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D&D 5E Anyone have any homebrewed stats for Skaven/Rat People


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looking to incorporate the iconic rat men into my campaign but I don't really know how to translate units. Anyone have any ideas for a few of the units or suggestions for building them.
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Irda Ranger

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Since I'm not a fan of having hobbits outside Tolkien's world, I use the halfling stats for a rodent race. The Lightfoot are "Micin" and the Stout are "Ratkin".

Dan Chernozub

First Post
Do I get it right that you are referring the WHFB Skaven?

Well, the nice race should have some nice flavor to it in term of encounters. The nimble escape would probably fit nicely, but if your players have thought goblins already, that would probably be bad as it would dilute the effect. So I'd suggest pack tactics as a race-wide special ability, also bumping the speed above average might seem like a minor thing, but it is often important, so I suggest race-wide base movement speed of 35 feet. Racial save proficiencies - Constitution and Dexterity.

The basic minion shouldn't be something complicated:
Skaven Slave
7 HP [2d8-2] 13 AC [Shield]
+3/1d4+1 [Dagger]
Pack Tactics, Stealth
CR 1/8

When we can go for better, stronger rank-and-file minion type:
18 HP [4d8] 17 AC [Chain Shirt & Shield]
+4/1d6+2 [Shortsword]
Pact Tactics, Stealth, Perception
CR 1/2

And for the "elite" mook:
33 HP [6d8+6] 16/18 AC [Scale Mail/Shield]
Multiattack twice:
+4/1d10+2 [Glaive] or+4/1d8+2 [Scimitar]
Pack Tactics, Stealth, Perception, Athletics, Intimidation
CR 1

But the fun of the encounters with the rat-men should be in the mean tricks they pull out.
Let's have some quick estimations of what could be written on the spot:

Poison, weaken, hide, "Clan Eshin":

Let's make a stealthy, nasty scout for our rats to employ:
Gutter Runner
27 HP [6d8] 15 AC [Studded Leather]
Speed: 40 feet
+5/1d6+3* [Two Shortswords]
+5/1d4+3* [Throwing Stars/Darts]
* - DC 13 Constitution Save after being hit to avoid getting Poisoned.
Pack Tactics, Nimble Escape, Stealth Expertise, Sleight of Hand, Perception
CR 1

Or you might want to make some AOE fun - controlling the battlefield is not only for PCs (especially when you have little concern about how many of your own die-die in the process):
33 HP [6d6+6] 16 AC [Scale Mail]
Poison Wind Globes - thrown, finesse, thrown up to 60ft. Creates 10ft. radius sphere of gas, lightly obscured, 3d6 poison damage to any creature who starts his turn inside, Con Save negates.
Fragile - whenever Globaddier takes damage there is a 50% chance some globes will break and spill gas on his position.
Gas Mask - has an advantage on rolls against Poison Wind gas.
Pack Tactics, Stealth, Perception, Survival
CR 1

If you want to go for the higher-CR enemies:
Scaven Warchief
96 HP [12d8+24] 18 AC [Breastplate & Shield]
Multiattack three times:
+5/1d8+5 [Longsword]
Duelling (included in the attack), Parry, Pack Tactics, Stealth, Perception, Athletics, Intimidation, Insight, Deception
CR 4


Let's touch the flavor of another clan:
Pestilence Priest
105 HP [14d8+42] 16 AC [Unarmored Defense]
Multiattack three times:
+6/2d6+3 [Two Disease-Ridden Scimitars] - DC 15 Con Save to avoid getting The Fever. Creatures suffering from The Fever can't benefit from magical healing and have to make a DC 15 Wisdom Save or go Berserk (as per Berserker Axe DMG p.155).
Lesser Restoration or Long Rest heals The Fever.
Pestilent Breath [Rechardge 5-6] 30ft. cone, 12d6 poison damage, DC 15 Con Save to take half.
Brute (included in the attack), Rage [x4], Relentless Attack, Poison Immunity, Advantage on Con Saves, Pack Tactics, Stealth, Perception, Athletics, Intimidation, Insight, Deception, Arcane, Nature, Survival
CR 6

This list took me 70 minutes to come up with, it is by no means perfect, but I hope it gives you some ideas.

PS. Always be careful with GWIP. Always.

Skaven strike me as having bonuses to Dex and Int, but penalty to wisdom. Probably an immunity to the negative effects of diseases (but not immunity to diseases themselves, since they can still act as carriers).

You're probably better thinking about the concept of the race and building it for 5e rather than trying a fully-faithful conversion stat-by-stat.

Once you have the race, you can apply its stats to PC and NPC characters from the MM for example.

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