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Asmodeus, The King of Hell

The Serge

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At last, here he is, my version of Asmodeus. Upon completing this, I found that I will need to make some minor adjustments to the Lord of the Nine and Arch-Devil templates. Additionally, when BoVD comes out, I may swap the Destruction domain for the Diabolical one and I may make some adjustments with the Feats as well. I'm not printing my entire history, but there are some hints towards the end.

The King of Hell
Greater God (Avatar)
An upside down, equilateral black triangle embraced by a coiling, fiery red serpent. More elaborate versions have a symbol for the numeral "9" inside the triangle.
Home Plane: The Nine Hells of Baator
Alignment: Lawful evil
Portfolio: Damnation, Tyranny, Broken Promises, Pride, Power, Plots, Corruption, Lost Knowledge.
Cleric Alignments: LE, NE
Domains: Destruction, Evil, Knowledge, Law, Trickery
Favored Weapon: Scepter (morning star)

Blackguard 20/Cleric 20/Loremaster 10/Wizard 10
Medium-Size Outsider

Divine Rank: 16
Hit Dice: 20d8+180 (outsider) plus 20d10+380 (Blackguard) plus 20d8+340 (Cleric) plus 10d4+130(Loremaster) plus 10d4+130 (Wizard) (1,320 hp)
Initiative: +17 (+9 Dexterity, +8 Superior Initiative)
Speed: 60 ft., fly 200 ft. perfect
AC: 83 (+9 Dex, +16 divine, +29 natural, +19 deflection)
Attacks*: The Ruby Rod of Hell +9 lawful power, unholy power morningstar +90/+85/+80/+75 melee; or +80/+75/+70/+65 ranged (spell or touch). *Always receives a 20 on attack rolls; roll die to check for critical hit.
Damage*: The Ruby Rod of Hell +9 lawful power, unholy power morningstar 1d8+23+3d6 and 1 negative level (Lawful) +3d6 and one negative level (Unholy)/19-20/x2; or by spell. *Always does maximum damage (morningstar 67 points).
Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Rebuke or command undead 22/day (cleric), rebuke or command undead 22/day (as Clr18), poison use, smite good (+19 to attack and +40 to damage), sneak attack 6d6, domain powers, salient divine abilities, spell-like abilities.
Special Qualities: Divine Immunities, Baatezu Qualities, DR 51/+4 (DR 51/+8), SR 48, regeneration 15, spontaneous casting of arcane spells, speak and read all languages and speak directly to all beings within 16 miles, remote communication, godly realm, teleport without error at will, divine aura (16 miles, DC 45), detect good, dark blessing, aura of despair, fiendish servant, greater lore, lore +27, true lore.
Saves*: Fort +85, Ref +85, Will +92. *Always receives a 20 on saves.
Abilities: Str 39, Dex 29, Con 28, Int 46, Wis 42, Chr 48.
Skills *: Alchemy +105, Appraise +68, Bluff +144, Concentration +120, Craft (blacksmith) +90, Craft (bookbinding) +90, Craft (painting) +67, Diplomacy +120, Disguise +71, Decipher Script +47, Escape Artist +45, Forgery +76, Gather Information +101, Heal +75, Hide +112, Intimidate +115, Knowledge (Arcane) +125, Knowledge (Hell) +106, Knowledge (The Planes) +106, Knowledge (Religion) +141, Listen +57, Move Silently +51, Perform +68, Scry +106, Search +74, Sense Motive +86, Spellcraft +110, Spot +50. *Always receives a 20 on checks.
Feats: Alluring, Brew Potion, Charlatan, Cleave, Combat Reflexes, Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Craft Rod, Craft Staff, Craft Wand, Craft Wondrous Item, Dodge, Empower Spell, Epic Spellcasting, Eschew Materials, Expertise, Extra Turning, Forge Ring, Great Cleave, Great Smiting, Ignore Material Components, Improved Critical (morningstar), Improved Disarm, Improved Initiative, Intensify Spell, Maximize Spell, Mobility, Multispell, Persuasive, Planar Turning, Power Attack, Profane Spell, Quick Draw, Reach Spell, Scribe Scroll, Spell Mastery, Spring Attack, Sunder, Superior Initiative, Trustworthy, Unholy Strike, Weapon Focus (morningstar).
Baatezu Qualities: Asmodeus is immune to fire and can see in perfect darkness, even that created by deeper darkness spells.
Divine Immunities: Ability damage, ability drain, acid, cold, death effects, disease, disintegration, electricity, energy drain, mind-affecting effects, paralysis, poison, sleep, stunning, transmutation, imprisonment, banishment.
Salient Divine Abilities: Alter Reality (DC 55), Alter Size, Arcane Mastery, Automatic Metamagic (quicken wizard spells), Craft Artifact, Create Object, Create Greater Object, Divine Blast (22/day, 16 miles), Divine Celerity, Divine Glibness (DC 45), Divine Shield (160 points), Divine Spellcasting, Extra Domain (Destruction), Extra Domain (Trickery), Frightful Presence (DC 45), Hand of Death (DC 55), Hell's Mouth*, Know Secrets (DC 45), Life and Death, The Lord of the Nine*, True Knowledge. *Unique Salient Divine Abilities; see below for details.
