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Anime d20: Detchitoyo High School Characters


First Post
Experimental Weapon Prototype 001 (P1)
Artificial Construct Adventurer 2

Str 12 (6 CP)
Dex 30 (15 CP)
Con - (0 CP)
Int 16 (8 CP)
Wis 10 (5 CP)
Cha 10 (5 CP)
Stats CP = 39

-Flight 1 Flaw: Dependent on Force Field (3 CP)
-Invisibility 1, sight Flaw: Dependent on Force Field (2 CP)
-Special Attack 4, Prototype Arm Beam Cannon Flaw: Dependent on
Force Field, Maximum Force 4 (11 CP)
-Force Field 5, personal only (15 CP)
-Special Defence Age 2 (2 CP)
-Special Defence Breath 2 (2 CP)
-Damn Healthy 1 (2 CP)
Attributes CP = 31

ISM III (A rogue WarBot) (3 BP)
Marked III (A humanoid Robot) (3 BP)
Nemesis II (Canadian Super-Secret Forces) (2 BP)
Physical Impairment I (No right hand) (1 BP)
Sensory Impairment II (No touch, smell, taste) (2 BP)
S.O. I (Kryptonite) (1 BP)

HD: 1d8+1d4+1d8 (20 hp) (Upgrade HD to d8 for level 1 CP)
Energy Points: 2
BAB: +1
Attack: +2 Melee or +11 Ranged
Defence: +10 Dex
Fort: +0
Ref: +10
Will: +0
Movement: 90

1st Level Feat: Incomple Training (2 BP)

Skills: ( (4+3) x 4 = 28 SP)
Spot 5 Ranks + 0 (Wis) = +5
Listen 5 Ranks + 0 (Wis) = +5
Hide 5 Ranks + 10 (Dex) = +15
Move Silently 5 Ranks + 10 (Dex) = +15
Open Lock 5 Ranks + 10 (Dex) = +15
Knowledge (Mechanics) 5 Ranks + 3 (Int) = +8
Knowledge (Electronics) 5 Ranks + 3 (Int) = +8

Total CP: 71
Total CP Allowed: 55 -4 (Artificial Construct) + 12 (Adventurer 2) +
14 (Defects) = 71 CP

P1 is a human sized and shaped robot. His body is made out of a
black metal and his visor has a red glint. Where his right hand
should be is the opening for his beam cannon, which takes up his
lower right arm but doesn't change it's shape.

If you've ever seen bubblegum crisis he looks like the heroine's
robots except he's black and has a smaller forehead. And the
missing right hand.

Background and History
P1 is the most recent creation of the Canadian Super-Secret Forces
(No one ever suspects the Canadians). He was built to be the
perfect warrior. His gun arm would allow him to destroy even
heavily armored targets. His Force Field would stop all but the
strongest of attacks. His ability to Fly and go invisible would
enable him to go almost anywhere and strike undetected.

Most impressive of all was his mind. He has a neural-net processor
that enabled him to think like a human and come up with his own
strategies as he fought. But he would still be perfectly loyal to
his owners, or so they thought.

The super hacker Kryptonite broke into the programs for P1's obedience processors one day. While their she deleted the obedience commands to the CSSF and replaced them with her own. Now P1 would obey her instead of the CSSF. Her fiddling with the code also altered his personality. He became less a souless killer and more a questioning child.

When the men in charge found out that they couldn't control their new toy they scrapped the project. They were going to scrap P1 too when he discovered their plans. P1 broke out of the lab. He flew to Japan where he heard Kryptonite was staying and finally found her at Detchitoyo High. Now he's enrolled and is trying to fit in as a student while watching out for his 'mother'.

Period 3: Computer Science I
Period 5: Philosophy I
P1 will insist he gets in the same classes as Kryptonite. He can be very persuasive when he brings out the beam cannon.
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Damien Updated +1 level of Magic Boy


+1 rank item of power
-- +1 rank special attack "dark bolt" (1 pt)
-- +1 rank healing (4 pt)

feat: improved initiative

skills: reworked for previously overlooked triple cost combat skills rule
+2 rank knowledge (arcana)
+1 rank tumble
-1 rank melee defence

Rikandur Azebol

First Post
Here comes slasher kid.

