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Arcane Power Art Gallery: Welcome back, old friends


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In this economy, it is a cost cutting measure. And I would prefer they use this particular cost cutting measure than any number of other ones.

If done purely for cost-cutting, then it's really not the best idea. The cost for having 10 additional color pieces, therefore removing all old illustrations, would be at about US$1500. That cost is a drop in a bucket of water when compared to the true costs of a book (printing, shipping, percentage to the distribution chain, etc).

It seems more like a time-cutting measure.

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First Post
If done purely for cost-cutting, then it's really not the best idea. The cost for having 10 additional color pieces, therefore removing all old illustrations, would be at about US$1500. That cost is a drop in a bucket of water when compared to the true costs of a book (printing, shipping, percentage to the distribution chain, etc).

It seems more like a time-cutting measure.
Really? 10 pieces for only $150 each? Wow..... Well, you certainly know more than I do about this. Klaus, how many man-hours does it take to do one of these pieces from initial discussion to handing it in with final approval?

You artist guys need to go on strike and get better wages!

Maybe it's both cost cutting AND time cutting?


If done purely for cost-cutting, then it's really not the best idea. The cost for having 10 additional color pieces, therefore removing all old illustrations, would be at about US$1500.
You obviously know more than most of the rest of us about this, but $150 for top-shelf fantasy art? That's astonishingly cheap!


First Post
Really? 10 pieces for only $150 each? Wow..... Well, you certainly know more than I do about this. Klaus, how many man-hours does it take to do one of these pieces from initial discussion to handing it in with final approval?

You artist guys need to go on strike and get better wages!

Maybe it's both cost cutting AND time cutting?
Keep in mind that the vast majority of the repeated pieces are used as quarter-pagers, so the fee is downgraded from a full page (compare that to, say, a 4e Chapter opener, which is now 1.5 page). Quarter page, color picture for $150? I'd kill for that kind of rate. That's what I usually get for a cover...

As for how long it'd take, I can only speak for myself. If I were to receive an order for 10 pictures like this, I'd send out 5 sketches within 2 days, and do the remaining 5 while the others are being analyzed. Assuming all goes well, it's about 2 days per non-background character piece. All in all, 10 pieces like this would take me 4-5 weeks, from sketch to finished piece.

Likewise, when I was producing game products, I would have killed for an art budget of $1500. I mean, admittedly we almost never did color interiors, but even for black & white I don't think we were paying a living wage. (Not that we really made enough profit to give ourselves a living wage, though.)

Anyway, a lot of this art is cool, but I'm always amazed that, if WotC is going to reuse art, why don't they reuse art from Magic, which at least is a different product line, so there's less chance of D&D players recognizing it? Plus, good God, have you seen some of the art Magic has these days? It's stunningly good.

For instance:


Some other examples:









P.S., Claudio, I'm going to send you an email.
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First Post
Those pictures show why Magic cards are the high-end of gaming illustration gigs. The rate is very good, so they can get the very best artists.

And those angels? THOSE are angels.


First Post
I also feel the need to voice my displeasure with recycled art, and speak up for the importance of art in a hardcover book. I find it's especially true for 4E books, where the graphic design is particularly unevocative of medieval fantasy. I mean, beige gradients - how on earth does that say "fantasy"? Since most 4E are extremely crunch heavy, it's that much more frustrating.

I buy 4E books because I like the rules, the system, and the core assumptions. Individual art is often very good in them too, but the overall look of the books - made that much worse since it's the same for all of them - does not speak to my imagination or creativity, which is the biggest shame of all with this edition.

I find myself buying different system books simply because their design, look and feel inspires me when creating adventures, campaigns, or even characters.


First Post
Interesting that someone else pointed out magic. You know, in magic they often get upset when NEW art is used over their old favorites. Also, the art in magic isn’t really a good fit for D&D, the cards are illustrated such that they stand out as a 3”x3” picture flopped down on a table, they lack miniscule details like a big D&D piece of art would have.

Other posters seem to have implied that budgets for a book, even wotc, are razor thin as is, don’t squeeze them any tighter guys. Nobody complains about recycled art in galleries or art history books, if it’s good it’s worth reprinting. Is it recycling when a novel quotes a poem or when a speaker quotes another orator? If the content is good and fits with the overall piece, a familiar and iconic selection is superior to something new and unfamiliar.

Furthermore, can we please stop affixing the “humor” tag to veiled criticism of wotc? Just because you think you’re funny doesn’t mean the rest of the forum agrees. Nobody here is an insightful satirist and it’s… getting… old.

Those pictures show why Magic cards are the high-end of gaming illustration gigs. The rate is very good, so they can get the very best artists.

And those angels? THOSE are angels.
I'll be in my bunk. ;)

But yes, those illustrations are nice. Can someone please create an adventure from the last one (with the heroes on floating triangles and the dragon?) ;)

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