Domain Powers: Cast divination, evil, and law spells at +1 caster level, smite 16/day (+32 on attack and damage for one weapon attack).
Spell-Like Abilities: Asmodeus uses these abilities as a 26th level caster, except for divination, evil, and lawful spells, which he uses as a 27th level caster. The save DCs are 47 + spell level, and 49 + spell level for any spoken mind-effecting spells. Blasphemy, calm emotions, charm monster, change self, circle of doom, confusion, contagion, create undead, damnation, deeper darkness, delayed blast fireball, desecrate, destruction, detect chaos, detect good, dictum, disintegration, dispel chaos, dispel good, dominate monster, earthquake, false vision, firestorm, flamestrike, greater dispelling, harm, hellball, hold monster, implosion, improved invisibility, inflict critical wounds, inflict light wounds, invisibility, magic circle against chaos, magic circle against good, major image, meteor swarm, mirage arcana, mislead, non-detection, order's wrath, persistent image, polymorph any object, polymorph self, protection from chaos, protection from good, screen, shatter, shield of law, summon monster IX (evil and lawful only), symbol (any), time stop, unhallow, unholy aura, unholy blight, wish.
Blackguard Spells/Day: 7/4/4/5; base DC=28+spell level.
Cleric Spells/Day: 6/9/9/9/9/8/7/7/7/4/4/4/3/3/3/3; base DC=28+spell level.
Wizard Spells/Day: 4/9/9/8/8/8/8/7/7/7/5/4/4/4/4/3/3/3/3; base DC=30+spell level.
Hell's Mouth (unique salient divine ability): As the King of Hell, Asmodeus has absolute control over all of the gates and portals that lead to Hell, as well as those within Hell. Up to 16 times a day, The Lord of the Nine can cause a gate or portal to open, sucking in those within 90 feet into a location in the Nine Hells of Asmodeus' choosing if they fail a Will Save DC 45. The Mouth remains open for nine rounds. A Hell's Mouth appears as a great, diabolically evil human male face with jagged, chewing teeth. Flames burst from the gaping maw as it attempts to suck in unlucky victims.
The Lord of the Nine (unique salient divine ability): As The King of Hell, the avatar of Asmodeus (or whatever the real name of Hell?s king is) reaps some of the benefits of the Lord of the Nine template as follows:
Spell-like Abilities: Asmodeus may cast all spell-like abilities available to the Lord of the Nine template at will. These abilities are included in the list above.
Call Baatezu (Su): As a move equivalent action, Asmodeus can demand the respect of any Devils. Asmodeus may call up to nine times a day, 21 Lemures, 18 Osyluths or Barbazu, 15 Erinyes or Hamatulas, 12 Cornugons, Gelugons, or Pit Fiends, Dukes of Hell, 3 Arch-Devils, or any one Lord of the Nine. Since these Devils are called, they have the ability to summon other Devils as their Monster Manual descriptions allow, or call other Devils as their description allows. No Devil is brave or stupid enough to verbally challenge Asmodeus in Hell, much less to his face, so all obey his commands. Asmodeus rarely finds it necessary to allow matters to degenerate into fisticuffs, preferring to either help mortals and other beings trick themselves into doing his bidding, or smothering their wills to force them to do his bidding. However, if he had to fight, Asmodeus prefers to call Baatezu only when he's killed, trapped, or other incapacitated most of his enemies, particularly those that dared to challenge him. Then, he will call in Pit Fiends and a Duke or two, leaving to watch the end result of the conflict from afar. Just as often, he grows bored of a battle in the middle of conflict, and will likewise call Pit Fiends and teleport elsewhere.
Infernal Potentate (Ex): As the personification of Lawful evil, Asmodeus' mere presence automatically unhallows an area equal to 8 miles in Hell (it is unknown the degree of this power beyond Hell, although it's likely to be 900 feet). While he can suppress (and reactive) this ability as a free action, he rarely does so.
Submission of the Lords (Ex): Once a month, Asmodeus can force the other eight Lords of the Nine to submit to him. Asmodeus may call them to his fortress in Nessus, Malsheem, where they must pay obeisance to him. This power also allows Asmodeus to terminate any and all infernal abilities the Lords or any other Devil has in Hell. Asmodeus may do this 16 times a day, the Devil (even a Lord or Arch-Devil) receiving no saving throw or spell resistance to avoid the effect. The Devil retains its hit dice, feats, skills, and ability scores, but loses its Baatezu traits, supernatural abilities, and spell-like abilities. It is unclear if this power extends beyond Hell.
Possessions: Asmodeus carries the Ruby Rod of Hell, a +9 lawful power, unholy power morningstar. It has has the ability to unleash the dragon fire of the great wrym Black, Blue, and White types three/day each at maximum damage.

