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Are you convinced yet?


I thought the seminar at PAX east had more than 4 choices for race and class, so are we actually getting less and if so I wonder why?
You're thinking of the PAX East and DDXP playtest PCs. I can't comment extensively without breaking a NDA, but it's reasonable to assume that WotC is focusing on the most common classes and races for the first round of the playtest; the more variety, the larger range of edge cases at a time when WotC wants to ensure that the core system is really solid.

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There seems to be a common theme with all the information I'm hearing about D&D Next; almost everything I'm hearing, I'm liking.

But I still remain skeptical that it will deliver anything near to what is being promised. Don't get me wrong, I would LOVE to see it be everything and more than what is being touted, I simply lack faith in the end product actually living up to the hype.

History tends to repeat, after all.

The fact that I keep hearing what I want to hear from WotC is actually starting to make me concerned. It's one thing to echo the desires of the community and another thing entirely to actually deliver it. I'm almost starting to think that I'm simply being told what they know I want to hear in order to maintain my interest.

Colour me a cynic, but the more positive things I hear about the new system, the less inclined I am to believe it will ever exist. I know we'll get to see some of the system in action come May 24th, but even then it will be just a preview and not the actual, end system, so unless it delivers a lot of what has been promised then ultimately it means very little.

Where do you stand? Is your faith absolute? Or is it... disturbing?

I have a bit more knowledge than most. I have liked what i have seen , and hope they have fixed the rough patches while keeping the good.



Convinced that 5e will be good?

I don't know. I enjoyed 3e, I enjoyed 4e, will I enjoy 5e? I can't say, I'll get back to you when the playtest happens.

Honestly, from what I hear, my "anticipation level" is about 7/10. It sounded like it was going to be VERY heavily 3e at first, and that concerned me...because we already have 3e. If Wizards wanted to revive it and start making new product for it, they could, no reason to retro-clone their own product. I liked 3e, but there were certainly points that needed work.

However, as they've divulged more information, while it still smells like 3e, it seems that they've learned a lot of lessons(good and bad) from later 3e and 4e. And that's what I really like to see, is that a company can learn from it's mistakes AND successes.


First Post
I have faith that Wizards will do a pretty good job at achieving their goals for this edition(note: I'm referring to mechanical/thematic goals, not necessarily commercial ones). They have a proven track record, which doesn't guarantee future success but does suggest it's likely.

On the other hand, I don't have faith that I will enjoy 5th edition, due to what said goals appear to be. I'm sure plenty of people will enjoy it though.


First Post
My view is that they have set some damn nice goals to aim for. If they manage to get further towards those goals than previous versions of D&D have, then they have done a good job. Expecting them to actually hit all those goals is unrealistic. But at least give them a chance to try.

All in all, it looks good so far, and monte or no monte, they have a pretty good team building it, so i think we can expect something worthy. making claims, either positive or negative based on limited information is a fools task, and unworthy of the intelligence we all i imagine claim to have. So lets just say its a nice target they are aiming at, and lets hope they end up some way closer to it.




I'm not sure it'll feel like a full game, though. We'll see!

It shouldn't, it's a beta. Hopefully most people will realize this, but given the number of VG betas I've been in, I know there'll be plenty of moaning over how incomplete and wrong the game is...because ya know, it's not done yet.

the Jester


How about, I am eager to get a look and offer feedback on the playtest rules. The final game is so far out that I am certain what we'll see will be substantially different from the final version. There's great talent working on the game, and I'm hoping it turns out for the best.


First Post
Agreed. They're serious about the feedback, at least; the game has already changed substantially based on Friends & Family playtest feedback. I give WotC major credit for putting their money where their mouth is.

I hope you're right. Listening and adjusting to the opinions of people 'you know' is easy.

Filtering out the noise from thousands on raging internet nerds and finding constructive information is exponentially more difficult.

Argyle King

At this time, I am not convinced. As I've said elsewhere, a sort of apathy toward D&D Durango is setting in for me. There's a slight touch of being convinced that I am not part of the target audience.

Voidrunner's Codex

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