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Any good 4e adventures that arent dungeon crawls?


I just purchased Demon Queen's Enclave and ripped off the plastic wrapping and jumped into the starter book.

I think this is the first adventure that I have read so far in the Wotc lineup that isnt just a dungeon crawl.

It has some great Roleplaying opportunities, intrigue and different strategies the PCs can take to accomplish their goals.

I think you could play the adventure with limited combat if the players wanted to.

I havent run it yet, but a quick read and I think this is a very well rounded adventure.

They say there are hooks from P1, but if you didnt run P1 you wouldn't know. There are hooks from H1 & H2 thou!
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Another vote for The Last Breath of Ashenport. I ran it as 3.5, not 4e, but it has only minimal dungeon crawl and a truly creepy feel. The last moments in that adventure was the one and only time I can remember my group being totally stunned silent. 30 seconds of no sound, finally broken by "fu..........."


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Well, my current Story Hour is a 4e adaptation from an adventure in Dungeon #18 called Tallow's Deep. I had to add a lot of plot to bookend the whole thing, and the middle of it has a lot combat, but the beginning is very much an investigation where we had probably two sessions with no combat.

But yeah, that's kind of a problem with the current 4e adventures, they just look like one combat encounter strung after another. It takes some work to add in variability.

That adventure could easily be reworked to have little combat if you up the traps and the cat and mouse feel a bit.
A good adventure to adapt though. I ran it once in 2e and there were definitely a few too many combats so toning that down a smidge would be a nice touch.

Another vote for The Last Breath of Ashenport. I ran it as 3.5, not 4e, but it has only minimal dungeon crawl and a truly creepy feel. The last moments in that adventure was the one and only time I can remember my group being totally stunned silent. 30 seconds of no sound, finally broken by "fu..........."

Honestly? That end scene was actually the very first part of the adventure I came up with. It just sort of sprang to mind one day. I based and designed everything else on that one image. :devil:


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I can't wait to run Last Breaths. It's definitely a good read, and I'm antsy for my group to finish Thunderspire so I can strand them in Ashenport. :)

I just hope I can convey the creepy feel it has...


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As was kindly mentioned earlier, not all Goodman modules are dungeon crawls (despite the flagship series name). Specifically, Isle of the Sea Drake was written to not be a crawl (although you go indoors at least some of the time).

You can check out the review here. That should make it clear it's not an endless cavern/dungeon/crumbling castle.


Honestly? That end scene was actually the very first part of the adventure I came up with. It just sort of sprang to mind one day. I based and designed everything else on that one image. :devil:

Dead honest. I had thought these 20-30 somethings were way too jaded and cynical to be hit that hard, but it worked.

It's great to hear how it came together. I often plan my own adventures* the same way...with a single cool moment extrapolated out into a full adventure.

*I've only run two pre-made adventures/modules in the past five years. Ashenport and Nic Logue's Chimes at Midnight.

As was kindly mentioned earlier, not all Goodman modules are dungeon crawls (despite the flagship series name). Specifically, Isle of the Sea Drake was written to not be a crawl (although you go indoors at least some of the time).

You can check out the review here. That should make it clear it's not an endless cavern/dungeon/crumbling castle.

Unfortunately, I ran one session of Isle of the Sea Drake and it was a total flop. The module is very poorly organized and the story and encounters weren't compelling at all.


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I love a good dungeon crawl but I was wondering if there are any adventures using the 4e rules that people could recommend that spread encounters out a bit, mix in more investigation or puzzle elements and less combats strung back to back... like the traditional dungeon/keep crawl?

Trollhaunt and Shadowfell had some elements of this but ended up turning into very large dungeons. The other H series seem to be big dungeons. I havent read the others yet.

Any from Dungeon or 3rd parties?


I've just added a new adventure to the 4EYes collection which is a "sand box" style adventure, I think you will like it, it is called The Pillars Of Light.

check it out at 4E Adventures

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