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Any interest in Gamma World?


Ok that sounds like awesome fun

One mutated armadillo coming up.

2d4+5=7, 2d4+6=14, 2d4+5=13

Physical Strength: 7
Dexterity: 14
Constitution: 13

3d6=9, 3d6=8, 3d6=14

Mental Strength: 9
Intelligence: 8
Charisma: 14


Senses: 12

An armadillo gets an automatic claw/claw/bite attacks of 1d3/1d3/1d2.

Also gets the following mutations for free:

Night Vision: Can see in low-light as well as daylight.

Total Carapace (14): Base AC is 16, before Dexterity and armor.

4 physical, 1 mental mutation.

1d100=26, 1d100=56, 1d100=72, 1d100=97, 1d100=16

4d6.takeHighest(3)=8 1d6=2
Energy Reflection (8): The first 10 points of damage from any electric attack bounce off you and goes off in a random direction.

New Body Parts: You gain a trunk like an elephant. It can be used as an extra arm.

Regeneration (11): You heal lost hit points at a rate of 5/day, and can regrow lost body parts.

97: Roll Two Physical Mutations

1d100=5, 1d100=19
Attraction Odor: You have a strong musk that makes you easy to track, and are twice as likely to gain the interest of predators.

(19 is Doubled Pain; a PC can only start with one physical and one mental defect; reroll)

1d100=67 (Poor Dual Brain; reroll)

Transfusion (16): You can heal other characters of 12 hp in one round, but take 1d4 hp damage in the process.

Duality: Gets two actions per round. They can be completely different actions.

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Physical Strength: 21
Dexterity: 13
Constitution: 16
Mental Strength: 11
Intelligence: 13
Charisma: 10
Senses: 14

Height: 1.25 m (2 m long with tail)
Weight: 35 kg

Tail slap for 1d8 damage at -2 THAC
Bite for 2d6 damage
Natural AC 13 before modifiers
Base move 15

Mutations: Heightened Physical Strength (2), Oversize Limbs (arms, +60%), Radiating Eyes (8) (intensity 5, +2 Health vs. Radiation), Skin Structure Change (glows), Teleportation

Okay, what's our next step? Looking at his ability scores and mutations, I'm thinking Sleestak ought to be an Enforcer.

Next Steps:

Here's the party, as it looks:

Sleestak, mutated perentie enforcer
Indio/Xanderi, sentient cactus enforcer
[Shayuri], altered human esper
[Lukeworm], altered human (three-armed telekinetic)
[DarwinofMind], mutated armadillo (supertough healer)

Everyone needs to choose classes.

Enforcers get:
+1 attack, +Con score HP
12 points to spread among the following skills: Combat Leadership (lead NPCs into combat), Makeshift Weapon/Armor (build weapons from scratch), Size-Up Opponent (how tough is this battle?).

Espers get:
+1 Mental Defense
16 points to spread among the following skills: Hypnosis (pull answers from willing participants), Identify Mental Power, Photographic Memory, Sense Mental Powers

Examiners get:
One random high-tech item
+1 Use Artifacts, +1 Robot Recognition
16 points to spread among the following skills: Avoid Artifact Disaster (What does this button do? Oh, better not press it), Jury-Rig (build stuff from scraps), Read Schematics, Repair Artifact

Scouts get:
+1 Perception, Stealth, and Remain Unseen
20 points to spread among the following skills: Detech Ambush/Trap, Hunting (find food and water), Navigate (directions), Tracking, and Wilderness Survival.

There are also a number of secondary attributes and bonuses.

First, your attribute modifiers are as follows:
4-5 (-2), 6-7 (-1) 8-12 (0), 13-14 (+1), 15-16 (+2), 17-18 (+3), etc.

Melee attack: Physical Strength modifier
Ranged attack: Dexterity Modifier
AC: 10+Dex Mod
Mutation attack: Mutation score modifier
Mental Defense ("Will Save"): 10+Mental Strength modifier
Health ("Fort Save"): 10+Con mod
Use Artifacts: Int mod
Perception: Senses score + Int mod
Stealth: Dex mod
Remain Unseen: Int mod
Speed: base + Dex mod
Robot Recognition: I'll tell you this

Hit Points: (Constitution score)d6

Yes, you get a lot of hit points.

