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Aphonion Tales (New posts 6/13, 6/15, 6/19)

The next day or two passed mostly quietly, as the group put the castle back into order, interred the count in the family crypt, and buried the priest in an unmarked grave outside the castle walls. Delbon and Alistair spent most of their time seducing the attractive servants and staff of the castle. Dame Brionna noticed Alistair's escapades with disapproval, but Kit reacted more strongly, first with an angry tongue-lashing and then by treating Alistair with extreme formality, coldness, and disdain. During the days, Alistair met with the leaders of the local community-- Goodwife Amelie, a prominent werebear, the local priest-midwives of Gunnora, and the village elders-- who were happy to accept Canberry's claims and Alistair's promise that the barony would be defended and run by knights in his service. The group also found and distributed a variety of useful items, including the Paranswarmian priest's magical leather vestments and dagger, which Kit claimed, his magic boar spear that Stithis took, a minor Libram of Intelligence, which Alistair claimed, and a spellbook of some power that was of no direct use to any in the group, but that they took for its resale value. They also found the castle's treasury of several hundred gold; each of the travellers took one hundred gold, and the remainder was left to ensure that the castle's new steward would have enough resources to help develop the Barony.

The group began planning its further trip south. Alistair wrote a message to the ambassador from Canberry to Enclaves, hoping to both ensure that the barony would be taken care of and to throw off pursuit.

To: The Earl Sheffield, Ambassador to the City of Enclaves from Her Sovereign Grace, the Grand Duchess of Canberry

Dear Uncle Richard,

I trust that this letter finds you well. I write to assure you that I am well, safe, and on my journey back home to Canberry.

We have been travelling south from Enclaves. Some 20 days ride out of Ecsilias, we encountered a small independent fiefdom that had fallen into the control of evil forces who had usurped control from the local noble. The people had no other recourse, so we defeated their oppressors and I claimed the castle and its environs, which I have renamed the Barony of Lyneham, in the name of my family.

I ask a boon of you, as my companions and I must continue on to Canberry. Please appoint a steward to rule the Barony on my behalf and dispatch the steward and a group of knights to assume control of the castle and to defend the Barony. You should understand in your choice that while it is very unlikely that I will elevate the steward to baronial dignity, there are many parts of the Barony that could be suitable for a new manor lord or lady, especially if my plans for Lyneham are carried out successfully. I would have no objection to one of your children or a similar close ally, but you should remember that the previous lord of Lyneham was murdered, along with his only son. These lands are too rough and far from civilization for a steward who is not capable. I will leave written instructions for the steward in the castle. You should also of course arrange for a priest of Glordiadel for the Barony as the faith inevitably follows the banner of Canberry, although the other good faiths of the people of the Barony are to be shown the strictest and most accepting tolerance, and if the Paranswarmians realize that the Barony was once theirs even one of their priests should be suffered.

We will wait for you to receive this letter and then head south to Forktown. From Forktown, we intend to travel east along the barrier mountains, rather than through the paths, before cutting directly south to Canberry. Passing over the mountains outside one of the three passes will be difficult, but it will be an exciting enough trip to justify it and should keep us well away from anyone who might be looking for us.

To bring the brighter light etc. Alistair of Canberry
[signed and sealed]

After finishing the letter and carefully putting his signet ring back into the tiny lead coffer that would conceal it from scrying, Alistair sent the letter on to Enclaves via a courier. Based on prior experiences, the information would surely leak into the hands of their enemies eventually, but with luck the description of the planned journey would send the assassins in entirely the wrong direction as they sought to sneak through the City of the Pass.

Alistair also wrote out instructions to his future steward. He planned to expand the wealth of the barony by taking advantage of its position on a major trade route and offering services and security to the caravans passing through. By suppressing banditry through ever wider patrols, Lyneham could justify charging tolls that would quickly make back the costs. Ultimately, Forktown should be persuaded, peacefully, to accept rulership by the barony and the barony should stretch from Forktown to the border of Ecsilias.

End of Session 2

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Session 3:

Mahler travelled into the village to take stock of the business opportunities. He quickly identified the forest's value in the lumber trade as the primary underdeveloped asset and went to meet the owner of the largest mill in the town. A quick conversation confirmed that the mill mostly dealt with local builders and sold some shipments to merchants bound for Ecsilias. Much larger profits could be had by shipping directly to Enclaves, with its insatiable hunger for raw supplies of all sorts to support its immense population, but the merchants there would only deal with suppliers who could ship large quantities on a regular basis. Mahler quickly suggested that with the right influx of capital, the mill owner could gain access to that market and to the substantial wealth it offers. After a quick negotiation, they agreed that the mill owner would greatly increase the size of his operation and enter the Enclaves market directly; Mahler paid him 58 gold for a 50 % share of the increase in profits beyond its current level. The mill owner happily agreed to sign the contract, after asking Mahler to read it to him once the drafting was finished.

