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....and the DM just gaped


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This is one I did to myself. I was DMing a group attacking the grell tribe in Night Below. I had inflicted much damage on them with the spell-casting grell and they were involved in a pitched battle with the patriarch. After nailing thre group with yet another area damage spell, I looked down at the creatures stats and was forced to state, "Oh my god, he's out of spells! I guess you kill him." Lesson: make sure the BBEG has a enough firepower that he could at least in theory kill the party.

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Impeesa said:
So what if it's a hundred vials worth? How much is actually making contact? A vial of acid, for example, does 1d6, while bodily immersion only increases that to 10d6. This needless tragedy could have been prevented. ;)


Furthermore, each vial weighs about a pound, according to the guidelines (because holy water contains so much silver.) I hope the DM remembered to watch their encumberance if they were carrying hundreds of vials' worth.

Radferth, you should invest in a few staffs for your BBEGs. :p

We were playing an Epic-Level Forgotten Realms D&D game.

Our characters had been through quite a lot recently, mostly by being used as pawns by the Gods (it didn’t help that we had 3 priests and a paladin in the party). You could say we were getting rather inured to dealing with deities, their avatars and their Chosen.

The PCs had just finished that particular adventure, and after sobering up after some extended downtime (spent getting drunk), we decided to set off to wrap up some of the loose ends – one of which was a High Priest of Cyric who had actually been forwarding the cause of Bane while pretending to worship Cyric, and generally making our lives hell.

We had just started the game session about an hour before, and the DM no doubt expected us to go and wade through this BBEG’s stronghold and take him out.

The bard, rogue (myself), and the wizard decided we’d take care of it. Without blinking, we turned to the DM and said: “We Planeshift to Cyric’s realm and tell him what so-and-so has been up to in his name.”

After sitting silently and staring at us for a few minutes, the DM quite calmly gathered up his notes and called the game until next week.

For those of you who don’t know the Realms, Cyric is the God of icky-badness (see http://www.wizards.com/dnd/article.asp?x=fr/fx20010620d for info).

The game session after that one was quite interesting, by the way. :lol:


OK I think my group might have nearly drove our DM to kill himself this last session.

So the party is in Faerun and just south (across the Sea of Falling Stars) of the home city of the Night Masks. So we have drawn their attention by bodyguarding a dwarf armoursmith. Our Party is 5th level:
An Elvish Scout
A Human Warlock
A VoP Half-Orc Monk
A Human Paladin
A Human Sorcerer (bloodline of fire, and the only human)
A Human Cleric of Tempus
A Human Fighter (Undead Slayer archtype)

So They kill the dwarf, and the head of his clan, and they attack the Human Fighter with a death attack in his sleep, but he makes his fort save (but goes to -1 hps.) So our DM tells us to talk about what we want to do while he goes for a bathroom break.

My suggestion (the rest of the group thinks this is a great idea) is for all of us to take levels in Rogue next level (for the 8 skill points) and take max ranks in Perform (Dance.) I will take max ranks in Perform (Beat Box.) We go to (Westgate I think) the city with the Night Masks, and challange them to a Dance off (like You got served and the South Park Episode) we just walk up to the Center of town and announe that we are here to Challage the Night Masks. When they arrive, we just start dancing and making mouth music. We serve them so bad that they won't even be able to walk. And we all say "You got Served!"

I think he almost threw up. Now we are stuck becauce we have no "real" idea on how to deal with the situation, but man the look on his face was awesome.


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Navar said:
I think he almost threw up. Now we are stuck becauce we have no "real" idea on how to deal with the situation, but man the look on his face was awesome.

I don't get it. If I were the DM and the party wanted to go out in a ridiculous fashion, I would laugh and let them.

I've been stunned a few times as a DM.

There was the time a priest with a penchant for jewelry was trying to con some draconians as the diversion to the party's main attack. When the others got loud and he was in trouble he jerks off his necklace, throws it at the draconians, and dives for cover. I, naturally, have the draconians make a reflex save and dive for cover as well. When I ask the player what level bead of force he'd used he just smiled and said "what bead of force?"
The rest of the group had a good laugh at the look on my face but it gets better. when the draconians realized nothing happened and looked around the priest yells "BANG!" at the top of his lungs, rolls a nat 20 on his perform check, the draconians roll nothing higher than a 2 on their check, and they dive for cover again.

Then there was the time the fighter was swallowed by a Behir. I wait for him to try to use his armor spikes to rip a hole big enough to escape but instead he makes an Escape Artist check to reach the Rod of Security hanging on his belt. My eyes cross as I try to figure out if he'll take the Behir with him or not.

I think the best time I ever did it to a GM was in a WoD game where I was the only Mage in a mostly vampire group. 95% of the time I relied on skills and gear and only used magic for ESP despite being a powerful shaper (matter:4). We ran into a massive security door nearly three feet thick with a huge, complicated locking mechanism. I examined the door, checked my inventory, stuck a random tool in the only available opening, wiggled it, and declared the door unlocked.
The DM looked at me, asked to see my character sheet, looked at her notes, looked back at my character sheet and said "You don't have the tools to open the door. How do you think you've unlocked a bank vault?"
"Duh. Magic."
"..........Oh, yeah. You're a mage. I forget."


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Goddess FallenAngel said:
“We Planeshift to Cyric’s realm and tell him what so-and-so has been up to in his name.”


Rolling on the floor Laughing out Loud Falling Down The Stairs Into The Keller Stösst Sich The Schädel On The Fußboden bricht sich alle beine und der krankenwagen kommt net!

KaeYoss said:

Rolling on the floor Laughing out Loud Falling Down The Stairs Into The Keller Stösst Sich The Schädel On The Fußboden bricht sich alle beine und der krankenwagen kommt net!

Glad you liked it. :lol: We thought that the paladin's player was going to have a heartattack, he was laughing so hard. :cool:

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