• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Arca Terra, Chapter One:


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OOC: Sorry, won't be posting any more today. Firefox just crashed, erasing a huge post. I'll retype it all in the morning when I stop gnashing my teeth with rage! In the meantime, if you have a moment you could think about your pet monkey (woohoo!), maybe give him a name, decide on his temperament, etc. whether he's wearing cute monkey pants. You know, all the important stuff.

Let's hope Correus (wasn't really on the ball when I named that guy, was I?) can convince Corrin, or this may indeed be a very short and unsatisfying adventure! On a good note, we should have a new player joining the adventure, hopefully tomorrow! I'll let you know when I know ;] Have a good night/day whatever time it is where you are. It's about 4:40pm here in England.

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Dire Lemming

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OOC: Hm, Monkey names... How about Teymour, like Seymour, but fantasybecause I've never heard of someone being named that. You live in England? Oog, now I feel embarrassed about making Corrin say "blokes". It's just, you know. There's nothing that says fantasy like sounding British. I mean, you guys still have Dragons buried in your mines if I understood Rein of Fire correctly.

Anyway, I live in Hawaii. Yep, the strange and mystical home of Pierce Brosnan. No I don't know him.
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OOC: Ha ha ha! Actually I'm Australian, living over here on a working holiday. Nothing says "not fantasy" like an Australian accent, even less so than American ;] BTW Yes, Teymour is great. Do you want to make it so he's been with you the whole time up til now, just hiding in your sleeve or something?

Correus raises his hands, palms outwards in a consolitary gesture. "Patience, patience, my friend! I will allow m'lady to speak for herself..." He gestures towards the curtained corner of the room, from whence a chill wind suddenly eminates. The candles around the room flicker for a moment, then go still again as a ghostly, ethereal form coalesces out of the air in front of you, seated beside Correus. It is the figure of a young woman. She seems to share some facial similarities with Correus, but she clearly has some fairy stock in her as evidenced by her sweeping ears. You find it difficult to focus on her features too closely, her image seems to flicker and intermitently fade in and out. When she speaks, after giving you a moment to get your breath, her voice comes to your ears as though from afar, with a faint echo and delay...

"So, young Seeker! Or should I say, not so young? I forget the meanings of some of your mortal words. Let me see, a sceptic, but strong of conviction... You are indeed a strange candidate for a holy man! I can see why Correus and Sul like you. So you wish to know about the sacred artifacts of the Lacerdan Throne? Very well. There is much we do no understand about them, as we have none to study, and few history books make mention of them. What we do know is that they are not mere symbols of rule. No, rather they are magical objects designed to make rulership of such a magic-infused land as Lacerda possible. We believe their primary nature is related to the control of time... As for why Prince Darukan would choose not to keep these artifacts where he could control them, we simply do not know. I have speculated much on the matter and have arrived at two possible conclusions. That he is unable to use them is a foregone conclusion. He must either fear these creations, and be unable to destroy them, or ...their mere presence weakens him in some way... Either way, what he fears or is weakened by must be possessed by us, his enemies. Does that satisfy your curiosity, young Crusader? Have you more questions?"

She smiles indulgently, awaiting your response.

Dire Lemming

First Post
Corrin leaps up onto his chair again at the sight of the forming apparation, hastily grasping at his shield. He quickly calms however as the creature appears to be both friendly, and in a pleasantly feminine form. "Y-... So you are... Lady Pandran? Er, forgive my rudeness. I suppose you have heard that I am Corrin Reedson... but it is a pleasure to meet you Lady." He bows to her, and is quickly retakes his seat, but looks around the room curiously. "Er... Well I suppose your... presence, alone adds credibility to the story... I mean, if anyone would know about ancient magical artifacts it would be a... Ghos- ... er... Wait, Correus said you had a wagon... You don't... look like you would have much use for a wagon... Please forgive my rudeness but I do like to know about those I may help... Just what exactly- Er... Well, you are usually... more solid than this aren't you?" He smiles nervously as he knows that he has asked a potentially sensitive question, but one he feels he must know the answer to.


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"And it a pleasure for me, too, Corrin Reedson. I am not always ...this way. I am creature of Fairy, sometimes called the Feywild. I have little tolerance for this plane of reality, and my body suffers terribly. My true form is lain out on a pallet behind that curtain, I'll trust you not to look. I project myself thusly into the materium. It does not please me to do such, but it suits my purposes. Why not tell me a little more of yourself, Pious Crusader?"
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Dire Lemming

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Corrin shrugs, still trying to take all this in. "Well... I'm not sure how much there is to tell. Like I told Correus I'm a knight of Avandra. Our order is rather small in Lacerda. I grew up here. This is who I am... I'm not entirely sure what else you'd like to know, but please ask... Lady, er, I do not wish to pry but... why is it that you desire to conceal your true form?"


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"Oh, that is merely a matter of privacy. While I am projecting myself this way, my physical form lies helpless as though asleep. My astral form mirrors my true form precisely, you will no doubt be glad to know, young Inquisitor. Now, what have you to say about the deeds of my company, now that you've heard more of our motives and goals? Sul seemed most upset, and I saw that you'd managed to upset poor Dashiel quite considerably, although this is not uncommon. Perhaps you've experienced a change of heart?"

Meanwhile, Correus is slowly pacing the room, lost in thought, though he occassionally turns his head
towards his half-sister when something catches his attention.

Dire Lemming

First Post
Corrin considers silently for a moment, then smiles at the vision of Pandran. "I think... that you have good ends, and you intend to use good means. I think I should help you. In fact, I had meant to go on a pilgrimage one of these days, and this would be a perfect time... Besides, I'm on the Foxglove's watch list now if Sul is right." He glances at the curtain concernedly. "M'lady, you told me that it is hard for you to remain here. I do have some ability to heal, perhaps I could help to ease your suffering somewhat. Please forgive me if I have misunderstood."


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"I would welcome it, young lord." She bowes her head, and her spirit form slowly fades from view. The chill wind returns and the curtain billows softly. Correus crosses to the curtain and holds it open for you.

Inside is a straw stuffed pallet lying on the floor with a beautiful young lady laid out up on it. She has fair skin and deep, rich brown hair that falls over her shoulders. She is dressed in a simple white robe covering her from her shoulders to her ankles, but you can see her chest rising and falling with difficulty, and her breath comes in ragged gasps. A light sweat has broken out on her forehead.
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Dire Lemming

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OOC: So you're like the opposite of Ben "Yahtzee" Crowshaw, I bet you don't wear a Trilby and aren't an egomaniacal, opinionated jerk with his own internet show! ENWorld's netcode seems to suck at this time of day. Best to copy all your posts before pressing post.

Corrin is taken aback at first by the woman's beauty, but quickly pushes his attraction to the back of his mind in order to concentrate on the more important matter of her poor health. He glances back at Correus, saying, "I need clean clean water and a cloth." Then turns back to Pandra and ever so gently places a hand upon her forehead to check her fever.

Heal Check: 1d20+8=21

Anything else I can do for her besides a heal check?

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