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Any good news?


Voice Over Artist & Author
It is very likely that I have finally sold my old house. I moved out fully in November 2009 and it's been on the market since Feb. 2010. Another chapter closed from my old life (the full story of which most people do not know). It also means that I can start putting most of the $800 or so a month I'm spending now (on mortgage & utilities) in savings.*

As soon as I turn over the keys, I plan on taking my wife, step-daughter, and mother out for a nice dinner downtown at a restaurant I'm sure my mother would claim is "too expensie (sic)".

*My current wife owns our current home and I have no financial obligations to it, though once my house is sold we've agreed I'd pick up some of the utilities.

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First Post
After six years of hard work, the school district has recommended that my son's diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder be downgraded.

We won't, because the extra help he gets has been instrumental in getting him this far, but we couldn't be prouder of him.

blargney the second

blargney the minute's son
For my bachelor party on Friday, my buddies made me quest around the city to rescue the princess' shoes.

Some highlights:
- The owner of the FLGS played along while I purchased equipment in his store.
- There was a really fun contest of strength against an ogre.
- There was a random encounter with bandits armed with super-soakers.
- A dragon was slain with an actual throwing axe.
- We all swam to an island in a lake where I had to solve a puzzle to find a sword.
- We swam back and there was a ridiculously fun battle between the lot of us.

It was the second best day ever.


More good news for me as I got the sponge dressing that was sewn onto my face and ear removed on Monday. Now I have a gross antibiotic ointment covered, well-stitched ear for everyone to stare at. With the skin graft it should heal properly ear shaped though.

The tests didn't find any cancer in the tissue removed. So now I just have 5 years of visits to my oncologist so he can keep an eye on my lymph nodes. I also need to schedule a follow up appointment with my dermatologist to give me a good going over to make sure that was my only melanoma.

Thanks everyone for the well wishes on my surgery and illness.

My daughter made the varisty soccer team. She is only a freshman.

My son wants to do DnD and draw comicbooks.... just like dear ol' dad

My wife loves me. no- really she does.

Trooper (our dog) grunts and grumbles when the wife and I need the entire bed but does get off the bed.

Tigger, the ol' cat, is fun to watch dealing with.....

Ashley, the new kitten, whom is a joy to watch as she runs, plays and explores

My drinking water finally has no e-coli in it

I'm looking to restart the kid's campaign- Eldeen Heroes, soon

I'm looking to do John Play and Siberys Seven

okay..... feel good story ( a true one no less) from my past......

September 1997
I was weak and tired much of the time. Debveloped a bit of a cough. Figured I was over tired and had a start of a cold.

October 1997
Cough got worse.... much worse

October 27, 1997
Had a constant cough and never could get a decent breath. Had several people think I had whooping cough. Decided to see the doctor that day. They thought I had eoither a virus, a super virus, or something called Hodgekins Disease. Went home and looked up what that was. Cancer. Following Monday I got the answer. I had cancer.... lymphonma (sp).

November 2nd, 1997
Had a test done that involved pumping radiative particles into my blood. These particles stick to soft tissue (eyes, reproductive organs and...cancer cells). I was told to stay away from my then two year old daughter since I was ... radioactive. I immediatly pushed the wife away and told the doctor we were trying to have a child all summer with little success. He signed for her blood work and within the hour learned she was 10 days pregnant. YAAAAHHHH-HOOOOOO!!!!! oh.... wait.... I'm dieing and I can't be near my loved ones for the week AAAAARRRRGH!!!!!!

Winter 1997-1998
I handle the kemo well. Doctors amazed my sence of self as I tell them things like what the chemo syrup is by taste (I could literally taste it within my system) and where in my body it was as I could feel the 90 degree fluid course thru my 98 degree body. Learn we are a symbol of good hope by others since I have cancer and a child occuring at the same time. To top things off, I remain working 36+ hours a week on third shift no less.

Spring 1998
Learn the kemo is not enough. Even after an extra round of chemo I now have to do radiation. Mack Molding (my employer) pays for me to get four free tattoos.

July 8, 1998
My last radiation treatment
about 11am
Timothy Clifton Farrell is born

August 1998
Officailly told I am free of cancer but that I am diabetic (booooo)

Spring 2000
Officially considered "cured" of cancer

Every July I think about the whole affair and how it turned out. In the end....

neat story to tell
battle scars to show off
free tattoos
a baby (not so anymore) boy

not too shabby of a good feeling story


First Post
I'm sorry but I have some bad news. Last week, a ravenous murderous foaming-at-the-mouth pack of Golden Retriever puppies ravenously and murderously devoured a young boy. Oh, the humanity of it all.
For those with a strong stomach, here's the footage. Watch at your own risk.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LBiC_zbGeNk]YouTube - Golden Retriever Puppies eat boy ALIVE ~ William Lavinger[/ame]


First Post
oh, my GOD, take care of yourself, and do not think more about other matters. enjoy your life and good luck. hope to receive your good news.

Voidrunner's Codex

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