Equipment: Just use the D&D tables, and assume you have 300 GP. If there's anything special you want, let me know.
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First Post
I'll probably just start with an even spread on the skills: 4 points for each of the three.

Came up with a background that I think works pretty well, though it doesn't go to the point at which the adventure would start. It at least sets up the dual-self conflict decently, I think:

[sblock=Indio/Xanderi]Xanderi came to consciousness quite early in his development. He was centralized in a small grouping of cacti, all adapted as he was, with crystalline spines and an extra tough hide. When the dry winds blew within them, the copse hummed pleasantly. When a predator came close, Xanderi soon learned he and his kin could set up a far more painful resonance within his home array. And, while none of his copse-mates had grown more than the barest of animal intelligences, it was home, and he its leader. So he grew and thrived, his spiny body growing larger, beginning to mimic the appendages of the bipeds he often saw in the day and sensed through the sounds of the night.

Indio came to consciousness already fighting to hold his ground. Humans had come to the copse, ignoring the scare-scream in the array in order to harvest them. He knew, though, that there was something they couldn't ignore, and so he swung his upper branches, sinking his spines into soft flesh. They moved out of his reach, and once again on instinct he drew his roots up out of the ground and lumbered after, chasing them away from his home, keeping the copse safe as he knew he should. And when the last, bloodied human ran out of sight and out of his tremor-senses, Indio felt content.

Until, that is, Xanderi, who had cowered deep within him in fear of the cutting, moving animal menace, resurfaced. He thanked this guardian who had pushed his form to action, but insisted that Indio return to wherever it was he came from. Problem was, this--this body--was the place from which Indio came. And though Xanderi seemed much smarter and stronger-willed than him, Indio was borne of conflict. He existed to defend, first the copse, and now his place in the form he shared with Xanderi. And that's just what he did, suppressing Xanderi to a niggling voice in the back of his mind. He could not destroy Xanderi, any more than he could chop off a piece of himself or harm the copse, but Indio had earned his life, and he intended to live it.

He taught others in the copse to reach out, to protect themselves not just with their sounds, but with their bodies, though none of them seemed able to pull up their roots as he could. When he was satisfied they could keep themselves safe, he looked out into the world and found himself wondering what else was out there. Xanderi objected, but it seemed Xanderi always objected: he'd argue that water was the enemy if Indio were thirsty enough. And so, as he often did, Indio pushed Xanderi aside and strode out through the plain, wondering what else he might discover about himself out there.[/sblock]

I'll take a look at equipment later today or tomorrow. Will Indio need to buy specialized or larger-sized equipment? I'm not sure if Gamma World has a concept of "small/medium/large/etc" the way D & D does?



First Post
Okay, Lukeworm, here's the Altered Human:

4d6.takeHighest(3)=16, 4d6.takeHighest(3)=13, 4d6.takeHighest(3)=9, 4d6.takeHighest(3)=10, 4d6.takeHighest(3)=9, 4d6.takeHighest(3)=8

Physical Strength: 16
Dexterity: 13
Constitution: 9
Mental Strength: 10
Intelligence: 9
Charisma: 8


Senses: 7


4 Physical Mutations, 1 Mental Mutation

1d100=94, 1d100=59, 1d100=6, 1d100=51, 1d100=98

Night Vision: Can see in low-light as well as daylight.

Body Control (15): Can heighten one physical attribute or one sense once per day for 7 rounds.

1d4=1, 1d2=1
Multiple Limbs: You have one additional arm. You can use an extra arm for activities, and get +2 Dexterity for actions in which all three arms are used.

Pick 1 more physical mutation.

98: Roll 2 mental mutations.
1d100=69, 1d100=83

Telekinesis (11): Can pick up and move items around with a Physical Strength of 11 at a distance of up to 25m away.

