that, I hadn't really noticed too much excessive thread necromancy.

El Mahdi

Muad'Dib of the Anauroch
Maybe Morrus has been skimping lately on Protection from Evil and Undeath to Death spells...but his Command Undead and Dispel Undead (banning) seems to be working just fine.;)


First Post
Well, when searching for 3.5 material/questions/answers on Google, this forum pops up a lot. I nerco'd one thread, but it was pertaining to a character I'm playing, so I do care. Besides, its always nice to get clarification from the friendly and informative people on these forums when your knowledge simply won't do.

This or start a new thread about the same topic.

New members usually come from google, wishing for an answer to a question, find it in an old thread, or 'almost' and they then ask for clarification. I don't think it's that horrible.


Since 3.5 is now a "closed system" (no new material being produced), and the number of topics that have been covered on the internet (here and elsewhere) only increases, the odds are extremely high that any topic one wishes to discuss has been covered somewhere... unless you are looking to build a giant orbiting laser platform on the moon.

That said, there has been material issued since some of these topics were last discussed and there certainly has been a lot more thinking on the topics done by the community in the intervening time.

I really have no problem with thread necromancy as long as there is some thought put into the new post (like please don't necro 3.0 threads when the matter was clarified in 3.5).


And it's mostly threads which people don't care about.

I would guess the necromancers care about them, and they are probably people or were at one time.

It seems that every new member takes it upon himself to raise at least one, maybe more, threads up from the grave.

I have enough HD that a few zombie threads don't scare me.


First Post
I look forward to the day when this thread rises from the grave. It would be very meta.

OOC: Goes off to put reminder into calendar three years from now.


First Post
Soon as I saw this thread I was going to post: "I'll wait a few months before replying here". Seems udalrich already had the same idea. Shame, that.

However, that just underscores Zarndelius' point, doesn't it? Every question you might have, some post has already answered. Every clever idea you can come up with, some post has already exploited. Isn't the internet a wonderful place?

On the other hand, we have a proposal for Monk Fix #bajillion; somebody's inquiring about Hellfire Warlock; another has a problem with social skill mechanics as related to actual roleplaying; confusion about spell slot, level etc. when metamagic is applied still abounds; and some guy wants to betray his friends (in-game, I sincerely hope). Seems the same topics always come up again and again and again and again.

So IMHO, there's really nothing wrong with a little necromancy. I like me a Zombie thread or two!

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