Meanwhile, Alistair and Dame Brionna arranged for the knighthoods for Delbon and Kit. Mahler declined Alistair's renewed offer for a title or other reward for the risks he had run by standing in Alistair's stead. But Kit, while still unable to believe in the reality of, let alone accept, the offer of a barony, perked up at Delbon's suggestion that they could both be knighted. A rather confused conversation about what land Kit wanted as a fee, and whether she would pay scutage or serve personally in the military ensued, but all eventually was resolved. Delbon and Kit each received their knighthoods, with Dame Kit receiving a parcel of forested land, including Goodwife Amelie's home, while Sir Delbon requested a length of the road beyond the village as his fee-- largely valueless at present, but with tremendous potential for inns and other businesses that cater to the desires of travellers, such as temples of Manumist.

With the local matters dealt with, the group prepared for their journey south. Travelling through the City of the Pass still seemed to be the only sensible options, since either a pass filled with monsters or one populated mostly by undead could easily lead to death.

"We must be careful. From what I understand, thieves and brigands run the City of the Pass," Alistair explained.

Kit snorted. "I'm sure that's what people like your lordliness think. The City of the Pass is a guild-run city. The thieves' guild is one of the powerful guilds that dominates the City, but only one. We should probably worry more about the Black Guild, though... the City of the Pass is one of the few places where they operate openly, and that could mean trouble based on our experiences in Ecsilias."

Alistair looked confused. "The Black Guild?"

"Assassins, your lordliness, assassins."

The whole group paused to mull that over. While they thought, the castle's sentinel, who Alistair had left on duty for lack of a better use for him, sounded several notes on his trumpet from the highest parapet.

Stithis rushed to the watch tower and reported back to the group telepathically. "There's a group of riders approaching. Nine horsemen, with a large banner that I don't recognize, and they have some giant dogs with them."

Mahler raised an eyebrow. "Doesn't sound like someone planning on attacking the keep, but not a group that I'd care to antagonize."

Alistair nodded. "I guess we'll have to receive them as the Baron of Lyneham and his knights, then. As long as they don't know who we really are, it shouldn't create any problems. Stithis, could you have the sentinel run up the old count's banner, with a Glordiadelian banner showing the gold sun on a white field below it? Then go to the gatehouse and invite our guests to dismount, surrender their weapons, and receive the hospitality of the Baron of Lyneham."

The riders reined their horses in as they approached the drawbridge. "Greetings. We ask hospitality from the master of this castle. We have recently seen battle and are in need of a safe place to rest."

Stithis shouted back, "If you will dismount and surrender your weapons, you are welcome in the castle of the Baron of Lyneham."

The riders looked about in startlement. One of them pointed up at the banners flying above the castle, and the conversation grew more heated. The leader, an older man but still vigorous, wearing fine black robes and a wide purple belt over his armor, held up a hand to quiet his companions and spoke quietly to the rider who had hailed Stithis, who nodded.

The riders dismounted and began disarming. The young rider at the lead shouted up again. "Thank you for your generosity. Please inform the Baron that His Excellence, Inquisitor General Francis de Borje of Lord Paranswarm's Inquisition, requests an audience at the earliest convenience."

The Paranswarmian Bishop and his entourage entered the castle's hastily redecorated audience hall. Alistair sat on a great chair centered on a dais at one end of the room, with Mahler, Kit, Dame Brionna, and Delbon by his side.

Stithis announced the visitors and Alistair nodded politely and formally but not deferentialy. "I am Jer Pardon, Baron of Lyneham. Welcome, venerable bishop."

One of Inquisitor General de Borje's aides confusedly thumbed through a large book before whispering quietly to his master. The Inquisitor General frowned and spoke carefully. "I am sorry to trouble you in this matter. My men are wounded and need a place to rest and recouperate before we continue on our mission." The Bishop muttered a quick incantation to Paranswarm to detect chaos, and looked increasingly nervous as he detected light chaos from most of his hosts besides Dame Brionna and a strong aura from Stithis's extraplanar nature. He paused, distaste for working with any who are not fully orderly warring with the need for aid, and then forced himself to continue. "We would appreciate the opportunity to rest and cast healing magics before we resume our pursuit of a renegade priest who has stolen a powerful object from the Church and turned from the Orderly Darkness. I would not have imposed on your hospitality in this way, but I had thought that this castle was Paranswarmian."

