An official religion?


Well, that was fun
Staff member
Look, since people keep bickering about religion no matter what we say, and since it is morally reprehensible to prevent the True Word being spread "freely and without hindrance" (as indicated in the 3rd Tome of the Red Sky), perhaps we should adopt an Official Religion for EN World.

Of course, we'd have to prohibit "impure thoughts", which, to my mind, includes thoughts of violence (fictional or not), false idols (I'm getting really fed up of people going on about Kord, Paladine and St. Cuthbert) and, naturally, reference to any other religion. Does not the 4th Crimson Arch specifically instruct us on these matters?

I mean, it makes sense. We're all moderators/admins by virtue of our Brotherhood in the Order, and I do feel that we are obligated to Convert the Unwashed as prescribed in the Scarlet Texts.

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Bard 7/Mod (ret) 10/Mgr 3
Ngk harrahnd ioveldt.

So mete it be.

Let's give it a few weeks, though. Let's see, two weeks would be enough, which would put it on ... April 1st. Perfect! They'll think it's all a joke. Until they can no longer resist.


The cloud of song buoys the faithful, and lets the unbeliever drop. (3tRS Chap 21) I say it's a plan.


Morrus said:
I mean, it makes sense. We're all moderators/admins by virtue of our Brotherhood in the Order, and I do feel that we are obligated to Convert the Unwashed as prescribed in the Scarlet Texts.

But waitaminit, doesn't it say in the Second Tome to treat with respect the "people of Mershon?" Gary G's a descendant of Mershon, and if you look at it, people who worship by the 1st Edition Texts are still "people of Mershon!"

Shouldn't we be tolerant of them?


Henry said:
Shouldn't we be tolerant of them?

Would you "tolerate" a dagger in your heart? Would you "tolerate" a swim in a pool of lava? Would you "tolerate" a plate full of steamed cauliflower? As far as I'm concerned, the best way to show "tolerance" of non-believers is to harass and mock them mercilessly until they knuckle under.


Piratecat said:
You know, if anyone ever figures out we're doing this, we're seriously screwed.

Don't forget, even though Eric thinks he still in charge, it's Russ' board... there's the Gloucester loophole under UK and EU law.

We wouldn't get away with it in the States, that's for sure.

But aside from that, are you willing to let Man's Law steer you from your sacred duty?

"Let no man strike fear in your heart, and let no temporal agency dissuade you from the one true path, for whatsoever suffering you bear in the High Holy One's name will be redeemed ten-fold on the Final Day."




EricNoah said:
Would you "tolerate" a dagger in your heart? Would you "tolerate" a swim in a pool of lava? Would you "tolerate" a plate full of steamed cauliflower? As far as I'm concerned, the best way to show "tolerance" of non-believers is to harass and mock them mercilessly until they knuckle under.

I'm sorry all -- forgive me. You're right, of course. So mete it be! :)


Gary Gygax
EricNoah said:
I say we begin by closing any thread that doesn't directly and clearly praise the High Holy One.


It is written that all should bow before that One!


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