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Another Dwarf Defender(ish) build. Fistbeard Beardfist need not apply.


So, I'm going with a reformed champion feel for this PC. He was orphaned at a young age, and starts as a Barbarian, and survived on his own in the wild. Later, he receives a vision from Moradin, and becomes religious, becoming a Cleric, and seeking out Dwarven brethren, moves in to the capital of a Dwarven kingdom. He becomes well known for his reformed ways and his devoutness, and joins the royal guard, being known as a strong warrior as well. Although he loves his people, and his country, and continues on to become the captain of the royal guard, he keeps up with hiis clerical duties as well. That's the frame of the backstory, anyway.

So, the build I'm working on is Barbarian 2/Cleric of Moradin 7/ Dwarven Defender 2/ Cleric of Moradin 8 (or 9.) I'm not sure about the extra level of Cleric, as I won't get 9th level spells without going Epic. Any suggestions for that one level are welcome. I looking more for feats (outside of the three for D.D.) and what kind of spells to use to fit the flavor, and make him a useful character as well. I was thinking Good Protection would be good domains. Using 32 pt. buy, scores are 14 Str, 14 Dex, 16 Con, 8 Int, 16 Wis, 10 Cha.

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Staff member
I'v always liked the original Sacred Healing feat (along with Extra Turning) I've found it remarkably useful.

And you should name this guy Fistfist Beardbeard.



First Post
How do you get around alignment restrictions? Dwarven Defender has to be lawful, while Barbarian can't be lawful.

If your DM decides to not be a douche and ignores that, go right ahead!


Staff member
Like the various Monk/Brb and similar alignment restricted builds, the PC has a "deep change of heart" and their alignment changes.

It's not barred by rules, and as a DM, I'd allow it...once.


First Post
Barb2 (Wolf Totem)/Cleric8/Hammer of Moradin 10 seems like a good melee build.

Be sure to pick up Power Attack, Law Devotion (Trade out the Law domain for it), Extra Turning, and Extra Rage. Try not to have a negative charisma score and stock up on items that give you extra uses of Turn Undead.

32 point buy scores could be STR: 16 DEX: 10 CON: 16 INT: 12 WIS: 14 CHA: 10 after racial adjustments.


Barb2 (Wolf Totem)/Cleric8/Hammer of Moradin 10 seems like a good melee build.

Be sure to pick up Power Attack, Law Devotion (Trade out the Law domain for it), Extra Turning, and Extra Rage. Try not to have a negative charisma score and stock up on items that give you extra uses of Turn Undead.

32 point buy scores could be STR: 16 DEX: 10 CON: 16 INT: 12 WIS: 14 CHA: 10 after racial adjustments.

That sounds good. I was a bit MAD before, with needing a WIS score that could cast 8th level spells, but with this, I'll pick up some extra skill points. Would it be worth dropping the last level of H.O.M. for an extra level of Cleric, to pick up Righteous Might?

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