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Pathfinder 2E Are you moving from 5E to PF2?


Deluxe Unhuman
Played PF once or twice during it's first couple of years, didn't care for it. Been playing 5E weekly for 2.5+ years now, which is a major, major achievement for our group.


@Morrus , the PF2 review on the podcast got me very interested in PF2. Your complexity/depth approach to looking at it made a big difference. I've been frustrated with the lack of choices as one levels up in 5E, for non-spellcasters in particular, but I didn't care for PF's complexity.

Thing is, I don't know if I could sell enough of the group on PF2 to make it happen, at least any time real soon. I guess if I bought PF2, read it through and through, maybe played it some elsewhere a little bit on the side, and then came to the group with excitement and selling points, I could make it happen. As it is, they would see it as "we're already playing D&D, why bother?"
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Remus Lupin

When I first heard about PF2, I was feeling a bit grognardish and really didn't want to switch, but I've mostly drunk the Koolaid on it now and I'm ready to dive in. But my group has mostly abandoned Pathfinder at this point. We've got a 3.5 campaign going and a 5e campaign going.

The other night at the table I was giving my overall assent of the rules, having just gotten the book and listened to some playthroughs. I told them my bottom line: I like it better than 5e. And everyone around the table nodded and said, "Yep, that sounds about right."

So I'm hopeful that we'll be making a switch over to PF2 some time soon, and putting 5e on the back burner, if not abandoning it entirely.


It looks interesting. I'm going to talk to the players about giving it a try when our current 5e game ends. I want to try running it, which is more than I can say for the previous version.

Now that I've read the core rules, I'm even more excited to run the game. Lots to cool elements to this design.

However, anyone who suggests this is a straightforward game is kidding themselves. It's a considerable step up in complexity from 5E. My worry is that I have a couple players at my table of the 'just show up and play' variety, so there will be a lot more hand holding than I have to do with 5E.


No. My group and I are enjoying 5e a lot. Currently running my third 5e campaign since it came out. We like the lighter and modular approach of 5e. With all the optional rules in the DMG and new class archetypes published regularly we are satisfied. As a DM I don't went to return to the d20 3.5, 4e style systems.


Now that I've read the core rules, I'm even more excited to run the game. Lots to cool elements to this design.

However, anyone who suggests this is a straightforward game is kidding themselves. It's a considerable step up in complexity from 5E. My worry is that I have a couple players at my table of the 'just show up and play' variety, so there will be a lot more hand holding than I have to do with 5E.

I think this edition could benefit from a more laid out "here's actions you can take on your turn" type of sheet, kind of like what was had with "power cards" in 4E. Maybe that would help with players who aren't as engaged by the tactical applications. Or maybe that would be even more confusing, I'm not sure.

I think this edition could benefit from a more laid out "here's actions you can take on your turn" type of sheet, kind of like what was had with "power cards" in 4E.

Absolutely. The number of mechanically-defined actions a PC can take has to number in the dozens. At the very least a summary sheet would be extremely helpful. Because I sure as heck won't be able to remember them all when I'm running a game.


After reviewing the rules for a bit now I feel I can safely say we will not be switching. I definitely like some of the added depth vs 5e, but it is clearly a much more complex game as well and I am just not interested in that. At this point, I think it would be easier to achieve what I am looking for by taking some of the depth of PF2e and added to my next 5e game.
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