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....and the DM just gaped


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We've had a few... all of the below were with the same DM (Ralts).

#1: Rifts, a few years ago. Our patron (who also happened to be a really powerful D-Bee) wnated us to go to the ruins of Dachau (specifically the old showers) and recover an item there. He was gathering artifacts steeped in evil and horror so that he could gain godhood.

So, we go to Dachau. Turns out there's a huge base set up in a valley there - several canals lined with mines, bots guarding the fences, the whole nine yards. I suggested: "hey, why don't we scout around the ridge, see what we can see?" So we go scouting the ridge, which is a good half-mile from the base - no one really pays attention to us.

And what do we find? The old showers. The base below was the NEW Dachau. We found the item quite easily and went home without a fight. Despite being a little miffed that we wouldn't be getting involved in a potential ass-beating, the DM was qutie proud of us and gave us a ton of XP.

#2: Modern. One of the players, Matt, turned out to be a Modern god - he is the only person I know who can out-think Ralts when it comes to Modern. He's playng a fast hero named Winter Jackson, who has a big black Ford F-150, tricked out. His Drive skill is maxed out, even though we're only something like 1st level.

The situation: We were working for the government (one of those small, covert agencies like Dep't 7). We got the call about some technozombies who were shooting up the town in Dallas (or it might have been Austin, I don't recall). The cops had been involved in a shootout with them for something like an hour and a half; the zombies were wearing body armor, and were zombies.

We happened to be in the area, so we all pile into Winter's truck (all four of us), armed to the teeth, and cruise down Main Street. We find the police blockade, drive through the gap, and race down the street toward the zombies. Ralts is expecting us to stop and open fire on them. Noooo... Matt accelerates. He whips the wheel around, slewing the truck sideways (natural 20 Drive check) and slams into all three zombies (natural 20s again - we all saw it). Wiped out the zombies in one fell swoop. Then he jams on the gas and drives down a side street. The whole encounter took, in real time, less than a minute.

Ralts looks at Matt, looks down at his notes, opens his mouth, then closes it, then looks back up at Matt and said, "I hate you." We all drove back to base, mission complete, and Ralts thought of something else for us to do.

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Kerrick said:
We happened to be in the area, so we all pile into Winter's truck (all four of us), armed to the teeth, and cruise down Main Street. We find the police blockade, drive through the gap, and race down the street toward the zombies. Ralts is expecting us to stop and open fire on them. Noooo... Matt accelerates. He whips the wheel around, slewing the truck sideways (natural 20 Drive check) and slams into all three zombies (natural 20s again - we all saw it). Wiped out the zombies in one fell swoop. Then he jams on the gas and drives down a side street. The whole encounter took, in real time, less than a minute.

I had this happen with a bunch of In Nomine players and a lot more zombies. A tether was being invaded. Rather than disembarking and fighting the zombies on foot, the driver opted to drive the car right in, wrecking it, but crushing a lot of zombies. It sped up the fight immensely.

I liked it so much, I ruled that after the dust cleared, the tether staff repaired the car for them.


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3.0 rules.
Party stumbles on a younger black dragon's territory in the middle of Phaerimm underground territory based on flight, where they were trying to get the McGuffin.
The dragon has a pretty sizable horde, but isn't sure he can take the party, so he just tries to scare them off.
The Psion, a shaper, once the party makes for the Dragon's horde and the dragon attacks, casts the psionic wall of force equivalent in the shape of a bubble around him, in midair.
I ask him how long the duration is, and he tells me it's gonna cost him 4000 experience to do it, but he'll make it permanent.
I was using psionics and magic affect each other w/ -10 to dispel checks. However, the dragon was only old enough to cast 2nd level spells -- no dispel magic was gonna get him out of there any time soon.
So, the party took his entire horde while they laughed at him, and simply left and got the McGuffin.
The dragon had to beg for release with message spells he sent to the Phaerimm, who then had the dragon at their mercy.

I gave the character 4000 extra experience that night. :)

Several years ago I ran a module out of Dungeon that had a coin-collecting, obsessive-compulsive, LN black dragon that extorted coins from travelers using ventriloquism and an huge mushroom he animated. The players decided they weren't going to pay the "Mushroom King" and launched an attack.

I really just intended to beat them into submission and take a few items (they had quiver of ehlonna stuffed with +1 swords and staves) but they decided this was the "boss fight" and were determined to fight to the bitter (and rapidly approaching) end.

The kender decided to take a meander into the dragons lair during the fight and was heard to exclaim "Ooooh, lookit all the pretty coins!"

The dragon was immediately enraged and hurled the paladin and the psion he'd been chewing on deep into the lair's coin pile, missing the kender by a hair.

"My oh my," the kender cried, "you messed up all your coins!"

The dragon begins having a hissy fit and corners the kender, abusing her in a most unkind fashion. The cleric (the same one with the beads of non-force) got a bright idea and created a djinni's whirlwind to mess up the coins while taunting the dragon.

The dragon sees red as tens of thousands of coins, sorted by denomination, nationality, quality, color, and metal content are gently lofted around the room. Years of effort are literally dust on the wind. Mind-numbing fury engulfs the dragon along with a total loss of logic and rationality. The dragon breathes a massive, nearly fatal gout of acid over the cleric (takes him to -2).

As the dragon stomps over and prepares to masticate the cleric the kender once again pipes up, though this time in a mournful voice. "Oh dear, oh dear. Your coins are melting. How so very sad."

My mind locks in total paralysis. I'd had the dragon attack in blind fury and managed to do infinitely more damage than the cleric had. So had the dragon sink into a catatonic state, blindly staring at the bubbling piles of copper and silver coins.

The players quietly grab a handful of items that were on the other side of the lair and head out. The kender does pause to pat the dragon on the tail as she goes. "Poor dragon. Poor, poor dragon."

Yeah, they got bonus XPs for that one.

kigmatzomat said:
"..........Oh, yeah. You're a mage. I forget."
azmodean said:
If you can get your storyteller to say this, you're playing Mage the way it's supposed to be played. :)

I was pretty proud of that. I was primarily keeping a low profile so I wouldn't outshadow the vamps who were the focus of the game. Most of the powers the vamps were aware of were the "ESP" type senses. I think the only time I used blatant magic was when I was surrounded by a dozen baddies. The paradox sucked when I turned their clothing to steel and silver but those vamps and 'wolves were in worse shape. I had plenty of time to decapitate them and undo the magic before the rest of the party showed. I was just cleaning my boots when the others walked in to a room of beheaded werewolves and rapidly decomposing vampire bodies.

It didn't stun the GM but it did startle the crap out of the other players!

Jürgen Hubert

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Well, there was the time when the PCs in my campaign took a totally unplanned trip into Menzoberranzan out of their own free will - and then were surprised when I asked for a time-out to come up with new plot ideas, since they thought I had planned all this...


moritheil said:
I don't get it. If I were the DM and the party wanted to go out in a ridiculous fashion, I would laugh and let them.

We wern't serious about it. We just wanted to see the look on his face.


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one of our first encounters in anew campaign. A village was being harrased by a bunch of goblins and a few orcs leading them...when they staged there next attack they had a bout 20-30 goblins they were harrassed and we killed a dozen , when they made it to the village (earlier we found the villagers had about 30 bows that they used for hunting and told them to wait for our command to fire) the villagers all shot there bows and just anihillated the goblins, the DM was expecting some big fight, and we just sat dumbfounded, wondering why the villagers just didnt shoot the stupid goblins the first time they came around.

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