Ashy's Oathbound Campaign, IC [ARCHIVED]

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Tristan, initiative 11, ac 22, hp 42/64

Tristan glances upwards as he sees Kiera pulled skywards. Pulling his eyes down again he focuses his efforts on the foes around him before dealing with the new problem.

[ooc - move to attack any serpents nearby (one near PC?) +12, 1d10+6 dmg

(12)+12 = 24 to hit, (4)+6 = 10 dmg

Could I get a rundown of remaining enemies and their dispositions? How many serpents, how many Asherakes, where are they, etc.]


Kiera grits her teeth, struggles to loosen her mace arm from one of the creatures grip.

Ummm... Grapple check to break grapple with one creature; roll 17 + BAB 4 + Str 2 = 23. Since I can't seem to do anything else, suggestions anyone? Oh yeah, Ashy how far to the ground?


In that case, she'll try to wrest herself from both creatures grips. A "little" fall won't entirely kill me, heck I was thinking of jumping something worse earlier.
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First Post

Kyron: 18
P.C. 17
Julian: 16
Bad guys: 16
Kiera: 13
Tristan: 11
Baja: 11

Kyron calls out a potent invocation and his being erupts in blazing divine power. With a gesture he sends his swords of light to assault the asherake carrying the captain.

The three blades zip through the black sky as easily as they did through asherake flesh – two of the three slice into the unsuspecting creature on Kiera’s right side, causing it to howl in pain. It instinctively lets go of the woman, whirling in mid-flight to face this new aggressor. At first, it seems taken aback but its keen eyes, used to battle, soon find their mark – Kyron. Deftly diving under the blades of light, the asherake swoops down on the shining man, bearing down on him with its massive, serrated blade.

P.C. hisses at the fluttering snakes and snarls something in a guttural, horrific tongue. The fiendish scorpion scissors with both claws, neatly slicing one of the flying snakes in half. Gore rains down and its mouthpieces quickly begin wiggling, snatching up what it can as it strikes out with its stinger, but misses the other winged snake by scant inches. The frey utters a spell and four barbed arrowheads the color of molten lead streak forth from his paw and blast the other to bloody bits.

Controlling his breath to ease the agony caused by the brutal blow to his side by his elusive enemy, Julian focuses on his environment. Keeping a look out for an enemy, which could appear at any time, he readies himself to strike as the foul creature appears.

He does not have to wait long – a sudden rush of wind to his right warns him that his enemy has banked around the crag upon which he crouches. The monks’ battle honed reflexes take over and he lashes out, hand and fingers extended and connects with his invisible target just as he feels the blow of the hammer on his shoulder. Julian smiles, despite the pain, as he hears cartilage shatter in the asherake’s throat.

A look of utter confusion crosses over his enemy’s face – could he talk, that is, if Julian’s hand was not halfway through its neck – he would likely ask his enemy how he could attack something that he could not see…

The horribly wounded asherake staggers back into thin air, wings flopping slowly, as if still in shock at the incredible warrior before him. Blood fountains from his ruined throat, but he cups a hand over it, in an effort to stop the flow.

Meanwhile, the asherake to the south of Tristan wheels back around and seeing that its original quarry (Julian – this is the asherake that sliced through the rope) was engaged, roars a challenge to the knight in shining armor. Swooping down with incredible speed, the creature braces his massive sword for a dive-bomb-like attack. He hits Tristan hard and his blade punches through shield and armor and pierces the knight’s body beneath. Blood explodes out the back of Tristan’s armor and his mouth as the massive slab of serrated metal wedges itself through his soft innards, but the creature is not finished. Flapping its massive, bat-like wings and pulling hard with its corded arms, it yanks the serrated blade back out the way it came, doing nearly as much damage again. The creature roars in triumph and shakes the blade aloft, spattering its own face and body with the lifeblood of its chosen prey.

The last living flying snake screeches – a sound akin to the cry of a hawk combined with a feral hiss and arrows its way towards P.C. As soon as it is in range, the creature sprays a cloud of acid over the frey and his conjured mount. P.C. yowls in pain as more fur sizzles and smokes but the massive arachnid beneath him seems heedless of the potent rain – it is busy feasting on the remains of its attacker’s brethren.

The asherake bearing down on Kyron hits – a glancing blow, but it draws forth the luminious’ glowing life-essence nonetheless.

The remaining asherake grappling Kiera, struggling until now to compensate for her full weight being suddenly laid upon him, growls at the wiggling warrioress and tries to lay a second claw to her.

