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WotC Anyone Else Tired of the Wizards Bashing?

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Carlsen Chris

Insulting other members
You can't attack the company withput attacking the game.

I strongly believe we need to have a strong central RPG in the industry to preserve the health of RPGs overall. There are benefits to having a pillar around which the industry rotates. Right now, we have several groups that see blood in the water and would rather take a shot at being the next D&D, regardless of the odds, than ride on the coat tails of D&D and WotC. At the same time, Hasbro would rather optimize profits from D&D for a short period and drive it into the ground than play the long game - as they unerstand that if D&D dies off substantially, another opportunity will take the place of it.

It sucks.
Stupid arguments, stupidly put.

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Blue Orange

Gone to Texas
I mean, it's an Evil Empire compared to how it used to behave before Hasbro took it over, not compared to a real-life evil empire like Soviet Russia or Nazi Germany. Hasbro hasn't killed anyone as far as I know. It's a large company in a dominant position.

Whether RPGs really need a central game is another question--the hobby is somewhat unique in requiring network effects to work (you can't have a group where one player plays D&D, another plays Pathfinder, another plays Vampire, another plays Call of Cthulhu, and the last one plays a Powered by the Apocalypse port of Artesia with monsters from Synnibarr). But we might see more creativity if there were, say, two or three big systems instead of one.


Nah. Even when companies release products I like I think it's important to criticize and push back on bad decisions, and Wizards has sure had a few major bad decisions in the past few months. If people roll over to bad, anti consumer decisions they're just going to push further and further.

Public companies are not out to be your friend, or do right by you. They exist to extract money from you. Privately owned companies can be a little bit more consumer friendly in my experience but they still have the same goals of extracting money from you.


Doing the best imitation of myself
Although I have my issues with Paizo at the moment, there's no reason for them to abandon ORC and I don't see them doing so. If anything, there recent Revised announcement is to move ORC forward. WotC essentially attempted to change the OGL game so companies like Paizo would be economically crushed. They backed off but I can't imagine anyone wanting to continue to do business with the OGL in light of that. It sounds like the OGL issue has been resolved, but then if you asked people if it was even an issue up to December of last year, they would have said no to that. So has it been resolved? Who has the better lawyers?

but does it seem to anyone else that streamers are just trying to blow up anything that Wizards does anymore?
Yes. Thats what gets them clicks and viewers.
What all this unnecessary outrage does is make me tired of hearing it, which does not bode well for future justified outrage, and it makes me not listen to those that do basically nothing but rage.
Yep. I don't bother with most streamers anymore. Anyone who looks like a hater I never go back to.
We all thought the OGL was iron-clad
No we didn't.
One of the things to remember about online content is that negativity tends to generate more traffic than positivity. This means content creators are rewarded for negativity. That said, criticism does have its place.
Well said. Was going to try to say the same.
I find it tiresome that it happens in SO MANY TRHEADS. I don't care if it happens elsewhere, as a thing, though I find it mostly lazy....but I really don't need every thread to have it. This site is almost unreadable at times.
Yep. I went from a year ago where I used to read at least the OP on every thread on the front page of the D&D sub-forum daily. Now I barely read 3 per day and respond in maybe one.
Not that I'm using my time better now, but I feel more positivity in my life and am happier not letting the haters get me down.


Limit Break Dancing (He/They)
Only took 4 pages for someone to mention Nazis (again, as always) so that's my cue...

seats ejection GIF


I strongly believe we need to have a strong central RPG in the industry to preserve the health of RPGs overall. There are benefits to having a pillar around which the industry rotates.

There is some value in having a common point-of-entry baseline rules set for the wider hobby, in that it establishes a sort of common language that people can work from, contrast other games to, and so on.

That's d20-based fantasy adventure gaming, and will be for the foreseeable future.

I don't see any cause to believe that baseline rules set needs to or even should only come in one flavor, from one central issuer; the various shenanigans out of Wizards strike me as reason to believe that arrangement itself is trouble.

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