Assassination! DM: FourMonos Judge: Renau1g


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Rohna dismounts and catches up to the Karnathi delegate, giving as formal a bow as anyone has ever seen her attempt. She leans in close to speak in private. [sblock=DM]"Ambassador if I might ask a small favor of you or one of the other representatives of your secret council here?

I have been rearing a fiery black griffin in the House Vadalis stables for a couple of years now. Mitra is far too feisty and willful for any human to handle, so I took it upon myself to see that the magnificent beast wasn't simply put down as 'untrainable'. She has just reached maturity, but the Humans now say I'm not worthy to ride such a beautiful creature, even though I bare the mark of their house. I think its simply a matter of ego with them, since I'm not of their race.

Perhaps a few well chosen words from someone with the pull of an ambassador could help them see reason? I would gladly hold any future debt paid in full if this problem could be handled with any kind of diplomacy. To give them an 'official' excuse to do what is right, if you will, while saving face amongst their subordinates?"

You may have noticed that I have dedicated myself to the martial art of mounted combat. To glide into the fray from above would be a truly wondrous goal to attain, for one of my race especially.

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I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
[MENTION=88601]FourMonos[/MENTION]: it the armor "plain" chainmail or one of the advanced varieties that exist from 6th level?

Also, for any judge here: how does rebuilding character go? Do I simply rebuild the character and note it on the sheet? and trust into wiki history for checkup?

"Thank you Your Excellency. We will await more information. I hope we can get your child back."
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First Post
@FourMonos : it the armor "plain" chainmail or one of the advanced varieties that exist from 6th level?

Also, for any judge here: how does rebuilding character go? Do I simply rebuild the character and note it on the sheet? and trust into wiki history for checkup?

"Thank you Your Excellency. We will await more information. I hope we can get your child back."

GM: Um... right! It is Finemail ! (+1 AC over normal chainmail) how observant of you to spot the difference!

The group can really only here Rohna's deep rumbling bass voice speaking with her back to the group, but you hear the ambassador's reply. Placing his hand on her shoulder, he responds, "I will see to the matter directly young warrior."
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First Post
"Seems the job is not finished, an you pay well, I see no reason to not continue." tells Malehan, taking the boots.

OOC: Malehan has been updated

[SBLOCK=To Players]
@.Players: Anyone who want can use this power for an attack roll of an encounter or daily power.
Divine Guidance (Immediat Interrupt * Close Burst 10)
Target: An ally within 10 squares of you makes an attack roll against your oath of enmity target.
Effect: That ally makes a second attack roll and uses either result.

[SBLOCK=Immediate Actions]
@.DM: Also, during the monster turn, Malehan might use one of these interrupt. If more than one trigger is valid at the same time, use the first in list. Please note I might change the Triggering conditions.

Great Hunger Falchion (Immediate Reaction)
1) An enemy adjacent to you scores a critical hit against you.
2) The enemy is not a Minion.
Effect: Roll this weapon’s critical damage dice (including any extra damage from the weapon’s property => +2d8, add +2d4 for each critical rolled during this encounter) and deal that much damage to the triggering enemy.

Belt of Raging Endurance (Immediate Interrupt)
1) An enemy hits you and causes damage.
2) Malehan takes 15 damages or more.
OR Malehan hp are down between 0 and -14
Effect: You gain resist 15 against that attack, but you also take 10 damage at the end of your next turn.

[SBLOCK=Malehan's Stats]Malehan
Elf - Avenger - 10
Initiative +10
Passive Insight 20; Passive Perception 32
HP 80/80; THP 0; Bloodied 40; Surge Value 20; Surges Per-Day 9/9
AC 28*; Fortitude 19*; Reflex 23*; Will 23*
* +1 to all defences while bloodied
* +1 item bonus to AC and Reflex when you shift until the end of your next turn.
Speed 7
Action Points: 1

Current Effects: None

Basic Attack: Overwhealming Strike Fullblade +16 vs AC 2d4+11 damage and you shift 1 square and slide the target 1 square into the space you occupied.

