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Assistance requested: character build


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Hi all. Currently, I'm a player in a 3.5 Banewarrens campaign. Last session, my much-loved wizard bought it at the hands of a sneaky mind-flayer (crept up on me whilst I was sleeping, the wretch!), and I'm presented with the opportunity/necessity of making a new character. My current concept is a Monk/Illusionist. Specializing in misdirection, subtlety, and the occasional neck-breaking, I don't see the character as a combat powerhouse, but more as a support character, possibly as crowd control. The difficulties with this sort of build are obvious from the get-go...low HP, a wide range of stats required, low BAB, etc. But the character itself could be a lot of fun to play. So, I'm looking for a decently optimzed build.

My original plan had been Mnk5/Sor3, but that leaves me weak on the crowd control front, which my party is fairly shoddy at (Only other spellcaster is a Cleric with the Good and Sun domains). I could reverse that, but at that point, I don't know that 3 levels of Monk are worth it.

So, here's the challenge: Monk/Caster multiclass. Designed for crowd control/infiltration (the two are not mutually exclusive). I'm open to any suggestions as to combos.

Parameters: 8 character levels. DM is pretty free with races, but let's stick with Core for now. Feats are 3.5 core only, though a few OA feats might be wrangled if they're not unbalanced. I'm fairly certain my DM doesn't object to Monk freely multiclassing, so let's assume that's allowed. Normal treasure levels for 8th level.

I appreciate any ideas or thoughts you might have. Thanks very much!

- Cross

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My suggestion is to take only one level in an Arcane class such as Sorcerer or Wizard and then relying on scrolls/wands to cast the core infiltration spells you want.

This way you can solidify your Monk abilities (especially now that you have choices in 3.5) and not suffer low hit points that much, gain better combat abilities so your can truly control those crowds using Total Defensive fighting while the party retreats then invoking a scroll or wand of dimension door or invisibility to get out of there.

Just my opinion of course.

Noldor Elf

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Of course there is the natural attribute synenergy between monks and clerics, so you could probably end as a better caster with monk/cleric than monk/arcanist.

By choosing some god that is dedicated to ordinary folk, mispresentation or minds. You could later even become preacher for your god by using your power over the ordinary masses.

Viktyr Gehrig

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If you can, use Psion instead of Sorceror. Since you seem committed to a decent Cha, Telepathy gives you some nice crowd control, and your other high stats will allow you excellent scouting-- Psychoportation and Clairsentience. If your Con is alright, the Biocurrent power chain is also good for some direct damage, if you need it. The Psionic feats also give you some more flexibility for motion and defense, and the Psion's skills give you a little more synergy than you'd get from Sorceror.

Lesser Body Adjustment is a first level power, Strength-based, that allows you to heal yourself. It'll free up the Cleric's resources for other characters, which I'm sure both he (and they) will appreciate.


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Monk 2/Psychic warrior X, get a bunch of powers to help yourself move around, do better in combat, and survive to tell the tale. Bite of the Tiger + weapon specialization (unarmed) [hopefully these stack, I dont see why not] + magic fang type effect + whirlwind = massive crowd control.

With the correct power selection you will have crowd control and infiltration, while still being able to be a tank if needed, have get out of jail free cards, and overall great synergy ;)

What? I consider psionic stuff core myself ;) lol


First Post
Korimyr the Rat said:
If you can, use Psion QUOTE]

Not fast enough, someone beat me to psionics.. aww..

psion works well though (in just about any incarnation) to get you at least part of what you want, possibly all with the proper selections. Although it takes a lot more work to get there without the proper suppliments which your dm may or may not allow. Happy hunting all ;)


First Post
Without the crutch of psionics :p , You'd be better off as a Mnk/Clr. Your spell selection will be better, and your self-buff spells (which would be the focus of a monk, right?) is top notch.

I'm not sure why you went initially for Sor. Those 3 levels of Sor don't give you much...not even 2nd level spells. As your not going to be able to cast spells at high-level baddies (you caster level will suck!), you'd rather have access to those 2nd lvl buff spells.

As for "crowd control" (do people honestly know what you mean by that phrase? From reading the responses, I'd guess not.) You'll do most of that with your combat abilities, rather than your spell casting, especially as you go up in level. You just won't have access to most large AoE spells. Web might be the one you'd like....where you thinking of trying to cast Hypnotic Pattern or some such? ...Not sure I'd bother.
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I have been thinking about this since my last post (getting little work done as a result :)). In 3.X you really don't have many viable options - of course, IDHMBWM. Really, it seems what you are looking for is a 2E Ninja.

Misdirection is a tough one. Inside of combat, you have such things as bluff for feinting and hiding, and several feats that can deny your opponent their dex bonus or cause them to be flat-footed. There are even some that are tailored to monks, or multiclass monks. However, the more general misdirection abilities, are almost all spell like or psionic. There are a host of illusion spells that could be useful. I always like the flare of using mirror image to create a circle of images like Aoshi (Ruroni Kenshin) or Shijima (Ninja Scroll) does and in fact have a house rule for using the spell in this fashion. Of course, mixing a sorcerer or wizard with monk is less than optimal for the reasons you pointed out.

It seems that a cleric and/or druid may be able to serve your needs if you think a bit outside the box. For example, clerics can stone shape (as can druids if I remember correctly). That can be an incredible method of misdirection. Aferall, if just used for an "illusion" casting the spell with the dimensions including a 1/4" thickness on one side would mean that you could cover a very large area. Think of shaping a bit of stone into the shell of a boulder or expanding the edge of a ledge to hide under.

Here are a few other spells you might want:

Obscuring Mist
Gaseous Form
Meld into Stone
Trickery Domain

For crowd control, you can flurry which is nice and here are a few low level spells: Calm Emotions, Enthrall

I personally, would favor the druid though, just a short glance at the spell list hit me with the following

Pass w/o Trace
Hide from Animals
Obscuring Mist
Tree Shape

Moreover, a druid has great synergy with the monk because he can cast magic fang on himself.

Personally, I would go with Monk 12, Druid 8. You maximize your BAB this way and get decent saves while capitalzing on the overlap of prime ability scores. You will have up to 4th level spells to intermix with your monk abilities. Pump up your Hide and MS for subtlety when you need it.

I will think more on viable Monk, illusionist builds. Off the top of my head, you could obviously build a monk/psion. They have great synergy. Again, though, for monk/arcanist, the build is going to be more difficult.

Voidrunner's Codex

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