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And the vampire nation looks like?


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Ok so in my campaign there is a realm known as "The Pale Lands" almost a millenia ago it was sealed off by an event known as the veiling. This was in response to a particular brutal uprising by an upstart vampire who tried to raise an army and assissinated the unofficial vampire leader. Rebellion was squashed by armies of good with help from the former leaders two sons. They(the brothers and their deceased Dad, hated being vamps) agree to be sealed off from the rest of the world. They are given a "Crop" of humans/demi-humans and set up in a land to the northeast.

The veiling is erected. You can pass inside the veiling but cannot pass back out. The empire often dumps criminals and millitary deserters here.

The pc's are going to experience the pale lands, be it the veiling comes down or they go through the veil. But I am at a loss for what it looks like. Other than the brothers are still in control. Help!

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Steeliest of the dragons

I had a big ole response and enworld fraggin' "timed out"!!!! DAMMIT!

Well, editing is the better part of valor, right? Or something like that.

So, short version:

I have a biiiig problem believing that the "good" army that defeated the big bad vamp lord and set up the Pale Lands gave the vampires a "crop of humans & demihumans"...to the ruling vamp sons who are conflicted about being vampires in the first place...huh?!:confused:

Women? Resulting children? How is this "crop" maintained? I would suspect the more savage of the vamps/those not loyal to the ruling sons would have eaten their way through their "food" reserves fairly quickly.

Terrain-wise, I would say it was a mountainous region with little arable lands. Some valleys that could sustain minor farming, but that's about it. Also a problem/difficult to keep the mortal population fed and alive...and that doesn't even scratch the surface of the fact that the humans/demihumans would almost universally REFUSE to mate to make more "food" for the vamps.

As for the terrain, you need to further define the Barrier/Veiling. Is there day and night in the Pale Lands? Or just a sort of perpetual night that brightens to no more than a twilight...so the vamps can exist on a "regular" schedule with the rest of the populace (if there is other populace left after the millienia)?

Depending on the answer, you'd have to consider how the vampires protect themselves in the "daylight" hours from their servants/slaves/"food".
I'd recommend an "Underworld" scenario where the vampires breed a class/caste of thrall/overlords/day time protectors. Not werewolves, per se (that'd be a liiiittle too hacky for my tastes) but some vicious-but-sentient creature that could maintain order in the daytime...if there is a daytime.

So...thoughts on any of that...and then I might (am sure I'll) have more ideas.

--Steel Dragons


First Post
ahhh sorry I had meant that they harvested blood from the crop. the actual vampire population is rather small 50 maybe a 100 at max but I am thinking way smaller. there is day and night. I was thinking the general population doesnt even know there are lands beyond the veil. Idk this becmes more complicated as it goes on


1. There are extremely well-guarded and fortified entry stations set up just inside the veiling. These have "reception areas" in the locations where prisoners are traditionally pushed through. Between these spots, a 40' tall wall connects them, leaving just 5' between the wall and the magical veil; sentries walk the top of this wall daily. The idea is that when new people are pushed through, they must turn left or right and walk until they reach the reception areas. There a strong guard force detains them, strips them of all their belongings, and decides which slave herd they are shipped off to. "Well, Lord Montescu is seeking a strong human who can pull a plow. You'll go to his estates." Then they are branded and shackled and shipped off.

2. Alternatively, the vampires are irritable and bored. They can't expand past the veil, and lately all of their blood slaves taste boring and stale - the same as if you had to eat mutton every day for the next thirty years. New prisoners are highly desired because they're much more tasty. As vampires compete over choice new prey, they may have their gladitorial slaves compete to see which vampire wins the newcomers. They would welcome an escape attempt, because it would liven up their humdrum existence.


As the party enters the Pale Land, the night is young and the moon is full. They see before them a peaceful land; small earthen cottages surrounded by lush farmland. Though darkness has fallen, you see dozens of farmers out tending their crops.

“Evenin’,” a lone farmer nods as he pulls his cart slowly towards the party.

You notice his crop, a cartful of turnips, glistens in the shimmering moonlight. The pale farmer notices the attention and smiles, exposing glistening fangs.