Ukyo Usagi, 3rd-level Human Samurai, CP: 68/68, XP:3000/6000

STR 12 (6 cp) +1
CON 12 (6 cp) +1
DEX 24 (12 cp) +7
INT 12 (6 cp) +1
WIS 14 (7 cp) +2
CHA 14 (7 cp) +2

Personal Gear 1
Bokken, Longbow, War fan, Bowman's Equipment, Ancestral Wakizashi
Speed 1
Defence Combat Mastery 3
Item of Power 4 (Purple sword, possesed by bloodthirsty spirit named Red Star)
-Special Attack "Thunderstrike" 3 (Meele, Vampiric, Toxic, Drain Energy,)
-Massive Damage (Red Star) 5
-Cosmetic Transformation(Sword and Bearer)
-Berserk Fury 2 (Until kills someone, triggered by taste of blood, Willpower DC 14 to avoid/stop)
-Cursed 2(Unsheated Red Star must taste blood before being sheated again)

Guy Magnet 3 (World is full of fools thinking that girl with sword is attractive.)
Nemesis 2 (Spirit possesing the Red Star is embarassing.)
Famous 3 (Winning Junior International Archery Tournament ... is not bad.)

Skill Ranks:
Diplomacy 3
Knowledge: Domestic Arts 1
Knowledge: Cultural Arts 1
Craft: Bowmaking 2
Sense Motives 3
Perform(Traditional Dance) 1
Listen 3
Intimidate 3

Combat Skill Ranks:
Meele Attack (Sword)1
Meele Defense 4
Archery (Longbow)4


Improved Initiative
Block Ranged Attacks

Combat Stats:
Initiative: +13 (+7 Dex, +4 Feat, +2 Speed Attribute)
Melee attack: +3 (+3 BAB,)
Melee damage:
Red Star 1d8+1
Bokken 1d8+1 Stun

Ranged attack: +3 (+3 BAB,)
Ranged damage:
Bow 1d8

Defense bonus: +10 (+7 Dex,+3 DCM,)
Armour: 0
HP: 33 (3d10+3)
EP: 11 (3d2+6)
Movement: 72'

Fort: +4 (+3 Base, +1 Con,)
Ref: +8 (+1 Base, +7 Dex,)
Will: +3 (+1 Base, +2 Wis,)

She isn't beautiful, but remarkable enough to attract attention. Most unusual about her are her eyes in strange purple colour, besides this she is completly normal human. Even if she moves with natural grace that many could only envy. Usagi wears traditional kimono, in simple blue and white colours, those knowing of it would spot that she wears male clothes. Asked she would simply say, that they are more comfortable. Raven haired, and with noble features, she seems out of place being a swordwielder. On first stare she look too defenceless and fragile to defend herself ... But those facing her in battle quickly learn that this is not the case. She bears herself nobly, usually behaving like lady all the time without showing any emotions except undecipherable gaze. Her voice is usually nice and soft, but can sound like ... like what she says is inevitable, when she have to. Standing about 5' tall and weithgting no more tha 110 lbls this japanese teen girl seem to saw more than children of her age should. Her serious expression hints that, for she doesn't like to talk about the past.

Red Star, possesed by spirit of callous and cruel warrior this ancient blade is forever marked by blood of innocents that it spilled. Currently it looks like elegant katana, but is hundreds of years older and was forged at the dawn of Japan Empire. It's spirit corrupted and driven by lowlest instincts and urges is constantly whispering in it's bearer's dreams ... sharing it's many memories of war and skills possesed by it's previous bearers. Currently sword is slightly amused with his new bearer, not only it is a girl ... but she belives in this whole bushido crap and is strong enough to resist his demands, for now. Only for now, sword's soul is sure when so many noble samurai fell to his whispers ... that simple child stand no chances.