Alistair nodded. "Indeed, the prior lord of this land was Paranswarmian. His chaplain betrayed him and usurped control of the land, using his powers as a psionicist and mage to murder the Count's only child and to break the Count's mind. We were part of the retinue of a member of the royal family of Canberry. When we heard of the plight of the county, we sought to free the Count from the traitor's control. Unfortunately, after we slew the usurper, the power sustaining the Count's life faded and he died. We have interred him in the castle's crypt; you are welcome to examine his body and perform additional burial rites if you wish, although not to exhume him, to verify our account.

"With the rightful line extinct, the prince of Canberry claimed this land by right of conquest from the usurper and by right of his royal birth, and installed me as the first Baron of Lyneham. As you understand, the established church follows the banner of Canberry, and this is now a Glordiadelian land."

The Inquisitor General nodded. "It sounds like the 'chaplain' you mention was the renegade we sought to apprehend. Did he have a large gold amulet with great psionic powers?"

"Indeed. We identified that as a dangerous and evil power and sealed it in a lead coffer. We intend to turn it over to the Church of Glordiadel for safe-keeping and destruction."

"I suppose I cannot object to that, as we were unable to keep it safe. I warn you that you may find it harder to prevent its theft than you would think; it wishes to be used for evil, and pushes for those opportunities. Do not bring it to any temple below the stature of a cathedral. Any lesser church would surely be unable to guard against it. As for the renegade... what did you do with his body?"

"We buried him in a grave outside the castle, after performing the most simple rituals to prevent him from rising again. You may do whatever you wish with him."

"Thank you. Paranswarm's punishment for those who betray His order are great and this renegade betrayed both his vows to the Church and his oaths to his lord; we must exhume him, cremate him, and bring the bones back with us to the cathedral, that we may perform the rites consigning him to the Second Deeping for five-hundred years of torment." The Paranswarmians had fierce looks of vengeance on their faces as the Inquisitor General discussed this, but their hosts simply looked uncomfortable. "I understand of course about the need for the established religion, and the chaplaincy, to shift to yours. Would we be permitted to send a priest to minister to any Paranswarmians in the barony?"

"We permit any priests of the Ecumenical Alliance to preach in this land, provided that they do not prosyletize among the Glordiadelians. We would view it with favor, however, if you ensured that the Paranswarmian priest was from an order that we would not find particularly offensive."

"Of course. We wouldn't send a Priest-Killman or some such. Perhaps a priestess of the Weeping Woman?"

"That would be most acceptable. You should also contact the Glordiadelian Bishop to arrange for any steps you want taken before we reconsecrate the castle's chapel to Glordiadel." The Bishop nodded in gratitude. "Now, let us arrange for your wounded to be housed comfortably and begin preparations for the arrival of the rest of your troops."

Mahler interrupted. "Who attacked you? Should we fear that they will pursue?"

"I doubt it. We travelled north through the City of the Pass. A large group of guards from the Black Guild insisted on searching all travellers in either direction, and refused to allow any armed companies to travel north. Several caravans were backed up outside the City, unwilling to go north without their guards and not permitted to with them. The troops of the Holy Inquisition, of course, are not subject to search or delay by any secular authority, so when they refused us passage we stormed their position and forced our way through. While we inevitably triumphed through Lord Paranswarm's blessings, we suffered heavy wounds."

Dame Brionna and Alistair used their limited magical healing to aid the Inquisition troops as best as they could, and then the group gathered in a conference room.

Mahler frowned. "I don't like the Inquisitor General's description of the City of the Pass. We can't fight our way through, and we'll have a much harder time sneaking through if they are alert to something."

"I could scout for us invisibly," Stithis said.

"Too risky," replied Alistair. "If they can detect invisible, you would be in extreme danger. I'm particularly worried about the searches. Based on the amount of money being offered for us in Ecsilias, the searches could be designed to find us. And if they find my signet ring, we're all dead."

"I could fly you across, carrying the ring, and then the rest could pass on foot..."

"But what if they have flying guards, or recognize Mahler from the posters?" Alistair paused. "The other odd thing is the defense against armed groups from the south. Who are they trying to stop? I suppose my grandmother might have sent troops north to guide our passage. In that case, we might want to wait for them to reach the City of the Pass, although I can't say I relish the thought of either waiting out the siege of a city or entering immediately into the protective custody of troops of Canberry. I wish we knew more about who is moving against us... just waiting for them to attack doesn't make me happy."

"Maybe the Inquisitor General can do some sort of divination?" suggested Kit. "I think he might be willing to in gratitude for the safe place to rest, and that could provide us with a lot more information for our planning."

