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As a DM do you secretly enjoy the obnoxious player who pisses everyone else off?


First Post
There are two cases: The one where he foils every encounter with his rapier wit and lucky rolls, and the one that just won't stop bugging his teammates. Option 1: This is the guy who has gotten a Halfling army with magic bows and poisoned arrows. He slaughters everything I throw at him. I hate that ______. Option 2: This is me. I tend to go a little far, but some players are even worse. As a dm, I punish them, but I personally love jerks like that.

Bottom line: I love it when someone casts a fireball at these guys.

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No..I don't like a player who thinks that it's funny to deliberately mess up the goals and efforts of the rest of the group.

I kill the characters of players who ruin the fun for everyone, and then don't invite them back. I have very little tolerance for that sort of behavior.


I don't enjoy it as a GM if the players are clearly frustrated by his/her actions. Some people like to make the contrary annoying character because they think its fun. And the whole group spends the entire campaign planning or plotting or whatever and having then to promptly deal with the guy doing the exact opposite. I have actually yet to be in a campaign where the obnoxious player who pisses everyone off ever added anything to the game.


First Post
I never enjoy players who actively disrupt the group. Even acting without thinking can be very annoying especially when the rest of the players have been carefully planning and then one guy "leeroy"s it and totally ruins it.

I do always enjoy it though when a rivalry forms in a group. Nothing serious of course but it is always fun to play off two people who have opposing opinions and putting it forth as a challenge for the group to overcome.


Rotten DM
Only if the jerk is driving, it his house, and he is buying the beer and pretzels. Wait a minute
, I don't drink and need to watch my diet. So no to obnoxious players in any game.


No, if I enjoyed ruining other people's good time, I'd do it myself instead of getting vicarious thrills when somebody else did it because I'm too chicken to do it.


First Post
If it's to be obnoxious? No.

If they don't think things through... well still no, but I tolerate it more. Someone doing it just to be obnoxious will not continue to be allowed in my game. Someone who just doesn't think things through, or is young, or is inexperienced though? I may take them aside, or ask another player to talk with them, and try to get them to see their mistakes. If it really isn't them being obnoxious, the mistakes will lessen.

I know I do. I got this guy who constantly shoots into melee combat. He killed his girlfriends charecter the other night and I laughed my ass off. All the other players were irate at him. I thought it was great.

To join in the chorus. NO. There is a certain sort of player insanity I like - the absurd schemes and plans that no one would ever see coming. Instigators are good. But people who piss everyone else off? Piss me off as well.

And I don't think much of DMs who grudgekill pets and cohorts either.

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