Teleport Object (9): Can teleport an object of up to 9kg anywhere within 50m.

So, pick a physical mutation, and you're good to go.

I'll start working on the character. The attributes lead to enforcer but there are already two of those. Also I got this idea of a 3 armed mechanic (or blacksmith) and this leads me to examiner, and that require intelligence. How about I spend the one mutation I got to pick to increase intelligence?


I'll start working on the character. The attributes lead to enforcer but there are already two of those. Also I got this idea of a 3 armed mechanic (or blacksmith) and this leads me to examiner, and that require intelligence. How about I spend the one mutation I got to pick to increase intelligence?

For a physical mutation to increase Intelligence, there's Dual Brain. This is different from Indio/Xanderi's Dual Brain, in that your brains work together, not as separate consciousnesses. You don't necessarily have 2 heads, but the second brain takes space somewhere in your head or torso.

Dual Brain: Add 2 to Intelligence. Also, receive an additional 1d3 Mental Mutations in the second brain. All mental attacks against you affect only one of your two brains at a time.

3 mental mutations

1d100=1, 1d100=85

Beguiling (9): Receive a +5 bonus on attempts to charm a sentient.

Mental Blast (13): If a +1 attack vs. Mental Defense is successful, the target takes 3d6+1 damage. This power builds up 1d6 per round not used.

Teleportation (13): Teleport anywhere within 60m or to a familiar place up to 6km away. The power can be used once every 4 hours.


I'll probably just start with an even spread on the skills: 4 points for each of the three.

Came up with a background that I think works pretty well, though it doesn't go to the point at which the adventure would start. It at least sets up the dual-self conflict decently, I think:

[sblock=Indio/Xanderi]Xanderi came to consciousness quite early in his development. He was centralized in a small grouping of cacti, all adapted as he was, with crystalline spines and an extra tough hide. When the dry winds blew within them, the copse hummed pleasantly. When a predator came close, Xanderi soon learned he and his kin could set up a far more painful resonance within his home array. And, while none of his copse-mates had grown more than the barest of animal intelligences, it was home, and he its leader. So he grew and thrived, his spiny body growing larger, beginning to mimic the appendages of the bipeds he often saw in the day and sensed through the sounds of the night.

Indio came to consciousness already fighting to hold his ground. Humans had come to the copse, ignoring the scare-scream in the array in order to harvest them. He knew, though, that there was something they couldn't ignore, and so he swung his upper branches, sinking his spines into soft flesh. They moved out of his reach, and once again on instinct he drew his roots up out of the ground and lumbered after, chasing them away from his home, keeping the copse safe as he knew he should. And when the last, bloodied human ran out of sight and out of his tremor-senses, Indio felt content.

Until, that is, Xanderi, who had cowered deep within him in fear of the cutting, moving animal menace, resurfaced. He thanked this guardian who had pushed his form to action, but insisted that Indio return to wherever it was he came from. Problem was, this--this body--was the place from which Indio came. And though Xanderi seemed much smarter and stronger-willed than him, Indio was borne of conflict. He existed to defend, first the copse, and now his place in the form he shared with Xanderi. And that's just what he did, suppressing Xanderi to a niggling voice in the back of his mind. He could not destroy Xanderi, any more than he could chop off a piece of himself or harm the copse, but Indio had earned his life, and he intended to live it.

He taught others in the copse to reach out, to protect themselves not just with their sounds, but with their bodies, though none of them seemed able to pull up their roots as he could. When he was satisfied they could keep themselves safe, he looked out into the world and found himself wondering what else was out there. Xanderi objected, but it seemed Xanderi always objected: he'd argue that water was the enemy if Indio were thirsty enough. And so, as he often did, Indio pushed Xanderi aside and strode out through the plain, wondering what else he might discover about himself out there.[/sblock]

I'll take a look at equipment later today or tomorrow. Will Indio need to buy specialized or larger-sized equipment? I'm not sure if Gamma World has a concept of "small/medium/large/etc" the way D & D does?