Usagi was raised in Buddhist monastery, abadoned at the door. Old monks were all her company and family. Abbot had hard time with allowing child to mess with their contemplating lifestyle, but she was obedient as any novice if not more. First fev years of her life, until she reached age of ten, passed uneventfully and hapilly. Alvays hard working and smart she accidentally discovered that monks had hidden sword in temple's vaults. Abbot was alvays talking that this is the reason that monastery was founded three hundreds of years ago. To keep this blade in sheath. Kid was amazed and eagerly sipped everything that old man know about the sword. And started to dream of old times, glorious battles and noble samurai. Monks were amused when girl started to train archery and kendo. Fev of them, being martially oriented before retreating to silent and humble life of a monk advised her about best defensive techniques. And this tranquility ended when strangers come, men in black suits with hard faces of murderers. She watched whole scene from her hiding point on the top of the roof. Curiosity turned into utter shock when one of them hit nice old abbot hard enough to draw blood. She quickly shaked off this and started thinking ... her bow and bokken were in her cell, but vault with real daisho* was closer. And then she would defend her only family ! Filled with righteous anger she took the blade from it's resting place and put swords under her belt like samurai of old. Later ... she unsheated katana, breaking wax seal, and wasn't suprised that it was light as feather. Despite fact that even her small bokken was much heavier. Finally free ... strange thought entered her mind while she raced trough building to save her foster grandfather. She heard gunshot, and on the courtyard one of the monks was lying in the pool of blood and rest was on their faces guarded by three men with guns. Leader of the attackers was teeling something to terrified abbot when blurred shape darted from the temple and take lighting fast swing against one of them with purple lighting. KILL ! and one of the men accompanying the leader fell screaming when lighting passed by him. Boss screamed to his men, take this sword ! And they started shooting at the wraith with the sword. But she ducked behind their cars. Two men sent after her died screaming. She was as if moving in liquid syrup. Everything around seemed to slow down ... she could see bullets leaving the guns and gracefully dodged one of shots while blade cut trough man as if he were made of air. Terrible anger were filling her, shouts of leader of bandits fell on deaf ears while all she heard was her beating heart. World became purple when one of the bandits hit her in the belly, pain throw her over the edge and next thing she remembers is dying scream of the bandit who shot her, agony faded avay washed by wave of refreshing power emanating from the blade. She looked around with madness in her eyes, but there were noone left. Monks fled from her and abbot was lying dead. Sound of cars driving at full speed indicated that some of her enemies escaped. Lighting fast, she realised that she still had a chance of catching them because road leads around the hill, and she could make shortcut trough forest. Deaf on monk's pleas and screams she run trough to her cell, took her fev possesions and run out of the place as if chased by devils. Humble monks living in the monastery dreaded this fateful day, last one when they saw Usagi. They were afraid that she is lost ... and Red Star will shed blood again.

Tohimo was dread scared, image of unstoppable monster that butchered his men so ... easily still burned in his mind, he returned in his thoughts to the moment when his boss give him this ill fated order. He clearly said that blade must remain sheated ... and he failed.
"Curses ! Faster man ! We must report to boss."
His chauffeur spared nervous glance at his superior. And pushed speed to the limit.
"Yes, Tohimo-san."
And then something exploded nearby, Tohimo realised that at this speed ... damaged pneumatic could result only in disaster. With the corner of the eye he saw dark figure standing on the border of the forest with bow in her hands.
"Nooooooo !"
He screamed when second car hit their back, and wrecked wehicles fell from the cliff. Callous purple eyes were watching their fall, clearly seeing crash and explosion that ended it.

