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Artimus Al'Ulfgar (Comments Please)


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(Hey all, I thought it'd be fun to write a story hour from a single PCs point of view. The following is his backstory. I hope you like it and any comments would be greatly appreciated.)
My story begins like many stories do. It starts with my childhood in the small city of Barlain. I was the son of two loving parents and was to be raised to be someone great. My father was Alain Al’Ulfgar and he was of Noble birth. My father, like his father before him, served His Majesty the King of Tunaria as a General of the Armies. It was family tradition for the oldest male to serve the King and had been for hundreds upon hundreds of years. My mother gave birth to me and they named me Artimus. Two years after my birth my father retired from service and moved to Barlain to raise me, just like his father had done.

Alain was the Captain of the City guard and his wife stayed home to care for me during the day. While my father worked hard during the day, at night he spent most of his time with his me. Be it teaching me to play the flute, or telling me stories about our family, My father and I could not be separated. Sometimes he was even known to bring me with him out on his patrols. When I was about 4 my father had his me officially initiated into the family. I was magically tattooed with the family crest: a Lammasu reared onto it’s hind legs with wings spread and a crown at it’s feet. These tattoos were placed on my wrists and would remain there forever, never fading or distorting.

On a warm summer day when I was about 7 my entire world came crashing down on me. I was out with my mother at market buying food for the evening meal when the giant bell on the temple began ringing furiously. People stood around for a moment questioning what was happened. Suddenly, the city guards began racing through the city, shouting for men to take up arms and for women and children to get home to safety. My mother dropped her basket and grabbed me and ran. She ran like the wind to our home and bound inside our front door. The slammed the bar into place behind the door and set herself to preparing things for us to leave. She crammed blankets and food into packs. Lastly, she carefully packed my father’s flute into a pack and then grabbed 3 cloaks. Each cloak had a clasp that was emblazoned with our family crest on it. Lastly, she packed a signet ring into the pack.

Without warning, the sounds of battle were heard outside our front door. Holding back tears she ran and grabbed a dagger from the kitchen and stood protectively in front of me. The scream of a dying man was heard just beyond the door followed immediately by three loud bangs. My mother looked out the window next to the door and let out a sob. She pulled the bar off the door and pulled the door open. Outside stood my father in his armor, a stream of blood trickling down his face from a wound over his eye. In his hand was a sword with blood dripping off of it. He ran inside and put a pack over his shoulders and put on one me. He then picked me up in one arm and ran outside. My mother not far behind, we ran out of the city. Occasionally we ducked into an alleyway or turned back to take a different route, but eventually we did get out. We ran to the outskirts of the city and then to the surrounding forest. It seemed like we ran for hours. I hid my face in my father’s shoulder to hide my tears of terror. Only when I heard my mother scream did I look up.

As I look up my father came to a dead halt. My mother fell to her knees and then onto her face, an arrow sticking up from her back. Behind her I saw the enemy, I saw the man who did all this. I saw the man who ruined my life.

My father dropped me to the ground and I scrambled away from him. He walked slowly to the man as he dropped his wickedly curved bow and drew a sword from the sheath at his side. Shouting my father charged him and did battle. Ripostes melded to thrusts in a blur of light and steel. Finally, my father got the upper hand and stepped into the man’s defenses and shoved his sword through the man’s middle. The man and my father toppled over and lay still for awhile. Slowly, my father rolled onto his back, and I saw why he was groaning softly. A dagger was protruding from his side.

I ran over to my father and held one of his hands in both of mine and cried, “Father! Father! What do I do? I’m afraid Father! Don’t leave me!”

A look of loved crossed his eyes as he saw me and he said with his last breath, “You must live to be the best man you can.”

I was alone and terrified, but I did what my father told me. I lived.
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First Post
Sorry it took so long for you to get any feedback. Your background is impressive and compelling. I would like to learn more of the adventures of Artimus.

Do I understand you correctly... you are a player and Artimus is your PC in a campaign run by someone else? That's a refreshing new viewpoint.


First Post
Artimus Al'Ulfgar (Part 2)

(Thanks for the feedback and just for clarification, yes, Artimus is my PC in another person's campaign and this is from his POV)

Slowly, I stood up and looked down and my father and wiped my face. Father had always spoken of how all the true nobles were always brave. It’s my turn to be brave now. Quickly I went and grabbed my father’s pack and ran. As I ran I heard the sounds of dogs barking in the distance behind me. I ran and ran until my lungs burned furiously from running so hard. I stopped for a moment and looked around to gain my bearings. I had run south and was about 2 miles from where my father lay. I remembered that there was a road about a half-mile east of where I was and that it led into the next city.

With all the determination I could muster I started walking for the road at a fair pace. I walked for about a half hour until I reached it and when I did there were about a half dozen men on horses walking down it. I emerged from the forest about 5 feet in front of the lead man. I was bruised and battered from my headlong rush into the woods and quite ready to collapse from exhaustion. The lead man reared up his horse and shouted at me, “Out of the way child!”

I stepped further into the road so that the man could pass on my right. He walked his horse up to me so that I stood at his foot and looked down on me. He wore a chain shirt and heavy leather pants. At his waste he wore a longsword and a dagger. He said slowly, “Dear Child, what’s happened to you? Where are your parents?”

