• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

An Item a day


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How would you acquire such a thing?

"See, now these bracers are pretty neat, you just put them on like this..."

<everyone within 40' of shopkeeper dies>

"I lose more customers this way..."

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Hanging in there. Better than the alternative.
dedicated said:
bracers of death

the wearer of these bracers is surronded by a continual circle of death that kills all creatures of 80 or fewer hit dice within a 40 ft radius

price 360,000
How'd you come up with this? And the pricing?


First Post
I think he was going for a continual emanation of the Epic spell Momento Mori, which is in the Epic Level Handbook. In which case, it'd be a much, much higher price. In fact, it ought to be a major artifact.


First Post
Momento Mori is also for 160 hd nastiness. He could use the straight slay seed, but then he's working with creating his own epic spell levels, and that gets all sorts of complicated.


Hanging in there. Better than the alternative.
dedicated, did you also factor in that epic items are always (normal cost x 10)?

If you could show the math, that'd be nice. ;)


The Golden Avenger

Long ago, all the lands of Ur-Peregavin sang the praises of the great paladin Bulwie of Calthanar and his dear companion Oromeyatijal, a golden dragon. Sadly, Bulwie was suduced to evil by the Dracolich of Ettinsmarsh and his promise of immortality. Grieved and angry, Oromeyatijal went forth in an attempt to either redeem his friend or to slay him. The dragon caught Bulwie alone on the Pass of Lorzen and of the terrible battle that ensued only the eagles in their eyries can tell us. In the end, Oromeyatijal was gravely wounded, and Bulwie, now utterly hate-twisted, used his old, now weakened, Holy Avenger to slay his former companion. But, in an unexpected turn of events, the soul of Oromeyatijal entered into the sword, making it a weapon even more powerful and holy. A great pain came upon Bulwie whenever he held the sword or even looked upon the blade. But in his pride Bulwie refused to throw away the weapon, and instead kept it locked in a secret chamber of his fortress along with the bones of the slain golden dragon. A century later, a planar champion defeated Bulwie and rescued the sword from the bowels of the fortess. What has happened to it since is debated by the few historians who research such things.

The Golden Avenger is a +2 cold iron longword which becomes a +5 holy cold iron longsword in the hands of a paladin. It provides spell resistance of 5 + the paladin's level to the wielder and to anyone adjacent to him. It also allows the use of greater dispel magic once per round at the level of the paladin.
However, no matter who wields the weapon, whenever the wielder recognizes the sight of a chromatic dragon, blackgaurd, or dracolich the spirit of the gold dragon awakens, filling the wielder with tremendous power and rage. He gains +4 to Strength and Constitutionm, a +2 to Will saves, and a -2 to AC (as a Barbarian rage). The sword itself takes on the attributes of a Dragon's Bane weapon (rising to a +4 weapon for non-paladins, but remaining at +5 for paladins, and dealing an extra 2d6 damage). The wielder attacks the evil creature at once, losing all concept of stealth or negotiation (a paladin gets a Will DC 22 saving throw to avoid this rage, but a non-paladin gets no saving throw).
Depending on the foe, there is also a small percent chance that the wielder will also sprout golden dragon wings and gain a one time breath weapon attack (fire, 30 ft cone, Ref DC 20):

Chromatic dragon........2%

The righteous rage does not end until the foe is either dead or out of sight. The wielder is fatigued at the end of the battle, as a barbarian would be.

Well, what do you think? Would this have a price to it?


First Post
You sure you don't want an ego score with that? Just wondering. Pricing, artifactual.

Slippers of Steele

These grubby looking silk slippers appear rather damaged and worn. However any creatur from tiny to huge size who attemts to put the slippers on finds them to be a perfect fit. Any creature wearing the slippers cannot be affected by caltrops or any similar item/spell.

Price, 20,000 sp



First Post

I sometimes like to have actual, physical props for magic items. It can be fun. It's especially fun at first, when you lay out an item on the table and tell them that "you find this". A player reaches for it and you say "So YOUR character picks it up?"

It's fun to watch them jerk their hands back, look at you nervously...

Anyhow. One simple one is a box of Pick up Sticks. They come in toy sections of stores, turn the lid inside out and it's just a small box. Inside (when they finally get the courage to pick them up) are sticks. The sticks have different markings on them> You can make up effects, or go with mine. In general the sticks have either red or blue markings on the ends. Sometimes with a yellow center, sometimes without. If you throw the stick, (make them actually throw the stick), look at what color is on the end. If it's blue, it streaks towards the target (medium range) and performs a cure (Different marking with more powerful effects).

This is a VERY useful source of healing, as anyone can use it, it auto-hits, and it's long range healing. The red end is the opposing Inflict spell.

The items cannot be identified. (They appear to be a minor artifact). There's one blue spiral stick in there. It casts Balefire. As long as it remains unused, new sticks appear in the box to replace old sticks (at a random rate determined entirely by how generous the GM feels) until the box is filled.

Balefire: It's a Wheel of Time (Robert Jordan) concept. Basically it simply completely removes the target from existance. They actually get destroyed several days back in time (causeing untold damage to the fabric of existance... feel free to undo random things previously done by that target) The target's soul is destroyed, and cannot be ressurected by any means. Auto-hit. No save, no SR. Yes, you could kill a God with this item.

Hey, I said it was an artifact. Did you think it was just simple heal/damage!

Of course, if your players know what it does, you completely can't use it. Or you could make up your own alternate power for what the blue spiral does. (you CAN warn them before they throw what they think is a powerful heal onto an ally... or you can just let it happen).

Voidrunner's Codex

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