Alistair approached the Inquisitor General as he supervised the exhuming of the renegade priest's corpse. The least wounded of the Inquisitorial guard shoveled dirt off of the grave, while some of their slightly more wounded but still able companions carefully built a bonfire beside the metal cage that would be used for the cremation. The Inquisitor General looked up from his task.

"Venerable Bishop, I wondered if I might ask a boon of you."

"Certainly, Baron. After you have aided us by both bringing our quarry to Lord Paranswarm's justice and by sheltering us and offering us healing when we were injured, I am happy to repay you with any favors within my power."

"I told you before that we were with a member of the royal house of Canberry when we liberated this land from the usurper. Our royal companion, Lord Alistair, travelled south from Lyneham on his way home. Your description of the City of the Pass worries us, and we wondered if you might be able to perform some divinations to determine if he faces particular threats."

"Of course. I will need a basin of water in a darkened room."

"The castle's old chapel to Paranswarm is available and still consecrated, if that would be suitable."

"Perfect. I will join you there as soon as we finish preparing the renegade's remains for travel."

The party assembled in the Paranswarmian chapel. The Inquisitor General spoke a quiet prayer to the Lord of Orderly Darkness, while one of his attendants swung a censor filled with brightly burning incense that provided the only dim light in the otherwise dark room. He looked up at the group. "You will be able to ask three questions of any form. Tell me the first question before we begin."

"Who is behind, both directly and indirectly, the attacks on Lord Alistair of Canberry?"

The Inquisitor General made the sign of the downward arrow and then held his arms above his head. "Oh Lord of the Empty Room! You have heard the question; deliver us the answer!" With a savage motion, the Inquisitor General dragged a ceremonial dagger across his bare forearm, allowing the blood to pour into the ceremonial basin. The blood swirled around in the water, and images formed.

A set of three figures, arranged as marionettes with each one controlled by a second controlled in turn by a third appeared. The image focused on the smallest figure, a young human man of aristocratic dress. Alistair murmured quietly, "One of Lord Alistair's half-brothers, named Luva." As the image shifted, the larger figure pulling Luva's strings came into view. "One of his maternal aunts." The image shifted again, to a thin, pale skinned figure with pointed ears, the largest of the three figures and the only one under no outside control. "How remarkable... one of the Nuldar, surely, and unless I misread his insignia, the Zorplona-Argoni Controller for Region 6."

The images faded and the blood settled to the bottom of the basin. The Inquisitor General intoned, "Ask the second question."

"Why are the guards in the City of the Pass preparing a defense and barring armed groups from travelling north?"

The Inquisitor General brought the ceremonial dagger across his arm a second time. The blood swirled in the basin, and an image formed of an army of cavalry riding quickly across plains. The banner of Canberry fluttered boldly above the van of the army. The image quickly faded. "Ask the final question."

A brief discussion ensued over what question to ask after those answers, leading to: "What is the ultimate goal of the Nuldar in attacking Canberry's royal family?"

Once more blood spilled into the basin. A map of southern Drucien formed, with brightly lit areas marking the major kingdoms and powers, the ancient elven land of the Forest of Singing Leaves brightest of all. One by one, Canberry and the other inland powers faded to darkness. When the Forest of Singing Leaves was the only lit area left, it suddenly became dark, and the map gave way to an image of barren desert, broken only by the occasional fallen tree.

"The divination is complete. Thanks be to Lord Paranswarm and his great servant, the Lord of the Empty Room!" The Inquisitor General and his attendant remained in the chapel in prayer while the party shuffled out.

Alistair, looking a little green after those rituals, looked over at Dame Brionna. "Would you mind leading a Glordiadelian service for us? I think I would like a less disturbing religious service after that..."

Kit nodded, "I think I'll join you..."

Dame Brionna simply smiled, her eyes flashing in triumph, as she led the group to the top of the tower where the sun shines brightest.

"It's clear that we can't safely travel south through the City of the Pass. They're searching for Alistair among travellers from the north, and guarding against his allies to the south," Mahler said as the group sat again in the baronial council chamber. "Even Stithis's powers of flight and invisibility are unlikely to be able to sneak us safely by."

"What about waiting for the army to arrive?" suggested Delbon. "Canberry should be able to send a large enough force."

"But they're moving against a fortified city. If the City of the Pass bars its gates, I'm sure the Canberry army would be sufficient to maintain a siege, but the city will be able to hold out for a long time, especially against a one-sided siege that leaves the northern approach unsecured."