Skills: Acrobatics +16, Nature +12, Perception +22, Religion +12, Stealth +16, Thievery +16
Languages: Common, Elven

[ ]Bond of Pursuit
[ ]Overwhealming Strike

[ ]Elven Accuracy
[ ]Oath of Enmity
[ ]Channel Divinity (Abjure Undead or Close.pngDivine Guidance)
[ ]Takedown Strike
[ ]Centered Flurry of Blow
[ ]Angelic Alacrity
[ ]Sequestering Strike
[ ]No Respite
[ ]Refocus Enmity
[ ]Davros Elden's Defensive Step

[ ]Aspect of Might
[ ]Menacing Presence
[ ]Blade of Repulsion
[ ]Soul Seeker
[ ]River of Life

[ ]Symbol of Scorned Fate [E]
[ ]Belt of Raging Endurance [E]
[ ]Great Hunger Falchion [D]
[ ]Enduring Spirit Vestments [D]
[ ]Cannith Google [D]
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First Post
Goliath Fighter/Warlord 10
88/88 HP (0THP)
Resist All 1

Rohna bows slightly again. "You have my deepest gratitude Ambassador." Then she turns and remounts the dire boar, aimlessly casting about without his rider. "Well fought all, but if we are to venture out again on the morrow, I have many preparations to make first. I'll see you back at the Shard once I have finished." and with that the rageblood fighter rides out of the guard post and into the morning sun.
[sblock=Combat Actions]Free: Speak
Minor: Practiced Rider to mount
Move: ...
Standard: Leave
Action Point: ...
...[/sblock][sblock=Rohna]Rohna—Female Goliath Fighter 10 Resist all 1
Initiative: +5, Passive Perception: 21, Passive Insight: 16
AC: 26, Fort: 22, Reflex: 17, Will: 18 — Speed: 5(6), 9 when mounted
HP: 88/88 (0THP), Bloodied: 44, Surge: 22, Surges left: 13/13;
AP: 1/1, Second Wind: Used, Milestones 0
Powers -
Crushing Surge
Practiced Rider
Passing Strike
Disrupting Advance

Rhino Strike
Hydra Charge

Stone's Endurance

Perceive Weakness
Inspiring Word
Villain's Menace

Boundless Endurance
Rain of Steel
Bloody Blades

Vanguard Glaive +2 "Kordestad" (daily, minor)
Flaming Warhammer +1 (daily, free)
Antipathy Gloves (daily, standard)
Summoning Rimefire Plate (at-will, minor)
[sblock=Pals]Olaf—Dire Boar 6
Resist 10 all; HP 85/85 (0THP); Bloodied 42 AC 20; Fortitude 21, Reflex 17, Will 16, Speed 9. Property: Rabid Charger (while mounted by a friendly rider of 6th level or higher; at-will) Mount; After Rohna charges, Olaf makes a gore attack in addition to Rohna's charge attack. Furious Charge; When Olaf charges, his gore deals an extra 5 damage, pushes the target 2 squares, and knocks the target prone on a hit. Death Strike (when reduced to 0 hit points); Olaf makes a gore attack. Powers: Gore (standard; at-will); +11 vs. AC; 2d10 + 4 damage, or 2d10 + 9 damage against a prone target.

Mitra—Vadalis-Bred Griffon 11
Resist 10 all; HP 126/126 (0THP); Bloodied 63, 2/2 HS (31), AC 26; Fortitude 25, Reflex 24, Will 23, Speed 9. Property: Rabid Charger (while mounted by a friendly rider of 7th level or higher; at-will) Mount; After Rohna charges, Mitra makes a claw attack in addition to Rohna's charge attack. Powers: Claws (standard; at-will); +16 vs. AC; 2d6 + 5 damage.

Gretta—Construct 15 (Seed of War)
AC: 28, Fort: 23, Reflex: 19, Will: 18 — Speed: 4
HP: 22/22(0); Bloodied 11
Helps flank, can be attacked. Spend HS to negate dmg to seed warrior. Deal 10 dmg to adjacent foe when ally hits that foe.

[/sblock][/sblock][sblock=OOC]I think Rohna's sheet is now fully updatedin the above link.

Damage Summary:
(Total damage if all attacks hit)

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First Post
OOC: Vel, with the new white background at ENWorld, you need to change your conversation and signature colors. Yellow on white is just plain bad. ;)

Do you want to keep the white background, or you want the black background back? If you want the black background back, you can do it by selecting ----Legacy in the dropdown list at the bottom left of this page.

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