At this point I could not hold in what happened anymore. Tears rushed from my eyes and I begin babbling about how my parents had been killed and how I had run for my life and how the bad bad men had attacked the city. The man tried to take everything in but by this point my speech was going so fast no one was able to understand me. The man slowly dismounted and fell to a knee and looked me in the eye and said, “What’s your name, child?”

Sniffing once I raised my chin and said, “I am Artimus Al’Ulfgar.”

The man grinned at me and said, “Alright, well, I’m Thomas. Now Artimus, slowly tell me what happened.”

Holding back the tears I slowly began to explain to him the days events. Slowly his face darkened as my tale wove on. I left no detail out. At last when my tale was done he stood up and looked to his comrades that were standing about waiting on him and nodded. With a grim look on his face he said, “Artimus, it isn’t safe for you here. Those men will most likely try to find you and kill you. They won’t want any witnesses to what they’ve done. Likely everyone else who has tried to escape is already dead. I am going to take you into the city, you’ll be safe there.” He slowly mounted up as his comrades began to check that their weapons were clear in their sheaths. He leaned over from his horse and picked me up and placed me in the saddle in front of him. He put a protective arm and around me and started his horse off at a trot towards the city. From about this point my memory begins to blur a bit.

The next thing that I remember is waking up in a bed. The room I awoke in was well decorated with a desk next to a window on one wall and a small washbasin stand on the other. I was laying in a bed that was against the wall with the door near the head of it. Sitting at the desk was the man I had come to know as Thomas with his feet propped up against the bed with a book in hand. His eyes were scanning down the page slowly and a small smile adorned his face. My eyes fell to the cover of the book. He was reading “The tales of Simon the Adventurer.” I smiled softly in memory of the book. My father and I had read the book together many times.

I sat up slowly and wiped the sleep from my eyes and glanced around the room briefly before I heard Thomas say, “Well, welcome back to the world of the conscious.”

I turned to him and smiled at him and climbed out of the bed. Looking down I saw my feet were bare. I quickly scanned the room for my things and saw my boots along with my pack near the base of the bed. I walked over to Thomas and said, “Thomas, where are we?”

He closed the book and put it on the desk. He brought his feet off the bed and leaned over and so that his face was closer to my level, “Well, we’re in the city of Mystarra. Currently, we’re staying in an inn called the Golden Goose.”

The smile faded off my face as I came to the realization of what had happened. Until then it had been a blur and I hadn’t really comprehended it. “Thomas,” I asked, “what is going to happen to me?”

He sighed and looked at me and said, “Well, I think I am going to have to bring you to the orphanage.”

I almost burst into tears at the thought of going to an orphanage. The orphanage was the thing that mother’s used to quiet rowdy children, or to threaten a child who is misbehaving. The orphanage is not a place good little boys went to, only the horrible ones went there. I threw myself forward and hugged his leg and said, “No, no, no! You can’t send me there! I can go with you! I’ll care for your horses! I can do that! I know how to clean armor and weapons! Please! ANYTHING but the orphanage!”

He hoisted me up onto his lap and cradled me in his arms and rocked me back and forth slowly and said, “There there child, if you don’t want to go to the orphanage that badly I suppose I could take you with me. My friends my not be so pleased but I can take you. So long as you work hard and when your old enough learn to fight I will take you.”

Emphatically I nodded my head and said, “Yes yes! I’ll work hard and I’ll learn! I promise!”

And so my fate was sealed. I went with the mercenary Thomas. First to work hard, then to fight hard. Very soon after that eve I began learning how to wield a pair of retractable bladed gauntlets. The things were much to large as they had come off a man who decided he wanted to kill the man Thomas and his group had pledged to protect. Unfortunately, they would get much use on my hands.
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First Post
(stats on gauntlets: Blades are 18", gauntlets go to elbows are leather with metal plating woven inside. Exotic weapons, 1d6, 18-20/x2, partial action to draw/"sheath" them)

Part III

I held up to my word. I worked hard cleaning Thomas’ and his friends weapons and armor and doing other work for about 3 years after that. On my 10th birthday Thomas began training me in the use of the bladed gauntlets. He had gotten the weapons off a man who decided he wanted to kill the man Thomas and his group had pledged to protect. Even though I was huge for my age, reaching almost 4’6”, the things were large on my hands. The fact that the gauntlets were designed for a grown man made training with them difficult. But I persevered.

I trained and fought with Thomas for 9 more years before fate would separate us. We were on the road back to Mystarra when we were ambushed. A merchant who had sent men against our ward was angry that we had not let those men return alive. He sent a large group of men to attack us once our pledge had expired. We were surrounded and before we could act most of the party took arrows in the chest or back. I clenched my fists tightly sending the triple 18-inch blades out of the gauntlets and I pulled my feet from the stirrups and onto the saddle. I looked around and took in the total carnage. I was the only one unhurt.