"Perhaps we can arrange for the siege to not be one-sided, then," Alistair mused. "The Archbarony of Ecsilias relies on the trade running through that pass on the way to Enclaves for its livelihood. They will be very angry about the trade disruption, and even more angry that the guards of the City attacked the company of a Paranswarmian bishop. If the Inquisitor General can obtain an interview for us with the Archbaron, we may be able to persuade him to march south on the City and besiege it from both sides."

"The other guilds of the City must be very angry with the Black Guild for disrupting trade as it is," Kit added. "If the City is fully besieged, it would not be long before the trade guilds turn against the Black Guild to break the siege."

"And Ecsilias and Canberry would certainly be in a position to negotiate tariff concessions in the aftermath, making it easier to persuade the Archbaron to join Canberry's efforts."

The Inquisitor General readily agreed to arrange for a meeting between the Baron of Lyneham and his companions and the Archbaron of Ecsilias. The entire company waited for another three days for the last of the Inquisitor General's guards to be safely settled in the castle and for the last matters to be arranged. Several of the Inquisition's most badly wounded knights, and a badly injured young priest who served as the Inquisitor General's clerk, were left in the castle to secure it against any threats until Earl Richard of Sheffield could dispatch Canberran knights to relieve them. With those matters taken care of, the party set off north along the road back to Ecsilias, with the Inquisitor General and a large group of Inquisition guards as an escort.

The first two days of travel passed uneventfully. On the second night of their travels, they made camp in a large clearing near the road. Shortly after nightfall, while the cooking fires still burned and before they had settled in to the rotations of sleep and watch duty, a loud commotion from farther north on the road drew their attention. At first they could only see the faint light from a large number of lanterns peeking through the trees, but they could soon hear the chimes of distant bells and then sounds of laughter. The group settled in to an alert watch, with the Paranswarmians ready for battle, when the procession rounded a bend and came into view.

A group of some four score people came down the road towards them, beneath joyous banners depicting gold and ivory laughing faces-- the symbols of Manumist. A group of rolly-polly men with spears, several drinking deep from wineskins, proceeded to erect a large tent as the caravan entered the large clearing near the party's camp. As the attendants finished their work, the main body of the Manumistian group, some fifty odd priestesses and acolytes clad in light, diaphonous clothes that suggested more than they concealed, began approaching the party, dancing and beckoning to the party to join them. Their leader, a handsome middle-aged woman, spoke to the group. "Joy be upon you! All who wish are welcome to join us in our celebration of Manumist's love!" Delbon had not even waited for the invitation, taking off towards the tent as soon as he recognized his god's priesthood. He quickly vanished into the tent, one arm holding a wineskin and the other circling around an attractive acolyte's waist.

Dame Brionna and the Paranswarmians glowered at the Manumistians disapprovingly. A few of the handful of male acolytes and priests danced up to Dame Brionna in their light robes, but a few curt words sufficed to deter them from further efforts, and they turned their attention to seeking to persuade Mahler or Kit to join them. Mahler drew the attention of a surprising mix of acolytes-- mostly men, but with a few women. His discomfort was palpable as he spoke with them, softly trying to dissuade them, while not entirely seeking to be alone.

A bevy of the Manumistian sacred prostitutes approached each of Kit and Alistair as well. Alistair took a few steps towards the Manumistians, then looked over at Kit, and waited to see what she would do. Kit's actions mirrored Alistair, leaving them each staring at the other while a circle of attractive young men, in Kit's case, and women, in Alistair's, sought to draw them into the tent. After a few awkward minutes with each of them waiting, Alistair walked over to Kit.

"I don't want to spend tonight alone, Kit."

"You don't have to," she responded gesturing at the dancing Manumistians.

"I know. But I'd rather be with you."

"I'm not going to be just another one of your chambermaid conquest."

Alistair paused, taken aback by Kit's vehemence. "I've never thought of you as like that, Dame Katherine. You've always been more special."

The hard lines in Kit's face softened. "Really? Since I saw how you behaved at the castle, I haven't been able to trust you."

Alistair grimaced a little. "You have to understand... I'm not going to make any promises to you that I can't be sure that I'll keep. And things are different for me than for most people. I can't get married without my grandmother's consent, because my marriage is a matter of state."

"I'm not asking for you to marry me. But... I didn't know that."

Alistair nodded. "As I said, I won't make any promises to you that I don't know that I'll be able to keep. And I can't promise that there won't be others. But I want to offer you as much as I can. Can that be enough for you?"

Kit thought, torn between her feelings and her fears. "I wouldn't ask you to make a promise you can't keep.... I just need to know that you won't use future chambermaids to hurt me."

