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animal companion issues


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I am currently playing a druid (5th lv) and have decided to pick up an animal companion. Since the MM has ranges for most animals (e.g. wolf (2HD - 5HD) average to exceptional), I was thinking about heading out into the wilderness to specifically find the biggest, baddest wolf or bear in the area to recruit as an animal companion. Do you think that this is a good idea, and how hard should it be for a druid to find such an exceptional animal?

Another problem that I am grappling with is how to integrate a animal companion into my party. For example, a wolf companion would be pretty cool, but how are the party's horses going to react when my druid walks up with a large wolf in tow? How do I keep the bad-tempered wolverine from attacking the other members of the party when they get too close. Has anyone dealt with this issue?

Any thoughts/experiences would be appreciated.

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Mod Squad
Staff member
First, you ought to talk to your DM about the whole thing. What we here think isn't so much an issue as how your DM chooses to approach it...

For instance, the biggest, baddest wolf you can find may well be a little, 2HD critter. If you haven't taken the Tracking feat, even a druid may have difficulty locating exactly what he or she wants.

As for how it works with the group, that really is in your DM's hands. Realistically, normal riding horses might well have great difficulty with a wolf to start with. Warhorses much less so. I expect any horse could eventually get used to a constant presence, though.

Until such time as the animals get used to the party and/or properly trained, you may well have any number of issues. Remember, beign a companion means the animal is your friend, but it doesn't, in and of itself, give you much in the way of communication. That wolverine likes you, but that doesn't mean it won't think it's a good idea to steal Joe's lunch....
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First Post
Get what ever wolf you can find (i.e. the little 2HD wolf) then use that wolf to search for the Bigboy.
"That'll do wolf, that'll do." ;)

But if I were you, I'd rather try and get a Big Bear or Croc or Heavy War Horse or Rhino or Tiger... Well you get the picture.

You can read more about animal buddy rules in the DMG on page 46.


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My 4th druid was able to track down a 4hd (large) wolf, which has since joined his cause. We have downplayed the difficultly of calming the horses. Druid, remember. Towns are another story, just don't enter, that wolf will end up eating a cow, then killing the farmer that attacks it, and the next thing you know everyone is hunting the wolf.

In the dungeon... this is really bad, cause every enemy is going to see that giant wolf as the bigest threat. Mine is a giant pin-cushion, however in combat he is invaluable (+9 trip) goes a long way, especially when all the power attacking fighters are getting +4 vs. prone opponents.

Botton line, in a heavy combat game, the bigger the better. If you are playing a more roleplaying oriented game look from more versitiliy. more smaller animals, they will be less of a target and more useful in more situations.


First Post
Biggest and Baddest? use the optional Summonng rules in pg 96 of the DMG. Roll up the wolf stats and such. It may just be the most scrawny wolf though =)


First Post
Max out your handle animal skill and animal empathy skill. THose will help make sure your animals don't eat the party.

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