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An Open Letter to Dragon and Dungeon Readers


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I do think that three quality adventures each month are enough to attract my subscription. But I don't go to Dungeon for the articles any more than I go to Dragon for the fiction. So, in the end it is something I can live with, even if I despise it. :D

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Another point from my perspective:

As someone who works for a company (RPGObjects) that has advertised in Dungeon in the past, I was wondering how much sense that made going forward. The magazine has just openly stated they don't want non-fantasy gamers in their sandbox anymore.

The decision isn't mine to be sure, but I certainly wouldn't advocate it at this point except for a fantasy product, which is a small minority of the RPGObjects product line.

Sunny point #2 in this same vein is that I no longer believe there *is* a place to advertise and reliably reach our core market.

Except the net.


WOW! I am so glad that the guys (and gals) at Paizo are making this change! It sounds wonderful that Dungeon is going to be the place for GM's that I think it logically should be. The idea that Dungeon is going to have all of the DM related stuff and that Dragon is going to have a lot more player content is terrific! Seeing Poly go is probably sad for many readers, but I enjoy this news. Perhaps, after Paizo launches Amazing Stories, finishes these new style changes for Dungeon and Dragon, and revamp their website, they could look into the possibility of doing another magazine, one devoted to OGL content, Poly' articles, and other genres of roleplaying. I know that this would make my wife angry, but I would then be a subscriber to five Paizo magazines and be very happy! :D


Good Job, Keith

I am excited about and support the pending cahnges at Dungeon and Dragon magazines this summer. I think the staff at Paizo have done a great job at keeping the magazines afloat and I appreciate their effort in doing so. I have liked all of the recent changes, tweaks and improvements of the last two years. While it is too bad about the end of Polyhedron, I trust that Paizo is keeping the interests of the magazines and the D&D community at heart. So, great job, Paizo. And, thanks.

Here's to many more years of Dungeon and Dragon magazines.

C. Baize

First Post
An open letter to Paizo.

Well, guys.
Thanks for several issues of Dungeon that were once again useful to me after a considerable amount of time that they were no longer useful.
An all too brief moment in which Dungeon/Polyhedron expanded its horizons into mini-games, and other D20 Modern material.
That having been said, I no longer see a reason to continue purchasing Dungeon Magazine. Without Polyhedron attached to it... well... it's just not worth the money to me.
Should Paizo decide at some future time to publish another magazine with Modern material, or to revive Polyhedron, I will once again become a patron.

I suppose with the money I save on the first magazine I don't purchase, I can grab a few beers, and my group can raise a glass to the demise of a valued friend ... Goodbye Polyhedron.


Keith F Strohm said:
Also, keep in mind that the computer game content in Dragon, which will stay about where it is now in terms of number of pages, will focus on D&D comouter games or games with some serious relevance to the D&D brand and RPG players.

Keith Strohm
Vice President
Paizo Publishing, LLC


I want to thank Paizo first for announcing the changes and you personally for answering questions and giving the heads up on the future. I am a subscriber to both (Dragon since #45, Dungeon since the beginning).

But two(+) questions on Dungeon are being conspicuously not answered and I have to "hold your feet to the fire" until I get answers.

1. The original reason for merging Polyhedron & Dungeon was because "neither magazine can survive on it's own." By removing Polyhedron, now Dungeon can survive? By what means?? What has changed???

2. You're removing the Polyhedron pages from Dungeon. What happens to the price point? You are quick to mention numerous times that the content in Dragon will not change. But it has been asked repeatedly about Dungeon - no answer. Am I paying the same price for less content?? I'm getting 3 adventures now, 3 after the change. But I've lost the Polyhedron pages!!

+. What is your support going to be on Star Wars? d20 Modern? d20 Future?? Those. are. settings. too.

I'm not worring about Dragon #324. It is what it always is since the beginning. Feats, Prc's, Monsters, Magic Items, Characters, Races, Settings, Min-Maxinging, (crunchy bits).......

The jury is out on Dungeon #114. And your answers.


First Post
Mixmaster said:

1. The original reason for merging Polyhedron & Dungeon was because "neither magazine can survive on it's own." By removing Polyhedron, now Dungeon can survive? By what means?? What has changed???

Yeah, I am kind of curious about this myself. Originally, the assertion was made it was Polyhedron that was propping up the sales for Dungeon. Then back in July 2003 an informal poll was conducted that demonstrated much stronger support for Dungeon than Polyhedron. Was this original assumption based on skewed data?
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I never bought a single Dungeon magazine when it was just adventures.

I've bought every issue since it added Polyhedron content.

I'm going back, it seems, to not buying it. I do not like adventures, Sam-I-Am. I can't fit them into my worlds and they do not suit my style of GMing.

I appreciate this is a minority opinion -- obviously, if more people felt this way, the minigames and other Polyhedron content would not have been cut back and then culled. I don't have a "right" to have Paizo lose money to make me happy, and I have not been "betrayed" or "ripped off". By the same token, though, I'm not going to spend my money on something I'm not going to use, read, or enjoy. I will continue to buy Dragon, as I have regularly since issue 36. (Which I still own.)

So it goes.

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