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Animé d20 OoC


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Gah! Nearly forgot about this... between that and not being able to find my character sheet... mea culpa...

Asuza Toei
Human Magical Girl 1
Ability Scores: 34 points
Attributes: 10 points
Defects: -4 points

Str 15 (+2)
Dex 15 (+2)
Con 13 (+1)
Int 8 (-1)
Wis 11 (+0)
Cha 10 (+0)

Base Attack Bonus: +0

Hit Points: 9
Energy Points: 21
Armor Class: 12
Initiative: +2

Reflex: +4
Will: +0
Fortitude: +1

Portable Armoury
Point Blank Shot

Skills (8 ranks)
Sports +6/+6/+5 (4 ranks, +2 Str, +2 Dex, +1 Con)
Drive +4/+1 (2 ranks, +2 Dex, -1 Int)

Languages: Japanese

Magic I (4 points)
-Rank 1 Special Attack: Burning Axe (1d8+2 damage, melee, strength-powered, burning) (4)
-Rank 1 Armor (4)
-Telekinesis (fire) (2)
Energy Bonus (3 points)
Personal Gear (motorbike w/engine rebuild, mallet, PSP, motorcycle repair kit,

Guy Magnet I
Blind Fury II (lecherousness)
Magical Restrictions I (must transform first - move action)

Asuza is 16 years old and has bright red hair and brown eyes. She's actually rather attractive, though her demeanor sours that. When not in school or in Warior form, Asuza dresses very causally, wearing jeans and a T-shirt the vast majority of the time. She wears a heavy leather jacket whenever she goes outside, regardless of the weather. As Ruby Warrior, Asuza wears a red leotard-like outfit with a low neckline and a short skirt. Rubies sit on the shoulders and the centre of the chest. She fully hates this outfit.

Asuza is pretty much a living cliche. She has a hair-trigger temper, and a tendancy to take everything the wrong way. She considers violence a normal part of human interaction, and has no trouble resorting to it when faced with things that anger her. She is particularly defensive about sex, with any lecherous comment earning a good pounding. Asuza is similarly agressive in pursuit of anything she wants. Though this agressiveness prevents most people from getting to know her, she is fiercely loyal to the few friends she does have.

As far as hobbies go, Asuza is a big gun nut, though she doesn't actually own any as they are hard to get in Japan. More recently, she's gotten into motorcycles.

Asuza is the daughter of a famous (and rich) prizefighter. She has always been close to her father, but her parents seperated when she was young, and her mother was awarded full custody due to percieved instability of her father. Asuza was very resentful of that and has never been on very good terms with her mother, acting out by picking fights and beating up other girls. Her mother tried to appease her with the wealth they had, but Asuza used the money for whatever she wanted but didn't change - agression had become her default response.

In Asuza's world, a secret war between demons and the magical Jewel Warriors has been taking place for centuries. Six months ago, Asuza accidently walked into a fight between the two existing Jewel Warriors, Sapphire and Emerald, and a group of demons. She was caught in the crossfire and injured. The Sapphire Warrior, a shy girl by the name of Kotoko, used her magic to heal Asuza. Being exposed to the magic awakened Asuza's inner abilities. Two days later, she was greeted by her magical companion - Haru, a talking bunny rabbit with the bizarre ability to change into a gun. He told her that she was the Ruby Warrior and that she had to join the fight against the demons. With a lot of persuasion, Asuza agreed, and eventually became friends with the other two Warriors. So far, she's been able to take care of all the demons that have come her way, and keep this part of her life a secret.

Servant (50 points)
Ability Scores: 32 points
Attributes: 23 points
Other: 4 points (1 feat, +2 to Will save)
Defects: -7 Points

Str 2 (-4)
Dex 15 (+2)
Con 6 (-2)
Int 15 (+2)
Wis 11 (+0)
Cha 12 (+1)

Base Attack Bonus: +2

Hit Points: 2
Energy Points: 2
Armor Class: 14
Initiative: +2

Reflex: +2
Will: +4
Fortitude: -2

Iron Will

Skills (36 ranks)
Knowledge (magic) +14 (12 ranks, +2 Int)
Spot +9 (5 ranks, +4 Heightened Awareness)
Listen +9 (5 ranks, +4 Heightened Awareness)
Hide +5 (3 ranks, +2 Dex)
Move Silently +5 (3 ranks, +2 Dex)
Decipher Script +6 (4 ranks, +2 Int)
Knowledge (occult) +6 (4 ranks, +2 Int)

Languages: Japanese

Alternate Form 3 (3 points per rank, gun form (see below))
Divine Intervention 3
Special Movement 3 (light-footed, zen direction, untrackable)
Telepathy 3 (1 point per rank, with Asuza only)
Heightened Awareness 2
Highly Skilled 2
Sixth Sense 1 (demons)

Size - Tiny (-7 points)

Alternate Form - Gun
Str 0, Dex 0, Con 10, Int 15, Wis 10, Cha 12 (21)
BAB +2, HP 4, EP 2, AC 7, Init -5 (normally delays until Asuza's turn) (1 for d4 HD)
Saves: Fort +0, Ref -5, Will +2
Attributes:Special Attack 2 (2d8, Disability: Requires an attack action by another touching it to use, Ability:Can use the ranged attack bonus of someone touching it), Telepathy 3 (1 point per rank, with Aszua only), Sixth Sense 1 (demons), Highly Skilled 4, Divine Intervention 2 (18)
Skills: Knowledge (arcana) +14 (12 ranks, +2 Int), Knowledge (occult) +6 (4 ranks, +2 Int)
Feats: Iron Will (2)
Defects: Tiny, Physical Impairment (blind, -3), Physical Impairment (deaf, -2) (-12)

Well, I played a bit hard and fast with the rules on that... was kind of necessary for the concept. Hope it's okay.


Haru looks like a normal white bunny rabbit. He is meticulously clean, but other than that looks the same as a normal rabbit.


Haru is from an ancient time, and as such is very formal and strict. Though Asuza has managed to wear him down a little, he still thinks that she should follow his orders and frowns on what he views as frivulous pursuits. He doesn't talk much to other people, not being used to not having to hide his identity. He hates demons with a passion and won't negotiate with them under any means.


Haru keeps his early life and how he became a gaurdian a secret, but he has said he did it to become immortal and is roughly two thousand years old. He's been the gaurdian of several magical warriors, and most recently came to Asuza when she became the Ruby Warrior. By some strange magical interaction, he gained an alternate form: that of a magical gun, which he can transform into at will. He managed to escape his world's destruction with Asuza.
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First Post
I am very sorry about my recent disappearance. I was unexpectedly stranded six hours away from home with more important things on my mind than finding an internet connection. My posting should be more frequent from now on!


First Post
Yes, all fine but for a few points.
1. Please get that servant soon Imerak, you never know when it's abilities will come in handy.
and more importantly
2. Unfortunately, I find myself going away for a few weeks. I should be able to continue until the end of this week, but then will go to a place with no internet for miles. The next week however, though not as convenient, i should still be able to manage to get on frequently enough. Just a warning, and I hope that it will be better than this, but felt I should let you all know now.
And if all else fails: blame World War 2.


First Post
That would be some tricky creation.
I think the form should do, though I guess we'll have to wait for it's use to check it out.

Voidrunner's Codex

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