The background looks great! Welcome aboard. As for equipment, you don't need to buy anything specialized or large-sized. In GW, everything pretty much has to be specialized anyway. Also, you need to be 4m tall to be considered Large in GW.

Any thoughts on the kind of cactus? Sure, it'll look different since it can walk around and see, but just to get a basic idea on appearance.


First Post
For a physical mutation to increase Intelligence, there's Dual Brain. This is different from Indio/Xanderi's Dual Brain, in that your brains work together, not as separate consciousnesses. You don't necessarily have 2 heads, but the second brain takes space somewhere in your head or torso.

Dual Brain: Add 2 to Intelligence. Also, receive an additional 1d3 Mental Mutations in the second brain. All mental attacks against you affect only one of your two brains at a time.

3 mental mutations

1d100=1, 1d100=85

Beguiling (9): Receive a +5 bonus on attempts to charm a sentient.

Mental Blast (13): If a +1 attack vs. Mental Defense is successful, the target takes 3d6+1 damage. This power builds up 1d6 per round not used.

Teleportation (13): Teleport anywhere within 60m or to a familiar place up to 6km away. The power can be used once every 4 hours.

This charater is mutating by the minute- three arms, two brains, if we don't put a stop to it it will soon become two creatures. It already has mutations for two :D. Now let's see about a bacground to cover all of this.


First Post
Here's a basic sheet I whipped up for my character. The mysterious, heavily armored mentalist...


Physical Strength: 21
Dexterity: 8
Constitution: 10
Mental Strength: 13
Intelligence: 6
Charisma: 11

Senses 8

Hit Points: (10d6) 29 Roll Lookup
Melee Attack: +5
Ranged Attack: +0
AC 18
Mental Defense: 12
Health: 10
Use Artifacts: -1
Perception: 7
Stealth: 0
Remain Unseen: -1
Speed: 10
Robot Recognition:

Physical Mutations
Size Change 50% (3m tall)
Sound Imitation

Mental Mutations
Mental Invisibility 8 (25m radius)
Teleport Object 10 (10kg up to 60m, 1/hr)
Telepathy 13 (+1 to attack roll, 110m range, sense minds 6 km)

Hypnosis 1
Identify Mental Power 5
Photographic Memory 5
Sense Mental Power 5

Splint Mail (+6, 45lbs) 200gp
Heavy Steel Shield (+2, 15lbs) 20gp

Longsword (1d8+5, 4lbs) 15gp

Sundry stuff not to exceed 65gp

Mark Chance

Boingy! Boingy!


Physical Strength: 21 (+5)
Dexterity: 13 (+1)
Constitution: 16 (+2)
Mental Strength: 11 (+0)
Intelligence: 13 (+1)
Charisma: 10 (+0)
Senses: 14 (Perception +15)
Hit Points: 62 (16d6+16=62)

Height: 1.25 m (2 m long with tail)
Weight: 35 kg

Tail slap for 1d8 damage at -2 THAC
Bite for 2d6 damage
Natural AC 14 (+3 natural, +1 Dex)
Base move 16

Skills: Combat Leadership 3, Makeshift Weapon/Armor 3, Size-Up Opponent 6

Mutations: Heightened Physical Strength (2), Oversize Limbs (arms, +60%), Radiating Eyes (8) (intensity 5, +2 Health vs. Radiation), Skin Structure Change (glows), Teleportation

I've updated the character sheet a bit: added ability mods, distributed skill points, adjusted AC and move. I'm pretty busy today preparing to go on retreat. I don't know if I'll have time to purchase equipment and what not.


First Post
Any thoughts on the kind of cactus? Sure, it'll look different since it can walk around and see, but just to get a basic idea on appearance.

Well, I took both personalities' names from this cactus, and I like that it has those large, nasty-looking spines as opposed to lots of tiny ones; seems to fit the stats.

I figure the crystalline nature of his mutated spines might give them a vaguely irridescent quality in the right light. I played around, too, with the idea that his "face" is more a color-shifted segment of spines mimicking a face rather than a proper set of eyes / nose / etc.


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