“A special hybrid crop, m’lord.” he explains “Long ago our benefactor, Lady Mandragora, taught us the secret of squeezing blood from the turnip. We have not feasted directly upon man since that day.”

As the party explores the small village, they find the nocturnal vegetarians to be gracious hosts. A select population of the living also enjoys the bounty of the Pale Land. A small number of half-vampires are also in evidence, here.

The party begins to wonder about the effect of the blood turnips, upon the typically bloodthirsty undead. The vampires seem quiet and happy, if not a bit lethargic. When they inevitably ask about Lady Mandragora, they are led to the center of the village where a centuries-old cemetery surrounds a most ancient oak.

DM’S NOTES: It is true that the vampires have not fed directly upon human stock in many years. Any living newcomers to the village are treated with dignity, before being charmed by Lady Mandragora - a dryad who dwells within the Oak of Ages within the cemetery. Long ago, she taught the vampires how to plant turnip seeds atop fresh graves, to draw sustenance from the vegetables. The resulting crops robbed the vampires of their desire to hunt, draining them of their ravenous nature, and sapping their free will. All she asks in return, is the custody of any half-vampire girls born of the union of living and undead. No one knows what becomes of these children.

For inspiration, look to the town of Spectre in the movie "Big Fish".


First Post
hmmm I like the entry points idea, even the games as well. I doubt I can use the dryad thingy, I do not believe I could communicate that over very well.

I am thinking that once the pc's have the item that takes down the veil they have to take to a certain location within the vampy kingdom. I think I will have one brother actually after all these years accept his fate and go rogue and work against the pc's all the while framing them as the overcome his minions and such "See brother, they are not peaceful. They have finally come to eradicate us after all these years. They lied this arifact will destroy all our kind. ect ect lie lie lie ect"


First Post
You could go for a Planet of the Apes kind of society?
Not only are humans and demihumans food but they are also pets and slaves.
If you don't think it's too clichéed, have the vampires be aristocratic and hedonistic.

As for geography etc., I can easily imagine a just a town and surrounding forest; constantly under a light mist. It's always eerily quiet, the vampires, considering themselves nobles would rarely venture outside leaving public areas unpopulated except for the odd messenger human


One thing to keep in mind is the vampire ability to dominate; they could have "Lords" underneath them that have been dominated through many generations. Certain families, which make blood sacrifices to the vampire lords may be given special privileges. Some of these families may even offer "brides/grooms" to the vampires - living companions who the vampires feed from regularly but also keep as companions through their time as undead.

Because of the smaller herd/influx of new blood, the vampires have to be careful about creating new vampires; they generally do not drink a victim to death, but prey on them over time. Every so often, this may result in a bloodlust that can't be stemmed and the vampires go a bit wild (something like Halloween, perhaps).

Bloodletting ceremonies may be a common form of punishment and/or form of showing allegiance (a "blood oath"). Instead of funerals, the people of the Pale Land may incinerate the dead to prevent them from rising as vampires, at the (unknowing) command of their vampire lords.

The vampires may also supplement their blood supply with that of animals, perhaps specially bred for the vampire's use. Not only could this make for some strange (or weirdly feral or bloated) livestock, but also the chance of vampiric animals may show up from time to time.


Ok so in my campaign there is a realm known as "The Pale Lands" almost a millenia ago it was sealed off by an event known as the veiling. This was in response to a particular brutal uprising by an upstart vampire who tried to raise an army and assissinated the unofficial vampire leader. Rebellion was squashed by armies of good with help from the former leaders two sons. They(the brothers and their deceased Dad, hated being vamps) agree to be sealed off from the rest of the world. They are given a "Crop" of humans/demi-humans and set up in a land to the northeast.

The veiling is erected. You can pass inside the veiling but cannot pass back out. The empire often dumps criminals and millitary deserters here.

The pc's are going to experience the pale lands, be it the veiling comes down or they go through the veil. But I am at a loss for what it looks like. Other than the brothers are still in control. Help!

Well, the first place that where your good nation dumps criminals and military deserters is going to be known as Brigands Pass or the Feeding Grounds.

If you call it Brigands Pass, then anyone who goes there is going to be a target for all the thieves and criminals who know that the new "citizens" are going to be dumped there and they will waylay and ambush anyone crossing through. The purpose of this is for the brigands to buy off the vampire lords from being eaten themselves with the capture of anyone who comes acrossing the Veil.