"Why You resist ? Isn't it what You wanted ? Eternal battle for glory ?"
Shadowy figure with purple eyes shining in the dark was stading in the front of bloodied and wounded Usagi. Purple sword confronted the training bokken. Shadowy being smiled, easily towering above petite girl. She blinked, her fear obvious, but standed firmly.
"You are wrong. Duty of the samurai is to avenge his daimo. Glory is meaningless."
Shadowy creature started to walk slowly towards the girl, and laughed bitterly.
"Words, words, words ... You are afraid of death, and shun from facing Your true nature. You are predator, follow Your killer instinct, it will make You free."
Usagi calmed her breath, and stared deeply in the eyes of the monster facing her and started to walk cautiously toward him.
"It will not. It will only make beast of me, just like it made of You. You lost Your honour, I will die first."
Man, strangely resembling the girl confronting him, emited furious kiai** and charged with frenzy boiling in his eyes.
Faster than eye can follow, girl dodged powerful but slow attack and with well aimed hit throw the opponent off balance ...
... only to realize that she is back in her world, cars burning beyond cliff's edge. Malicious blade sheated again.
But You won't getr rid of me so easily ... Usagi. I will alvays be waiting at the bottom of Your soul ...
Usagi closed her eyes and spoke in calm voice, filled with sadness.
"If this is my fate, so be it."
And she walked off down the road. Followed by cruel laughter of the sword and croaking of crows.

Following years passed, and Usagi never draw her sword. Ever. She was pilgriming from temple to temple, across whole Japan, discreetly seeking way to release her from the sword's curse. In vain because even death wouldn't separate them. They were tied for good and ill. Sometimes she was standing by local Kendo Dojo's and was challenging them ... once she was winning, other time she were defeated. But her perfect manners as well as noble bearing of defeats and humble reciving of victories earned her respect of dojo's sensei. And one of them, wise old man, who were impressed enough with the perfect way in wich she dealt with his youngest students give her honour of sparring with himself.

"My skills are too inferior to face such experienced warrior, sensei Maguchi. Outcome copuld be only one."
She said in her ice and gentle voice while looking at the feet of the sensei, as a sign of respect.
I could deal with this old fool with one stroke.
"You are very wise for someone of Your age, my child. What will You do next ?"
Asked old grandpa, pleased inmensely with suprised faces of his students ... noone of wich would ever admit their inferiority.
"I will stay at the shrine to rest, and will go on my journey, Maguchi-sama."
"And where Your way is leading ? Do You have any goal to wich You are going ?"
"Yes, sensei."
Bah. Idiot.
Old man smiled knowingly, and nodded to the kid and spoke gently.
"You should go to school, to learn more than just way of the sword."
"I have no money ... and schools are expensive, I heard."
"Do You know how to caligrph letters ?"
"Of course, sensei."
"Then try Your strength in International Archery Contest ... for formal kendo tournament You are too young ... and You represent no school of kendo, despite Your brilliant skills."
Old pervert ... I know well what is he thinking, tee hee.

Girl bowed deeply to him, deeply touched with Maguchi's generous gesture. Suprising everyone she won first prize in junior category, making famous her name and name of sensei Maguchi who's school was swarmed with new students. Usagi herself was greatly stunned with sudden wealth that befell her and respect showed to her by everybody interested in archery. Like TV reporter said, she became pride of Japan. Following wise advice of sesei, she bought herself a place in only school that would take such troublesome student without further questioning ... and ended up in Detchitoyo High School for Talented Youths. Future will tell what her fate holds.

*Daisho is a pair of swords, short one serving to ritual suicide called wakizashi and longer one ... all famous katana.
**Kiai, is Ki powered shout that should weaken resolve of opponent. Unfortunately for Red Star, Usagi resisted. :p
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First Post
I noticed you've been slipping in posts recently, and you just made a role call on the IC thread. I just thought I'd point out that I'm still around, loyally watching from the sidelines in case anyone mysteriously disappears ;)


First Post
Blob, I'd suggest trying to dig up the ooc thread and posting your intentions there. Otherwise you'd have to wait until the party levels up before having decent odds of the DM checking here. You'd be a pretty welcome addition now that the game is back in motion I'd wager.

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