"That I can promise. I swear that I'll never use other women as a way to hurt you." If Alistair internally emphasized the last phrase, unwilling to swear off other women altogether even to the degree he could, it slipped past Kit's notice. With a ginger, tentative smile, Alistair reached out his hand to Kit, who took it and leaned in to kiss him. To the surprise of everyone, not least of all the Manumistians, Kit and Alistair quietly walked away from the tent to a spot slightly further in the woods for more privacy.

By the middle of the night, the camp was mostly quiet. The occasional giggle or gasp showed that not everyone in the great tent slept. Dame Brionna and the Inquisition guards resolutely divided the night up into shifts and maintained a steadfast watch on the road in either direction, with occasional disapproving glances back at the Manumistians. Delbon quietly slept in the middle of the tent, fully satiated; his plans to recruit some of the Manumistians to staff a new temple, and business venture, in his fee in Lyneham could wait until morning. After some time together in the woods, Kit and Alistair had moved into an alcove in the Manumistian tent to take advantage of its mystic prophylactic effects. The chief priestess of the Manumistians was initially quite confused by Alistair's request that a small partition be raised to protect Kit's modesty but agreed to humor them. After some unorthodox uses of Eagle's Splendor and Telempathic Projection to maximize their fun, the two had fallen into a contented sleep. Stithis maintained an invisible watch over the camp, flying near the tent.

Mahler, for his part, remained awake. He sat alone, some distance away from the camp, determinedly making his way through a flask of hard liquor. Neither fully able to resist the attraction of the Manumistian festivities as Dame Brionna and the Paranswarmians were, nor willing to join in for reasons too private to share, he sat alone, dwelling on his choices.

With no warning, a group of ten drow warriors appeared in a circle around Mahler, swords drawn and pointed at his chest. Their captain crisply demanded, "Surrender or die, Lord Alistair."

Mahler dropped the flask and held his hands up as he rose to his feet. Ignoring the sounds of alarm beginning to burst out around the camp, he looked around at the swordpoints and replied, "Very well. I surrender."

As Dame Brionna and the most alert Paranswarmians drew their weapons and charged the intruders, the drow, and Mahler, disappeared as suddenly as they had come, leaving only the gust of air into the space they had occupied as evidence of their passing.

Stithis quickly roused the party telepathically. "A group of drow have attacked and taken Mahler! They teleported out with him just after they arrived."

The camp quickly devolved into chaos. Dame Brionna and the Paranswarmian guards, frustrated by their inability to stop the attack, contented themselves by attempting to guard against any further attacks. Alistair, having only taken the time to throw on his tunic and grab his spiked chain, rushed over to the site of the attack. The Inquisitor General was closely examining the ground with his top aides.

"Inquisitor General, would you be able to follow them?"

The Paranswarmian looked at Alistair. "We could... it would require some of our greatest magic, but we could follow use a gate to follow their teleportation."

"Then we must do so," Alistair said. "The drow took Mahler because they believe him to be Lord Alistair of Canberry. At Lord Alistair's request, Mahler had impersonated him, but now assassins sent to kill Lord Alistair are trying to kill Mahler instead. Lord Alistair would never forgive himself if Mahler died because of that deception. It is our duty to retrieve him."

"Very well. When you and your companions are ready, we may proceed through the gate. I will bring us to a point some hundreds of feet away from the destination of their gate. That should permit us to evaluate the situation before we take action."

Stithis, Delbon, and Kit soon joined the Inquisitor General, prepared for battle. Dame Brionna had already been ready to go but brought over the remainder of Alistair's clothes and equipment as well. Within minutes, the group stood before the Inquisitor General and his remaining guards. The Inquisitor General chanted a great prayer to Paranswarm, finishing by making the sign of the downward arrow. As he finished, the group vanished from the encampment and reappeared on the edge of a wide field.

Two great valar, the mighty flying ships made by both Eldar and Noldar elves, dominated the field, surrounded by a small drowan military encampment. The larger valar was an enormous man-of-war, but even the smaller ship carried a terrifying number of drowan troops, along with powerful magic and psionic weapons. But perhaps even more frightening than the valar was the figure speaking with a defiant Mahler. The guards in the circle around Mahler were drow. But their leader, resplendent in crystal armor, was a Noldar lord, wearing the marks of office of Zorplona-Argoni's Controller of Region 6.

"Should we attack to rescue Mahler?" Stithis whispered.

"We dare not while the Noldar is with him," responded Alistair. "Attacking openly would be suicide. But if he hasn't harmed Mahler yet, we probably have some time. He won't guard Mahler personally forever."