Other Divine Powers
The statistics here reflect the powers of the Avatar of the King of Hell, whom most simply call Asmodeus although the true name of this being is unknown. As far as the Devils of Hell, most gods, and virtually all lesser beings, the avatar is the true Asmodeus.

Although these statistics are for the avatar of the true King of the Nine Hells (what or whomever that being might be), it is only through the use of Hell?s Mouth salient divine ability that the avatar can interact with the Prime Material Plane. When transforming a gate into a Hell's Mouth, the Avatar gains the following divine abilities:

Senses: Asmodeus can see, hear, touch, and smell at a distance of sixteen miles. As a standard action, Asmodeus can perceive anything within sixteen miles of his servants or worshippers, holy sites, objects, or any location where on of her titles or name was spoken in the last hour. He can extend his senses up to 20 locations at once. While he can completely block the sensing power of any god attempting to peer into Nessus, he does not have this ability beyond his layer.
Portfolio Sense: Asmodeus can sense anything that pertains to Lawful evil acts (tyranny, trickery, etc) sixteen weeks before it happens and retains the sensation for sixteen weeks after the event occurs. However, he is limited to the ability to perform this feet beyond Hell except with the use of a Hell's Mouth.

Automatic Action: Asmodeus can use any Knowledge skill (even those in which he has no rank) as a free action if the DC for the task is 30 or lower. He can use Bluff as a free action if the DC for the task is 46 or less. He can perform up to 20 such free actions each round.

Create Magic Items: Asmodeus can create any magic item that has lawful or unholy attributes, smother the will, or otherwise bring the wielder/user ever closer to lawful evil.

The real King of Hell, due to its unique imprisonment in Hell, can only generate ten avatars at any one time. Typically, it only generates one unless there is need to discipline the Lords of the Nine or Arch-Devils. All Avatars have the statistics listed above.

In the distant past, in order to further conceal the continuance of its existence, The King of Hell allowed his first avatar, which was called Lucifer, to battle against and lose to another avatar, the one called Asmodeus. This ploy, like virtually every other concocted by the King of Hell, worked and, to this day, Creation believes that there is but one Asmodeus and no greater being in Hell.

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First Post
I never really bought into the whole 'Asmodeus is Ahriman' deal (though I still think it's fitting for him to be a greater power), and I prefer to think of Asmodeus and Lucifer as separate entities (plus, didn't Baalzebul rule Baator at one point? I'm probably wrong)... but regardless, this is good work.

By the way, have you any plans to do Celestial rulers (like Morwel, Talisid, etc.) any time in the future?
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The Serge

First Post
Filby said:
I never really bought into the whole 'Asmodeus is Ahriman' deal (though I still think it's fitting for him to be a greater power), and I prefer to think of Asmodeus and Lucifer as separate entities (plus, didn't Baalzebul rule Baator at one point? I'm probably wrong)... but regardless, this is good work.

Yes, apparently Baalzebul ruled the Hells at one point, but I don't think this was ever canon. In fact, I do believe that as far as 3ed is concerned, Asmodeus has always ruled Hell... although I don't believe he was ever Ahriman.

My myth for Asmodeus allows for the same entity to have always ruled Hell, proving that this being is the epitome of LE, as it's far too wiley and clever to be the victim of a coup. I used Lucifer and Asmodeus as one and the same to reflect the crafty nature of this being. I have a number of names I'm chewing on and will likely allow Ahriman to be one of those names (an idea I had before A Guide to Hell).

Filby said:
By the way, have you any plans to do Celestial rulers (like Morwel, Talisid, etc.) any time in the future?
I will be doing the Celestial rulers, but I will not be using the Eladrin, Guardinals, or Archons. I've always felt that there needed to be only one race of Celestials... the Aasimon. I always thought the inclusion of the other three was a lame attempt to reinforce the idea that there are races in the Planes, rather than cosmic representations of Ideals. To me, one of the "benefits" of Evil lies in its desire to stratify and sunder beliefs to further cause distrust and hate. I don't see the Celestials doing the same thing. So, I don't have all these races. Further, with the possible exception of the Archons, the Eladrins and Guardinals aren't all that original. Eladrins are hyped up Elves and the Guardinals (who should be in the Beastlands rather than Elysium) are just nice Lycanthropes.

However, I do have the Virtues of Celestia (who are essentially Arch-Angels), The Four Holy Ones of Elysium, and the Lords of Freedom of Arborea.

Voidrunner's Codex

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