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Assault on Dire Wood

River Song

Ydadoras watches with disdain as the orc is trampled by his large companion and his mount. "Die orc scum!" he yells in orcish.

He draws his rapier as he moves, calling upon all his instincts as a hunter and launches an attack on the orc in front of him.

Bonus action: cast Hunter's Mark on orc in F9.
Move to F10 and draw Rapier.
Attack with advantage: [roll0] [roll1]
Damage [roll2]
Sneak damage: [roll3]

If crit: [roll4] [roll5]

If the orc is dropped he will move to E8

To hit: 13
Total Damage: 18

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First Post
Dorn recoils from the brutality of the attack against him. Curse you dammed creature; you will pay for that! he mumbles to himself, as he fires an arrow at his attacker and moves for cover.

- The arrow flies towards the winged creature and in it's attempts to avoid a potentially fatal blow it throws itself to the ground face first. Purple blood fountains from its broken nose and crushed lips and it half crouches glaring at the archer as he moved to cover.


"Aha!" Loud Yann wheeled Frigate around the back of the group, then kicked his heels and charged right back at the gaggle of shouting orcs, Frigate's hoofs ripping into last-year's blanket of leaves. "I'll take care of these guys!"

They both plowed right into what had been the tuskers' front ranks, Yannock's huge branch swinging low - *Woomph*! - right in the teeth of the one to the left!

He grinned, smelling green blood on the wind: "THIS is how you do a charge!"

- Yann has the satisfaction of seeing the orcs eyes go very wide just before the impact. The blow from the club sends it to its knees and Frigate renders the body to bloody paste with a flurry of stomps.


Ydadoras watches with disdain as the orc is trampled by his large companion and his mount. "Die orc scum!" he yells in orcish.

He draws his rapier as he moves, calling upon all his instincts as a hunter and launches an attack on the orc in front of him.

-The elf warrior roars like an enraged.. well orc! But the precision of the blow is something no orc could have achieved. With a single precise thrust to the eye, the orc collapses. Ydadoras vaults over the body and eagerly moves to engage another orc.


View attachment 73058

Round 2:


Rikka 26
Kesem 23
Bumble 22
C1 20
O 20
C2 19
Yann 16
Dorn 15
Ydadoras 5

Rikka, Kesem and Bumble are up.

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First Post
Shadows swirled around Rikka as she began to move- she was FAST, and the swirling cloak of darkness made it hard to follow her sinuous movements. In the space of heartbeats she was out of her cover and beside the two winged creatures- she lashed out with her silver-bladed sword, cutting deeply into the creature that Dorn had wounded. Then, as quickly as she had appeared she was gone again- perhaps back into the same brush where she had been hidden before...

[sblock= OOC] Summary: 23 to hit C1, for 8+3= 11 damage, move to B4 and hide, Stealth 19. Rolls http://www.coyotecode.net/roll/lookup.php?rollid=109765; Full accounting: Bonus action and 1 ki point to use Step of the Wind (for Disengage); Move to G5 and attack C1; Attack roll vs. C1, with advantage 1d20+7= 19, 23; short sword damage 1d6+4= 8 (piercing, silver), sneak attack adds 1d6= 3; move back to b4 and hide 1d20+10= 29 (last move is a diagonal, but I think that is legit in 5e.) [/sblock]

From the top of his horse Kesem decides to target and drop the two flying creatures to the ground so his companions will be have fair fight. He mumbles arcane words as he throws some sand to the air, he then points to the two creatures. [Cast Sleep]
OOC: Sleep - Sleep: 5d8 25


Bumble sights her crossbow at the creature Dorn had struck already. Using the blue light of her spell she prays to Lathander to speed her bolt home.

Shoot Xbow: http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=109816]Attack: 1D20+8 = [14]+8 = 22; 1D20+8 = [8]+8 = 16
Damage: http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=109818]Damage: 1D8+5 = [4]+5 = 9

Hit AC: 22 for 9 Damage.

She prepare her reaction to use warding flare on the first team mate to get attacked by the winged creatures. [/sblock]


First Post
Shadows swirled around Rikka as she began to move- she was FAST, and the swirling cloak of darkness made it hard to follow her sinuous movements. In the space of heartbeats she was out of her cover and beside the two winged creatures- she lashed out with her silver-bladed sword, cutting deeply into the creature that Dorn had wounded. Then, as quickly as she had appeared she was gone again.

Bumble sights her crossbow at the creature Dorn had struck already. Using the blue light of her spell she prays to Lathander to speed her bolt home.

From the top of his horse Kesem decides to target and drop the two flying creatures to the ground so his companions will be have fair fight. He mumbles arcane words as he throws some sand to the air, he then points to the two creatures.

-The winged creature grunts in pain as the blade cuts in past the armour and solidly connects. Blood sprays on the elf's hand as she disappears. The creature still reeling, is rewarded with a crossbow bolt that sinks into it's thigh. As Kesem's arcane spell takes effect he notes the dust settle around the two winged creatures to no effect.

