Anyone else STILL having these problems?


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Right now I see, on the right hand side of the screen on the list of most recent postings. Some of them, I can see, have the Topic, and under them have the most recent poster. I can click on the topic and see the entire thread and make a post. That's how it's suppsoed to work.

Others however I just see the most recent poster. so I cannot see the topic and thus cannot see the thread and and cannot make a post. HOWEVER! there is hope, this problem only occurs with Internet Exporer. I thought I'd wait for IE 7, hoping that would fix the problem, but alas it remains. If I use Firefox it works fine, all the posts thread Topics can be seen, all the most recent posters. I can use the topic link to view the post and make post myself.

Also again this is ONLY with Internet Explorer, with Firefox it works fine.
if I need to edit my profile (the one accessable only through clicking on your name in the room/names list on the right and clicking profile), it brings up the same (uneditable) window I'd see if I were looking at anyone else's profile.

I made a psot about this a couple times before I figure it's time to refresh it.

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I have both. However i can click the little arrow to see the most recent post in a topic with just a user name. The second is more vexing. No idea how to fix it, and I know at least one other with the same issue.


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I use Firefox and I've never had this problem. Odd to hear about it. I do have a different problem though, which I *think* is not just mine - I get booted from the chats, a lot. I mean, a lot a lot. Is this a known issue?


First Post
I get booted every now and then, and for the life of me I can't get the site to show up again. I'm still tangling with that, though... just wondering if anyone else is facing the same issue.


First Post
I have the problem of not seeing the thread title, but, I can click to view the last post.
I haven't tried FireFox, though.
And I haven't tried to edit my profile.

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