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Are you playing the type of game you want?


My current game is pretty awesome. Great roleplaying, great combat, great storylines and intrigue, and a DM who fits it all together very well. The characters are bickering quite a bit these days, but that's fine with me.

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I'm happily playing in 2 games right now - one 3.5 Greyhawk (as a PC) and one Arcana Unearthed (as the DM). I'm very happy with the people I play with and the combat/RP ratio. The only problem is that I wish we could play more often!

I will say I was in a group that I did NOT gel with....there was just too much machismo among the players and far far far far far far too much pointless combat. It was also ridiculously high-magic and the DM favored/disliked certain players which filtered into the game. Not good! But I'm happy to say I broke away and found a great group!
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Lord Ravinous

First Post
I would have to say that the current game I'm playing in, albeit were only one session into it, has got to be the best game I've played in the last 2-3 years. I have a character that actually interests me, I like most everyones characters and find them ALSO interesting, and BY JEEBUS!!! we have backgrounds. It's well planned out, which is a wonderful thing considering the chaotic sessions of the past. I only hope that we can continue on our current path without degenerating back into our old habits. Knock on wood

I just hope that we don't level as rapidly as usual. We leveled this last session, but thats ok, I just like to have a little time in between my levels. Guess thats just me. Didn't really have time to "prep" my character in-game as much as I would've liked for my next level. But I'll get over it.

I give it a 9 out of 10 based on "Overall" gaming experiance.


I'd have to say the last game I was in was pretty close to optimal. There were a few things I didn't get done with the campaign that I wanted to, but while it was underway, it was a rip-roaring epic stomp with great action and great roleplay.

I don't think I am near as much "In the Zone" for the current game, but I find that my games get better as they go on, and I cobble together ideas and gain momentum.


All of the games that I play in have one rule that completely drives me nuts: You lose a level if you have to start a replacement character.

If it wasn't for that, I could handle about anything.



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Well my current DM is by the book Core ONLY. There is alot of thought put into it, and I've known him for years. I'm not fond of his adherance to only core its kinda annoying, and we don't agree on how alignments are played. I run a much more flexible game, but I don't like DMing, I'd rather play. ANd since there are no other groups in my area I'm stuck. I still have fun, but not as much as I could.


Lord Ravinous

First Post
dreaded_beast said:
i noticed that a few people mentioned that they disliked leveling too fast.

is it really that bad?

When in relation to all the things that "could" go wrong with a game, Fast leveling is by far not the worst, if anything its probly the least bad of the bad (does that make any sense? lol). I just think it'd be nice to have a little more time in between the lower levels.


First Post
dreaded_beast said:
i noticed that a few people mentioned that they disliked leveling too fast.

is it really that bad?

I can only answer for myself, of course, but I think levelling too fast can be bad depending on your gaming style. If you're a "create a personality and watch them grow, suffer, and develop" type of gamer, then levelling too fast can be bad because before you've even really had a chance to explore the cause of your character's unrelenting drive to create the perfect omelette, you're 20th level, you've fought the super-BBEG, and the campaign's over.

It can also be claimed that the low to mid levels are the most fun to play. At low level it's a struggle to survive, and at mid-levels you've got enough power to feel good about yourself, but it's still risky. At high levels, however, you're either mowing through everything without breaking a sweat, or you're constantly barraged with level-draining monsters, save-or-die magic, or tooled-up BBEGs straight out of Sultans of Smack.


I can see how leveling too fast could be an annoyance. Especially if you are working on your characterization. I like to have my characters reflect on how they adjust to new abilities and powers, or how they acquire the same. When you are rapidly increasing your abilities, it is difficult to reflect on this. As well, it can also be nice to struggle with weaker creatures at lower levels.

One thing that sometimes bothers me about the game I play in is that we might go for 6 months, or more, without any experience. Then we get a big lump together. Our DM allows us to go up more than 1 level at a time because he doesn't give out exp on a regular basis. But, that is kind of beside the point for me. That gap for exp means that magic item creation and certain spells might not be possible. I have already held myself back 1 level intentionally so I could build magic items. As well, my points for characterization become a problem when I skip 1-2 levels at a time.

But, it is a good game and I enjoy playing in it. So, I am not grumbling too loudly. Just offering some insight on why people might not like leveling rapidly. :)

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