The group crawled forward through the high grass of the field as far as they dared. They approached to a distance where they could safely watch, although they were unable to hear the conversation. They could tell, based on the arrogance of Mahler's gestures and body language, that he must still be playing the role of Lord Alistair. The Noldar and his drow servants, for their part, treated Mahler with respect, courtesy, and firmness. After another minute of conversation, the Noldar gestured towards the warship. Mahler gave a formal half-bow, and followed two of the drow back to the valar man-of-war. As they walked, Stithis slipped forward invisibly and made mental contact with Mahler.

"Mahler, it's Stithis. We're watching you and waiting for an opportunity to rescue you."

"I'm glad to hear it. They're exquisitely polite to me, but only as a prelude to my execution in the morning. Apparently, I'm to have the great honor of being personally slain by the Noldar."

"Make sure I know where you're being held... I can't come any closer in case they have wards against invisibility."

"Don't worry, I'll stay in mental contact." After a minute or so of travel in the ship, Mahler reached his cell. "They've placed me in the forward cabin of the warship. The two windows facing forward at the front of the ship open into my room. There are only a few drow directly guarding me; Captain Abruz and two guards, I believe."

"I'll let the rest of the group know and we'll come as soon as we can."

"Excellent," thought Mahler. "In the meantime, I think there's little for me to do but enjoy the quite good drowan wine they serve their 'guests.'"

The group watched quietly as the Noldar, his chief lieutenant, and several drow guards walked over to a human peasant couple who waited with trepidation at the edge of the clearing. The group recognized the peasants as two of the people of Lyneham. The Noldar tossed a heavy purse onto the ground between them, and the peasants, with much bowing and scraping, collected the purse, obviously their wages for betraying their liege. As the Noldar walked away, he made a small gesture to his guards. The couple died before they even noticed the drow drawing their swords. The fallen elves did not even bother to recover the peasants' payment.

Activity began picking up throughout the camp. The drow were striking camp, taking down the tents and moving equipment back onto the ship. Dame Brionna nodded at the activity. "If we wish to free Mahler, we need to make our attempt before they finish striking camp, m'lord. Once the valar take to the air, we will be unable to do anything."

Alistair nodded. "With a sufficient diversion, we should be able to quickly reach Mahler. But getting him out will be very difficult. Still, Lord Alistair would insist that we not allow Mahler to suffer on his behalf. We have to try."

The Inquisitor General interrupted. "I believe that I can take care of the remainder of your problems." He handed Alistair a small stone disk. "Breaking this will activate an area Recall to my Cathedral in Tang. If you are tightly grouped around Mahler, it will carry all of you to safety. My men and I will provide you the diversion."

"Thank you, venerable bishop... but are you certain? You cannot survive providing that diversion."

Stithis said, "Maybe I could provide a diversion instead, using my whirlwind and my large form to make them think that they were under a more serious attack."

The Inquisitor General shook his head. "No, valorous djinni. The drow and Noldar have powerful weapons and spells that would discorporate you in moments without requiring them to shift their focus of attention, and then your friends would be captured or killed as well. Only a full force attack will provide enough distraction. As for your concerns, Baron..." The Inquisitor General faced Alistair with a smile. "Let us be honest with each other, your highness. It is clear that when you speak of Lord Alistair's determination to not abandon one of his people, you speak for yourself, not some liege-lord who has departed towards Canberry. Your true identity has become clear. The Noldar's plan is to slay you to generate chaos throughout the South of Drucien. Lord Paranswarm detests such chaos, and I must act to stop it. As I know that I cannot persuade you from abandoning your lawful duty to your companions, and would not wish to if I could, I must provide you the means to stop the rise of this chaos." He nodded, in thought. "My guards and I have served Paranswarm well and are ready to face His most orderly judgment. If you will return the renegade's bones to the Cathedral and instruct them to consign his soul to the Second Deepening for five-hundred years, we will even have finished our last mission."

Alistair accepted the sealed box of bones and ash with a grim nod. "You have my deep thanks, then, as well as Canberry's. Is there anything else you would like returned to your cathedral?"

"No. I think I should like to wear my ring and sash as I go to meet Paranswarm. They will be able to make new regalia for my successor. Wait for our attack to draw their attention, then execute your plan quickly. May Paranswarm's Darkness cover your escape."

The group waited patiently, as close to the bow of the man-of-war as they dared approach, waiting for the moment to strike. A tremendous gout of fire, laced through with streaks of pure blackness, fell from the heavens and engulfed several drow at one of the rear-facing crystal weapon emplacements. With a tremendous shout, the Inquisitor General's guards charged, hacking at the drow closest to them. The drow on both valar responded immediately, charging towards the stern of the ships as they readied their weapons.

