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Are Your Games Rated G, PG, R, X, etc.?


Unattainable Ideal
My wife's spectacular abilities with profanity ensure any game she's in is at least an R. No kidding, the girl can swear. She goes into a bar, the sailors come out blushing with their hands over their ears, they can't take it.

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Prismatic Programmer
My game would probably be rated PG. Some of our players' kids are old enough to converse, so we try not to swear or make any explicit sexual references.

Of course we have lots of mayhem, disembowelment, decapitation, and other bloody carnage, but that never affects a movie rating. Remember what the MPAA says: horrific, deplorable violence is okay, as long as nobody says any naughty words.


Usually somewhere around R, sometimes X. I'm not shy about anything from drug use to prostitution (there's a Tanar'ri brothel right next door to the building in Sigil my players' PCs own) and the campaign has been exceedingly dark at times. I don't go out of my way to make it extreme, violent, or crude, but the themes of the game lend themselves to a mature group of players and a rather complex and mature plot.

I've had to edit out material more than once in my storyhour of the campaign, and there's an entire episode of the campaign that I cannot, under any circumstances, actually post here on enworld as part of the storyhour. I'll write it sure, but it's completely beyond the pale for anything that's proper to post around here.

My players range from 21-25, with me the oldest at 25, and so there's the tendency to curse like sailors at times, talk frank about certain topics etc. However we don't go out of our way to discuss such things, it just happens as the game and metaplot of the game progresses. My storyhour's first several sessions give a pretty good look at the overall tone and such of it all.


First Post
Rating depends on the group and time period.

As a teen gaming with other teens, in the 80's PG-13 to NC-17, due to extreme violent content, drugs, language, & occassional sex.

As a young adult in college PG to PG-13, due to violent content & language.

As a mature adult DMing a game with a group of adults and two children G to PG, due to the villians.

Hida Bukkorosu

First Post
my d&d/savage worlds group would be a firm pg-13, both in table chatter and in game content.

my spycraft/l5r group would be a firm R in table chatter, and an r for violence in game content (though sexuality is dealt with in the pg-13 manner of "ok you take the receptionist into the bathroom for a quickie while he hacks into the computer").

i think the only time i'd play an x-rated game would be if i was dating someone with a perverted sense of humor and we did it mostly for a laugh before um... playing for real :) and that would be a 1-on-1 session.


My games are mostly very R in nature. Every now and then I run a PG-13 game, and never below that. Due to violence, language, and adult situations my game play very much like a Die Hard movie. The one thing that doesn't up the rating it sex. If it ever enters into the game, it's brushed over.



Shemeska said:
I've had to edit out material more than once in my storyhour of the campaign, and there's an entire episode of the campaign that I cannot, under any circumstances, actually post here on enworld as part of the storyhour. I'll write it sure, but it's completely beyond the pale for anything that's proper to post around here.
And when that happens, I don't suppose you'd send it to a loyal storyhour fan who is impervious to offense but loves well-written Planescape fiction? My email is in the profile, BTW. ;)

Hand of Evil

My R may be someone's X and my G may be a PG-13 ;)

D&D is a game of good and evil and I like to think I keep things adult, moral issues, sex is a sidebar.

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