Or if you call it the Feeding Grounds, then that's where vamps are going to be hanging out. Why damage your existing crops when you're getting fresh supplies from somewhere else? You're likely to not risk a rebellion in your own home nation when you're picking off the foreigners.

Physically, if you have the area in a set of mountains, make the pass maze-like so as to give any PC's who are in here a chance to survive by outwitting the locals. Or if you make it in the forest, then allow for a chance to hide and such.

The vamp nation itself can be a place of constant twilight. I'm borrowing an idea from LPJ games from their Obsidian campaign. The vamp nation, because of the Veil, is in constant twilight, so vamps can be out during the day and night. The vamps don't want a rebellion so they need to keep the villagers ignorant and compliant. Magic is forbidden, possession of magic items is confiscation, there is no divine casters except any practices or rituals that don't involve magic. Peasants are allowed to carry weapons to defend themselves since vamps have little fear of regular weapons. If you want to take it even further, reading and literacy is forbidden and a secret police rules the nation in the vamps' interests.

Villagers though are far from stupid though they may be ignorant. Come nightfall, the village bells will toll for everyone to get indoors. They will put up whatever holy marks, garlic and such on their doors and windows to keep the "bad spirits" away. The doors will be barred and locked and the windows shuttered. All inns have a coach wall around them. If the PC's are caught out at night, they are seriously in trouble because that's what the vamps, secret police, or other things want.

Villagers are quite likely to be extremely guarded and paranoid because they will perceive the PC's as interlopers or agents in the vamps' employ. They will have little to do with the PC's as possible.

Trade in the nation is sporadic or more than likely representing the vamps' own interests in keeping their cattle alive, so they have agents who are charged with shipping goods from village to village.

The land itself will also be hostile. Farming is difficult and come winter, villagers always die from starvation. Every spring is a somber activity of bringing out the dead to be buried. The forests will have a lot of plant-like monsters in addition to the other real monsters. Swamps will have the constant threat of diseases that mutate and corrupt inhabitants and create fly swarms, maggot infestations, and gaseous hazards. Mountains will be barren, cold, and filled with monsters that eat trespassers. The mountains will be jagged and shear where only the most experienced climbers and mountaineers have a hope in hell of surviving. I wouldn't have your vamp nation have any deserts, but definitely wastelands where there is virtually no drinkable water and definitely no plant life (lots of dead trees though!).

Because of the war that created the Veil, there are tons of ruins of when the land was once a vibrant place. The vamps have no interest in rebuilding or razing the ruins as the locals' knowledge of the places as being monster-infested (rightly so) prevents them from wandering around.

Travel to village to village should be risky but doable. The villages will have gotten smart and that over time since the Veil, the villagers will be separated by no more than one day's ride from each other so that a rider can set out in the morning and arrive at the next village / hamlet before nightfall.

Justice in the village is harsh. Criminals are cast out of the village where most will die before the sun rises the following day because they will have been killed / eaten by whatever is out there.
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First Post
Thanks guys! I love all the ideas not all of them doable but very good indeed. I think I will run with the battlements in which they sort out some people for mundane tasks and then a special drop off where the criminals and deserters are found.

In the backstory of the campaign vampires and humans had an understanding although not exactly meta knowledge for the players. The vamps were given certain indulgences for certain services. Vamps were the ancient empires' governmental rogues/assassins guild under just a couple different emperors(and may be partly responsible for the rise to power). There were certain conditions if they were caught they were on their own and disavowed by the agency. Only as a certain terms were they allowed to turn. Use of vampy abilities on noblility, soldiers, and officials resulted in death.

Then one broke all the rules seeking to create an army. Hannibal Vossen. He tore through nobility and soldier alike on the frontier settlements. This leads to the veiling. Vampy head guy gets assissinated by Hannibals forces then to the vamps bolster the hero's and millitary units sent to dispatch the threat. Head vampys sons now unofficialy the leaders they agree to the veiling.

Originally I had thought one of the vampy brothers are unhappy and want out. But I think I will make it a high ranking millitary officer from the time of the veiling, that the empire has painted a hero.

Thoughts ideas?

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