• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!



First Post
I dropped a message on the board and was pretty far off. I was frustrated and tired, time was short and I knew that no one had taken any interest in the first posting. None of the other players were taking an interest and it seemed that this weekend was gonna be more frustration and I didn't want that.

To those of you that took my comments as an attack- sorry. Normally I am not that much of an ass.

To those of you that only posted insults and tore into my bad spelling and grammer- oh, never mind :rolleyes:

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What? Me Worry?
In the 3 years or so I've been posting here, I've seen and created many threads that take a while to get going, if at all. Sometimes it can take a long while to get the discussion moving. Just have patience, and realize that depending on when the initial post is made, a good part of the community may be asleep, or at work, or something that keeps them from being able to fully address the topic, especially if it's complex.

As a friendly suggestion, I'd say try posting a really short question about anything you might wonder about, game related or not. I think you'll be pleasantly surprised at how quickly you can get an answer.

Good luck, and welcome to the boards!


People who make sincere apologies get second chances around here. Everyone has a bad day now and then.

Welcome to the Boards.

JoeBlank said:
People who make sincere apologies get second chances around here. Everyone has a bad day now and then.

Welcome to the Boards.

Ditto. Hope you stay around, we'd love it if ya did.

joe b.


First Post
yeah, be very well welcome to this boards, and accept all those suggestions, also, when posting on the weekend you better bump the thread at monday, since not many will read it, happens all the time.

I think we need more people like you around, keep that atitude, it is what we all should do in a case like that, and if we did there would be no flame wars!


First Post
No problem, glad to have you.

But next time, don't edit your original post. We all want to see what a naughty boy you were!:)


Welcome to the boards!

When posting on the weekend, remember that a lot of people are running/playing in their games. If you have a question or want advice, shorter is generally better. If people need more information, they will ask for it. The advantage of that is that you develop a conversation that will keep the thread floating at the top of the board. You will likely get more responses because you can post a reply to the ideas while keeping it bumped up.

Edit: Spelling and grammar errors.
Last edited:


First Post
Welcome to the boards.
I hope you brought enough cookies for all of us:)

(sorry, thinking with my stomache again :D)

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