With the sign to act clear, Delbon cast a spell to enlarge Alistair and scrambled onto his back. Alistair used his new size to easily cover the distance to the ship and smashed through the window with his chain, while Kit nimbly clamored up him and through the window into Mahler's cell, pausing only to toss Mahler the rapier he had dropped at his capture before stabbing at one of the drow guards. Dame Brionna followed close on her heals, although rather less nimbly, and joined the fight. The drow fought for a few seconds before their leader, Captain Abruz, stepped back from the main fight and concentrated. Stithis and Kit clearly "heard" the message he broadcast psionically throughout the area: "The attack is a diversion. A strike team seeks to free the royal prisoner. Request reinforcements."

Kit's eyes widened in surprise. "Alistair, more troops will be here in seconds."

"Our cue to leave. Everyone in close!" Alistair pulled himself deep into the cabin, and threw the stone disk at the deck. Darkness surrounded them.

The darkness passed in a moment, and the group, complete with the drow captain and his two guards, reappeared in a cavernous hall, dimly lit by scattered lamps and votive candles. Between the numerous, frequently gory, depictions of saints and the enormous black downward arrow suspended above the high altar, the sanctuary of a Paranswarmian cathedral was unmistakeable.

The battle raged on furiously; the group could hold their own against the two drow guards, and were slowly wearing them down, but their captain swung his sword with devastating accuracy and seemed immune to the magic Delbon threw at him. As a group of hobbit-sized church knights rushed to investigate the battle, Alistair cried out, "We're here on business of the Inquisitor General! Attack the drow!" While his new allies attacked the two increasingly beleaguered drow warriors, Alistair swung his spiked chain at Captain Abruz and finally penetrated his defenses, landing a lucky blow that ripped along the whole length of the drow officer's torso, finally killing him.

With the aid of the church guards, the group quickly finished off the drow attackers. An Inquisition priest of normal height hurried over. "Where is the Inquisitor General?"

Alistair responded quietly, "We regret to inform you that we believe that he died fighting the same group of drow as pursued us. He requested that we turn over these bones of the renegade he pursued to be cursed... five hundred years in the second deep or something?"

"The Second Deepening. I'll see to it. But the Inquisitor General is dead?"

"We should leave quickly... The drow are likely to teleport more warriors in to continue their pursuit, so you should gather troops to defend the cathedral."

The Inquisition priest simply nodded, still shocked by the Inquisitor General's death. The group hurried from the cathedral, although not before Kit scooped up the remarkable crystal-edged sword that the drow captain had wielded. As they exited the dark cathedral back into daylight, they could hear the priest shouting orders behind them and readying for a second, presumably more powerful, wave.

The group hurried through the streets of the capital of Tang. Mahler stopped the group in the shadow of a building some distance from the cathedral. "Does anyone really know where we are, or how to make it from here to Canberry?"

Alistair shook his head, and Dame Brionna said, "Only in vague terms. Tang is a coastal kingdom, far to the southwest of Canberry. We're probably about the same distance from Canberry as the City of the Pass is but in an almost the opposite direction. Unfortunately, I did not study how to return to Canberry from such an unexpected place."

While the others discussed where they were, Kit and Delbon gawked at a large troop of soldiers that rapidly marched past, heading towards the cathedral. Almost all of the soldiers were perhaps three feet tall, although not with the rounded shape of hobbits. More peculiarly, they were arranged in ranks of three, and each set of three appeared to be identical triplets, completely indistinguishable except for the occasional scar. Only the officers, who were apparently normal humans, did not move in groups of three. While the people of Tang are mostly human, they are a strange offshoot from the rest of humanity. Almost all births in Tang are of threes, who spend their lives largely together and are both smaller and less mentally acute then ordinary humans. The occasional "Ones" form the aristocracy; while any couple in Tang may have a One as a child, the Ones are educated from birth to fill specific roles in the bureaucracy. Despite their privileged roles, Ones are pitied by the regular people of Tang, who can only imagine the horrible loneliness involved.

Fresh sounds of combat and spells erupted from the Cathedral. "So, we have only the vaguest idea where we are, and we don't know how to get from here to Canberry. Meanwhile, there's a high bounty on Mahler, and drow using magic to pursue us." Alistair paused. "I think it's clear that simply heading northeast and hoping for the best isn't a good idea."

Mahler nodded. "It might be time to take advantage of your status, Alistair. If we go to the local government, are they likely to help?"

"Probably. Tang and Canberry haven't had much contact in the past, but opening up trade would be tremendously valuable to Tang." A stained glass window of the cathedral erupted outwards in a blast of flame and noise. "Besides, I think that anything that angers the people attacking their cathedral will seem like a good thing to the Ones."

"Let's head to the palace, then, and hope."

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