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Any female game masters?


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first time

KooriSakura said:
Hello to all. I'm starting a campain for a bunch of boys at my Boyfriend's collage. :) Starts in a month! It's my first time DMing!

Coolio! Share your experience for us newbies, too!

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While I (a dude) am currently running a D&D game for our group, our regular game is a World of Darkness campaign run by one of my female players. She also hosts the games, and she's got a huge RPG background in general.

Yami no Hon

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I'm a female DM. I've been playing D&D for something like five years now and DM for the last three. A female friend of my has been the storyteller for a PBP White Wolf game for about a year, and one of my roomates is prepairing to make her first attempt at DMing this semester.


My best friend is a female GM. She ran a Changeling campaign which lasted years in real time, and she's run a couple of one-shots here and there as well.


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Through the RPGA I've gamed with so many female GMs, I don't even think about it anymore. One of our triad members (Bandit Kingdoms) is female, as is one of the County of Urnst triad members. Heck, I've played at a table run by a 12-year-old girl.

Robert Ranting

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My college gaming group's on-again off-again president is female, having served several terms as an undergrad and then running again when she started grad school a few years later. She ran several long-running campaigns set in a modified Forgotten Realms, and co-DMed with her husband a 3-year game inspired by Neil Gaiman's American Gods.

My significant other is also a DM, although her tastes run more toward Arcana Evolved and Blue Rose than core D&D.

My housemate's s-o also has some experience running Talislanta.

Another female friend of mine is mostly into Vampire (having organized several LARPS) but she's currently planning on running a 3.5 D&D game in a homebrew setting.

All told, three DMs out of ten female gamers I've had the experience of playing face-to-face with.

Robert "Not Strange At All" Ranting


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DreadPirateMurphy said:
Any Ms. DMs?
My wife is the most popular Mrs. Dungeon Master I know. She has run multiple Dungeons & Dragons campaign arcs in her homebrew world from 1997 through today. She got me playing D&D again after I had left because of my loathing for AD&D 2nd Edition and I had gone over to Vampire: the Masquerade.

Treebore said:
My wife runs the most engaging games storywise, but man does she hate mechanics. So when we play its up to the players to make sure the rules mechanics are followed.
QFT for my wife as well.
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