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Pathfinder 1E An open letter to Paizo

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Whizbang Dustyboots said:
If the problem is that kids might see a product, is the word "ADULT" going to solve it?

Now, if you wanted to put a curtain through the virtual store and put adult materials behind it -- although I suspect this doll will also show up in Spencer's in malls across the nation, with no curtain or the like -- maybe they could hide the page unless you're logged in and certify your age or something. That wouldn't stop a teenager from seeing it, but it would stop people from stumbling over it without at least telling Paizo they were of age.

And I would applaud and advocate something like this wholeheartedly.

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EricNoah said:
Well, I have an idea. Let's just assume there won't be a moderator around for a while. And let's then pick up the level of discussion so that we are not making personal attacks, jumping to conclusions, making false analogies, etc. Let's show the mods that we can take care of ourselves for a few days.


What are you doing here, EN? Don't you belong in Indiana right now?


First Post
Whizbang Dustyboots said:
Please STOP putting words in my mouth. I've already asked you this before.

Hey, this is a messageboard. You can't say something like this when your post stating this was posted while I was posting something else. It's just silly. "I already told you while you were talking!"

That's NOT the argument I'm making and demonizing me because I'm ASKING why draw the line HERE, not THERE, is as bad as anything you're claiming I'm doing.

I'm not demonizing anybody, and for the record you're personalizing something that I didn't even direct towards you, but was a reply to someone else. If you want to take up the banner when I post that folks are attacking the messenger, don't be surprised if I include you in that discussion.

In addition, none of your posts seem especially to be asking the OP for clarification, so not sure why you would think others would take them that way.


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Vocenoctum said:
I think the main issue is that those er "in favor" of the doll are more trying to undermine his opinion rather than state their own. Saying you don't mind the doll (I personally find it just plane dumb, but can't really boycott Paizo since I don't by anything from them anyway) is different than saying he's wrong for minding it.

Not quite, especially given the circumstances of D&D. D&D codifies as a game the same material that epic's have all been composed of, so it is quite a different animal. Granted, that's just an opinion, but it's not a debatable opinion.

No matter what you say, you will never persuade the original poster that triviliazing drug use is alright.

TO use a video game comparison, are shooting aliens in Halo and randomly stealing a car and killing someone in GTA the same thing?

I don't really thing he is WRONG for minding it. I just disagree with him. Of course I feel my opinion is more "right" as it is MY opinion.

No matter how you slice it D&D and most RPG's reward characters for killing and encourage the looting of corpses. No matter how you slice it that is not a "good" or "legal" thing in the real world.

I agree, you are right I probably won't get the OP to agree. But given that his wife has recently gone through the suicide of a student I think his nerves may be a little more raw on the subject than usual and he very well may be having an emotional "kneejerk" reaction because of that and his job. Given time to cool off and look at it again he may come around and he may not. You never know. Again, he started the thread though, and that invited myself and the rest to discuss our feelings on his post and the matter at hand.

I honestly have no problem with killing in any game. I am of sound enough mind to realize it is nothing more than a game and that this dumb toy is nothing more than a doll. Would I buy one for my 8 year old? no, I would not. I also don't let him play games with graphic violence either. But that is what parents are for, supervising their children. Once he is older he can play/buy whatever he wants though.


catsclaw227 said:
Now, this statement I can agree with. This product is pretty over-the-top for a game/hobby store.

I wonder if they keep track of the individual items that are placed in their storefront, or (like a previous poster mused) if some companies just get their stuff in by virtue of the fact that 90% of their catalog is gaming materials.

Sorry to continue the tangent, but I've an interesting point to make about adult/mature oriented products and who markets them.

Perhaps because some segments of gamer subculture not only buy anime, but also adult/pron materials, it is heavily marketed in our direction.

A prime example, for me at least, is that since I'm 18+ years (fine, 30+), my Science Fiction Book Club monthly has inserts/ads that are for adult/pron anime, as well as regular/non-pron anime.

Also, when I go into various local game stores, many of them have anime (risque and non-rsique), as well as adult comics in controlled areas.

For some it is an artistic and entertainment choice, for others, I'm sure, it is a play for the lonely/single gamer, or what not...but, we are a target market for said items, that much is blatant.


First Post
EricNoah said:
Well, I have an idea. Let's just assume there won't be a moderator around for a while. And let's then pick up the level of discussion so that we are not making personal attacks, jumping to conclusions, making false analogies, etc. Let's show the mods that we can take care of ourselves for a few days.

I can't imagine ALL the mods are away...

Don't you have some kind of ENWorld Masterkey? :)

Anyway, this is a silly topic so I'll leave it I guess.

If anything, it shoulda been a simple poll with no followup posts.

Lonely Tylenol

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jonathan swift said:
Some of us don't think it is okay. And that is why some of us play other RPGs than DnD. Don't make assumptions about your audience.
Don't make assumptions that the vast majority of people on "Morrus' D&D / d20 News & Reviews Site" play D&D? That seems like a pretty safe bet to me.


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crazypixie said:
Indeed. First hand experience, although I don't assume that it is typical of all kids, on two occassions I've seen parents put caffeinated soda into their 1 year old's bottle on a regular basis and then wonder why the child was out of control.

Wow, that is just crazy. We will, on OCCASION let our 8 year old have a small glass of pop. Maybe 1 a week. But luckily he still prefers milk, juice and water. So we don't have to say no all the time.


First Post
6pakofdwarves said:
Wow, that is just crazy. We will, on OCCASION let our 8 year old have a small glass of pop. Maybe 1 a week. But luckily he still prefers milk, juice and water. So we don't have to say no all the time.

Veering back toward topic, irresponsible parenting and marketing is really what is at issue here. Giving caffeine to a 1 year old is irresponsible parenting. Marketing caffeinated beverages, or tobacco products...or dolls that promote drug use to children, is irresponsible marketing.

Warning labels are responsible marketing that make responsible parenting easier.

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