Kiera grits her teeth, struggles to loosen her mace arm from one of the creatures grip.

Her resistance works in her favor, as does the departure of the other asherake and the creature above her finally decides that she is not worth the immediate effort and lets her go. As Kiera drops to the stone, however, the asherake roars, draws its blade and dives, following her to the ground…

Finally, the asherake with the hole seared through his breastplate reappears, save this time it is near Baja. The half-orc, busy pulling the dead-weight form of Xerxes up is helpless as the creature snarls and fires three ebon arrows from its wand and then blinks out of sight. The arrows slam home into the back of the half-orc and he just barely (OOC: you made your Spot check, Baja) catches glimpse of his nebulous attacker before he vanishes.

Tristan, his head still reeling from the attack and the pain, steels himself and focuses on the form of the celebrating creature before him. He thrusts outwards and upwards, catching the foolish asherake in the thigh and slicing upwards into its bladder and intestines. Sour-smelling and acrid urine, combined with blood and bile rains down on Tristan’s face, but the stalwart knight holds his ground against the creature…

Seeing his second in command gurgle his juices up over his chest, Baja does his best to pull Xerxes up by the gooey length of.... Umm. Goo?

"nnnggggghhhh" Xerxes moans again.

Grimacing at the burning pain in his back, Baja then pours a potion of healing into the Xeph’s mouth, clamp it shut and hold his nose so he can do nothing but swallow it.
sword damage: 8

Unconfirmed crit! :) You take 3 points of damage from a glancing hammer blow

Yeeouch! 27 points of sword damage!

7 points of sword damage

11 points of damage from magic

17 points of falling damage, you can read all the spoilers here, save P.C.’s below, unless you speak Abyssal, of course.

CLW potion: 1d8+25: (8) + 25 = 33 hit points regained

For those that know Abyssal, here is what P.C. said:
Snap them, break them, sting them and rake them, my pet!

PLEASE NOTE: The hammer-wielding asherake is no longer invisible, he appears very much so stunned at this moment. ;)
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First Post
Xerxes; 29 HP (+33 from -4, right?)

"What the..." the Xeph says as he chokes back to life. The look on Baja's face more than tells the Xeph everything he needs to know. Quickly, Xerxes looks around the battlefield and notices the dangerous situation that Julian, Baja and he are in. Uttering strange tonal sounds, the Xeph's eyes begin to glow a bright teal as psychic energy coalesces around him. The energy fires forth into Julian, lifting him off of the ground and placing him gently on the top, where more level and safer ground can be found.

((Xerxes manifests Telekinetic force to lift Julian and place him up top. Xerxes is just 10 hp down, assuming my calc in the title is correct.))



"Have at thee!"

Kyron smites the spawn of darkness with his spiked gauntlet in a state of elation as he is filled with divine power
(attack 19+6(str)+7 (BAB) =32 damage d8+6=8
iterative 9+6+7=22 for 8.)

The swords of light continue their assault

(range 170 feet, attack 19+4(wis)+7(BAB)=29 damage 1d8+2 (8 if hits). 11+4+7=22 to confirm 6 damage if crit.)
12+4+2=18 for iterative, 10 damage if hit.

(range 170 feet, attack 13+4(wis)+7(BAB)=24 damage 1d8+2 (5 if hits). 10+4+2=16 for iterative with 6 damage.

(range 170 feet, attack 16+4(wis)+7(BAB)=27 damage 1d8+2 (10 if hits). 15+4+2=21 for iterative 8 damage if hit))


Tristan, initiative 11, ac 22, hp 15/64

Tristan clenches his teeth and tries to ignore the burning pain running through his body. His eyesight blurs in front of him and he is all too aware of his own lifeblood flowing over his body. Still, he tightens his grip on his blade and swings it with all his remaining strength at the enemy hovering in front of him.

[ooc - full attack +12/+7, 1d10+6 dmg

1d20 + 12 = (15) + 12 = 27 1d20+6 = (10) + 6 = 16
1d20 + 7 = (6) + 7 = 13 1d10+6 = (2) + 6 = 8]

I don't know if it's too late for me to mention this, but it technically would have occured at the end of the round anyways. So it may be too late, but if the creature moved to me and attacked, then I should have actually been able to get in a full attack, and thus a second swing which I hadn't listed because I assumed I'd need to move to attack anything.

1d20 + 7 = (13) + 7 = 20 1d10+6 = (1) + 6 = 7

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