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Angel 2-25-04 - I'm confuzzled. (spoilers)

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First Post
John Crichton said:
What about the slayerettes back on Buffy? I know he didn't really care about them but still. I do get your point - she is someone he cared about.
<- Buffy references to Season 7, nothing big. ;)

And also ...
Um... Anya? He *did* sleep with her, liked her pretty well too.
<-- More Buffy S7 ref

John Crichton

First Post
zyzzyr said:
And also ...
Um... Anya? He *did* sleep with her, liked her pretty well too.
<-- More Buffy S7 ref
Spike died before he knew she was dead. I almost typed that myself before I remembered.
More Buffy S7. Nothing to see here...
Last edited:


I personally like Fred especially when she's with Wesley, whom I also enjoy. The episode was great for those two characters. It was great to see Angel and Spike interacting towards a common goal.

LightPhoenix said:
Also, I don't see Wesley following Illyria at all. He already went against his friends once, and even though he was duped, he was miserable. He won't make that mistake again.

Based on the recent episode that made a point of showing Wes' eyes go black while casting a spell, I'm already guessing he's going to be a major player in this arc--maybe even ultimately responsible for defeating Illyria.

Truth Seeker

John Crichton said:
I'd say it was similar but no.

Fred is (possibly) dead. If you are referring to Dark Willow this isn't the same thing.

While not new, so to speak, it was very good. I knew that something bad was brewing when Joss was revealed as the writer/director of this ep. Bad things always happen when he shows up. :) I didn't know the payoff for Gunn's brain-jack would pay off so quickly but I'm glad it did considering the show only has ~7 episodes left - no time to dally!

High points:

- Angel and Spike putting things aside to do their hero thing. Even to the point of bring back old tactics. Angel called Spike a Champion! :eek:

- Cavemen vs. Astronauts

- Lorne's dark side.

- Happy bloody exploding Fred. *damn*

- Cordy reference (I'll take em where I can get em).

- "This will do." - Blue Fred *???*

- "You said I worship it." "Oops."

- The Alien/s reference in the teaser. :D

- Gunn's "3 little maids from school" to pseudo-rap.

- Gunn messing with Wes about Fred.
LOW Point:....Lorne needs to kick more butt!!!!:D

John Crichton

First Post
Truth Seeker said:
LOW Point:....Lorne needs to kick more butt!!!!:D
Ain't that the truth. With the exception of the one ep that focused on him, he has been a serious footnote so far. Not that I want him to get a ton of focus (give THAT to Wes) but he needs more juicy bits, not just comic relief stints.

More thoughts on the show: I am seriously annoyed at the realization that these are the final 7 episodes of Angel coming up. I think the show has at least 2 more seasons left in it (to make the magic number of seven seasons). This episode (and the Cordy ep) have cemented that thought in my mind. Last season was a tough act to follow and in comparison this season has been lacking. I really hope UPN (the Buffy saviors) picks them up.

When it clicks, it kicks. Joss' firm hand was felt throught the entire episode. I almost hope he's only concentrating on the Firefly movie and this for now as he has proven in the past (see Buffy season 7*) that 3 major projects stretch him too thin, which I do not blame him for. This show deserves to continue. There are more stories to tell...

* This is not a slam on Buffy Season 7. That season is simply inferior to previous seasons of the show. It was still better than most of the stuff out there. Joss was working hard on Firefly, Buffy and Angel at the time. There was no way he could lend his creative genius to all they way he did in the past in the same capacity.

Hand of Evil

I was pleased with this one, it showed team Angel with a purpose. It is good to see Wes the Rogue Demon Hunter and see his dark side, pulling the gun and shooting the underling then saying, send in anyone else who does not want to work on the case. I was hoping to see Fred and Wes playing at Wes and Lilah, which is what we may be getting! :eek:

Angel and Spike have to wonder what topics they discussed for 150 years.

What did Fred say about the team when she joined? Wes was the brains, Cordy the soul, and she was the heart (I don't remember)?


First Post
One niggly bit...
after all the hooplah about "dont ask him questions"...

angel leans over the rail and goes "hmm.. how far down does it go?"

and the guardian responds "all the way to the other side of the world."

pretty as you please no ire...

no wonder a few moments later spike says screw this and starts with the questioning.


Hand of Evil said:
What did Fred say about the team when she joined? Wes was the brains, Cordy the soul, and she was the heart (I don't remember)?

She said that Wes was the brains, Angel the soul, Cordy the heart, Gunn was the muscle, and and she was... nothing. (This was also the episode where her parents were introduced, too.)

Last night I loved and hated the episode at the same time. I knew Fred was done for (damned spoiler I accidentally ran across), but I also trusted Joss to make it a home run, and he did. I think the previously understated love that all the men-folk had for Fred was realized quite powerfully. I loved the little huddle ("Gentlemen, I'll only say this once... Winifred Burkle. Let's move.")

My other favorites:

Spike running Angel through with a sword, and Angel walking around with it. Those two have the weirdest love/hate relationship ever on this show.

Spike's 20 questions, JUST to tick off the guardian who couldn't lie.

Lorne getting his homocidal groove on. ("...If you had anything to do with this, they won't HAVE TIME to kill you.")

Every darned scene with Wes and Fred. Very moving stuff. Hmm, I've never had my heart torn out through my nose piece by piece before. :) Anyone know what book he was reading to her? Through the looking glass? I couldn't place the passage.

Of course the caveman and astronaut argument running joke.

I am glad there's at least one more week of new shows, before the typical March hiatus.

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