A scream of rage escaped my lungs as I saw my friends and guardians de-horsed with arrows protruding from them. I leapt from my horse and tackled one of our ambushers. As we hit the ground I brought those wicked blades that had already drawn so much blood into the mans gut. Again and again, each fist pounded into his body. Blood sprayed up from his body and onto my face and clothes. I stopped and realized what had happened in horror. I had snapped. Just like the man from my childhood had ended my parents life, this man had ended my most trusted friend’s life, and I had snapped. Before I could do anything about this realization my side exploded into fiery pain. I looked down and embedded into my side was a blade. I fell over and that’s the last I remember of that day.

A day or so later I awoke by Heironeus’ grace. My clothes were crusty with blood and I my entire body was pounding in pain. The blood and gore was still left on the road as it was when I had passed out. The only difference now was that all the blood had dried, and the horses were gone. Once again I was alone. Fortunately, I still had my pack on and it appeared it had gone unmolested. I staggered to my feet and over to Thomas. His cold eyes gazed up at the sky. I moved a blood stained hand over his eyes and grit my teeth to keep from crying. I was a warrior now, and warriors didn't cry.

I stood once more and began hobbling in the direction of Mystarra. I would continue on with life. I would get a room at the Golden Goose, then I would find more work. Just like Thomas had showed me how to do countless times before. But before I got work again it would be necessary to praise Heironeus for allowing me to live through this perilous time. I would do so just like Thomas had shown me to. It would be hard without Thomas, but I would carry on. I had to.


First Post
With this poor kid's history, he's going to turn out to be a heck of an adventurer, I think. "Snapping" into an uncontrollable rage can be a handy trait in battle!


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Part IV

Part IV

I hobbled down the road for close to two hours when I encountered a small regiment of Mystarra’s guards. The guards had been sent to investigate the corpses on the road. At the head of the men was a man very familiar to me, as I had had many dealings with him. I waved at him as I recognized who it was. The armor clad men quickened to a jog until they reached me, the commander quickly saying, “Artimus, dear Gods, what happened to you? Who did this?”

“I have no idea. We.. We were ambushed. They came from everywhere at once” I cleared my throat so I could collect myself “Everyone else is dead. Everyone. They were paid mercenaries though. The only reason I’m alive is because I was knocked unconscious from a blow to the ribs. The one thing I don’t understand is why they didn’t take anything.”

“Oh dear Heironeus… Artimus, I’m so sorry. They probably didn’t take anything so that they couldn’t be tracked. If they would have taken your things and sold them we could’ve tracked them down. They must have been paid to kill you all. Did you see any faces you recognized?”

“I only saw the face of one man, and that really wouldn’t help. I’m sure he’s quite dead by now. Commander, I’d like to continue on to Mystarra. I want to get there before it gets to late too travel.”

“Of course Artimus. The rest of the way is safe. Fear not.”

Of course I didn’t fear anything at that point. I had lost so much at that point in my life, I almost welcomed death with open arms. With nothing else left to do, I walked on. I reached the city a few hours later in a daze. I entered the city and staggered slowly to the Inn that had become my home over the years. As I opened the door I was greeted by the familiar smell of ale and tabacco. Butterburr, the Innkeeper who had become a very dear friend and source of much employment, darted from behind the bar and to my side. “My dear boy” he said “What on Avonesse happened to you?”

By this point I was exhausted and could barely remain standing and so all I said was, “Ambush. Thomas dead. Everyone dead.”

Butterburr nodded furiously and helped me up to the room that had practically become my home. “Don’t worry Artimus. I’ll send Catrina up with some food and to clean your wounds.”

Ah Catrina, the innkeeper’s daughter. She was always very kind and occasionally flirtatious with me, even though I was always very quiet and pretty nervous around her. I sat on the bed with my back to the wall for a few moments until Catrina came in. She burst into tears nearly the moment she saw me covered in dried blood. She carried a tray with soup, some bread, and a pitcher of water. The soup and bread went onto the desk and the pitcher of water was quickly emptied into the washbasin. She pushed the washbasin’s table next to the bed and quickly went to undressing me nearly to the point of nakedness and cleaning my wounds. She appropriately winced every time she jolted a yelp out of me. I don’t remember exactly how long it took to get me cleaned up but it seemed an eternity of painful dabs of a warm cloth.

Eventually, Catrina deemed me fit to rest. I laid back into bed and closed my eyes to shut out the world, only to be revisited by the recent past over and over.
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Psychotic Jim

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Awesome. Despite a somewhat cliche beginning, I like this. And this is all backstory? Cool. What campaign setting is this taking place in? Greyhawk? Mystara? A homebrew world? And I take it Artimus is a barbarian (because of the rage- I liked how you explained the rage ability even though the character is a noble).


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(The world is a homebrew. Hrm.. I should probably explain that. The world [from what we know] has 2 continents. 1 continent is dominated by Divine magic. Arcane magic is outlawed and a barrier has been erected to prevent it. Life is good and monsters are pretty much unheard of. Thats the continent that Artimus lives on. The other continent has arcane people on it. Thats about all I know about it so far. Although it wouldn't seem like Artimus is a fighter, not a barb. The "rage" he went into was more of an RP thing, him linking the death of Thomas with the death of his Father. Oh, and thanks for the comments!)
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