The wounded creature sights Dorn and spreading it's leathery wings in launches itself at him with a snarl of rage. Dorn has time to note the cat like eyes and horns protruding from it head before it lands in front of him. It swings with its longsword and Dorn is startled as flame erupts along its length. The attacks struggle to get through Bumble's divine protection but one of the blows does connect and the warlock grunts as he manages to twist and is only struck by the flat of the blade. Pain blossoms in his side.


Creature flies to K7

Hit AC 27 for 7 slashing and 6 fire damage.

http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=109955]disadvantage due to Bumble: Attack 1: 1D20+8 = [19]+8 = 27 : 1D20+8 = [9]+8 = 17, Attack 2: 1D20+8 = [4]+8 = 12 : 1D20+8 = [5]+8 = 13

http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=109956]damage: Slashing: 1D8+5 = [2]+5 = 7; Fire: 1D6 = [6] = 6



The two orcs look at each other and grin. "Meat came to us!" one quips in orcish and the other laughs. One of the axes manages to clip the nimble elf, which may cause some bruising later. If there is a later...

Hit AC 8 and 19: rolls

Damage: 4



The second winged creature gives Yann and his horse a toothy grin and licks it's lips. It runs at the mounted warrior swinging it's now flaming sword two handed. It swings mightily but the laughing Yann waves a dismissive hand and the blows bounce off the magical shield of energy that appeared before him.


Creature moves to G8, drawing sword.

Attack roll hits AC 11 and 22: rolls

The second attack triggers shield.



Over to you Yann.
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Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
Not slowing Frigate's charge in the least, Yann let the big horse's strides swallow up the little devil underneath, then circled around Ydadoras and the orcs to double-wallop both grinning tuskers in the back of the helmet as he galloped by!

Laughing, the big man wheeled about, lined up with the devil once more and charged back in, leaning his huge bulk to the side to back-hand the winged devil as he thundered past! "Surender, spawn of Evil!"

Summary: Frigate moves to F8.
Nat 20 on Orc 3, 15 pts of damage. Dead, I think.
Action Surge: 22 and Nat 20 tohit on Orc 4, 9 + 12 = 21 damage. Dead, I think.
19 Frigate and 20 Yann tohit on Winged Creature, 12 + 13 = 25 damage.

[sblock=Rolls]Frigate hooves attack on Winged Creature, with advantage: Steam rolled: 1D20+4 = [5]+4 = 9; 1D20+4 = [15]+4 = 19; 2D6+4 = [2, 6]+4 = 12

1st attack action, 1st attack on O3, with advantage: attack against Orc3: 1D20+8 = [20]+8 = 28; 1D20+8 = [6]+8 = 14; 1D8+7 = [5]+7 = 12
Crit damage on O3: 1D8 = [3] = 3

1st attack action, 2nd attack on O4, with advantage: attack against Orc4: 1D20+8 = [12]+8 = 20; 1D20+8 = [14]+8 = 22; 1D8+7 = [2]+7 = 9

Action Surge:
2nd attack action, 1st attack on O4, with advantage:
url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=109975]attack against Orc4: 1D20+8 = [20]+8 = 28; 1D20+8 = [11]+8 = 19; 1D8+7 = [3]+7 = 10[/url]
Crit damage on O4: 1D8 = [2] = 2
C1, disadvantage Dex checks!

2nd attack action, 2nd attack on Devil: attack against winged creature: 1D20+8 = [12]+8 = 20; 1D20+8 = [6]+8 = 14; 1D8+7 = [6]+7 = 13

NOTE = Shield will trigger if hit.[/sblock]


First Post
OOC: Now that Yann has attacked, everyone notes that for some reason, Yann's weapon is doing more damage to the creature than the other attacks. Or is it that the others are doing less.....

Both orcs are now dead.

@Steve Gorak is up

Steve Gorak

I can't take more hits like these! Dorn thinks to himself, as he moves away from the devil-orc with almost supernatural speed and gets closer to Bumble. As he is moving, his lithe fingers grab a silvered arrow and he shoots his attacker.

Bonus action: disengage from attacker
Move to E13 (6 squares)
Action: attack creature with sharpshooter feat (-5 attack, +10 damage)
attack [roll0]
attack with advantage because of Faery Fire [roll1]
Damage [roll2]
additional Necrotic damage because of hex attack [roll3]
additional Sneak damage because of advantage [roll4]

HP: 17/45
Note: because of his new position, I am hoping Dorn will get some cover from his allies in front of him.

River Song

Ydadoras smiles at the big warrior as the two orcs crumble! "Yes!"

He moves over the dead bodies to help Yann with the monstrosity that was attacking him, hoping to find a weak spot.


Move action: to F7

Attacking with Rapier +1

Attack: [roll0]
Attack Advantage: [roll1]

Damage: [roll2]
Sneak: [roll3]

If crit:


Voidrunner's Codex

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