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Attack of Opportunity-themed Feats


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I would note that the bonus are only for those opponents that the AoO would have been against and say that it only last until the players next turn.

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Aussiegamer said:
I would note that the bonus are only for those opponents that the AoO would have been against and say that it only last until the players next turn.
That sounds like a good idea.

I still think these feats are too weak as written. Even if I were a character with Combat Reflexes and Combat Expertise, I doubt I'd take any - they're too situational, and for the cost of a full feat, therefore of too little utility.

Ideally, the feat should be slightly strong so that a character that can take them will consider taking them, but not too strong, since you don't want to take away player options by making it a no-brainer. To achieve this, a feat which you can rarely use needs to be more powerful than one which can constantly use. However, if the feat is too situational, then increasing the power until it's attractive basically means you're either overpowered (if you actually manage to use the feat), or underpowered (if you somehow can't). That's why I think these feats - which look interesting - should grant several options instead of just one. That also happens to dovetail nicely with the target classes - melee combatants: those characters are generally the characters with the least amount of options available, and giving them several options (and of course you can't use em all simultaneously...) means they're a little less straightforward too.


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eamon said:
That sounds like a good idea.

I still think these feats are too weak as written.

So, "let me nerf these feats and then complain that they're too weak."

I purposefully left the bonus stand as an all-around bonus. The defense feats are stronger than Dodge (granted no one takes Dodge for the Dodge feat, they take it because they need it as a prerequisite for something . . . in my experience people forget to use it 85% of the time).

Then there's Spell Penetration . . . what percentage of critters have Spell Resistance?

I think these feats are pretty solid. They work well with abilities that grant you attacks of opportunity for odd things (like charging). They don't require a bunch more paperwork (tracking who you are getting the bonus against). You could even add another one:

Brace for Impact
Requirements: Combat Reflexes
You can refrain from taking an attack of opportunity against someone that casts a spell (or manifests a power) in melee combat to gain a +4 to your saving throws against spells for one round.

They are situational, which means you'd want to build your character around them and get other feats like Improved Disarm and Improved Trip and make attacks that force enemies to incur attacks of opportunity by picking up dropped weapons, trying to grapple, standing up, etc. I think they'd be a lot of fun in a swashbuckling game and make a fighter/duelist a scary combo.

Also, these feats give PC's a reason to pay attention to who gets attacks of opportunity when and why, which helps out the DM.


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I actually think they are a bit too powerful, most start feats give a +1 bonus which only gets to +2 at the next step.

But this is a very uniques idea and a good one. AoO are a bit dull with a free attack, but giving the players a bit more spice for that attack is top notch!

The brace seems wrong, it should be just a ref save, (which the name seems to be stating the opposite). I can see why you should get a will or fort save for the AoO.


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I gather they are not published but ideas of your own, and dam fine ones may I say.

Just commenting on what you have put up, hopefully constructively, for you to read some feedback.


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Instead of making them feats why not just make them options for AoA's?

Maybe restrict them by BaB?

If you want to make them feats maybe roll them into a tactical feat with multiple options? Defensive and offensive ones? something like that.


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Flexibility is power on its own, and you can get unbalanced pretty quickly by adding several options. If you don't like the take-feat-to-get-option mechanic, then why play D&D?


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Bab restrictions are not the best way to do it, and I also agree feats make it a more D&D type use.

Most players and GM's would forget about the extra combat abilities as the combat went on, except if they had a feat written down for that character. Also making it too complex in the end for what is a good idea for a feat or talent based idea in combat.


First Post
I was merely suggesting alternatives because people were complaining they were weak, which I think some are. Some already have BaB requirement that is why I mentioned it Aussie. I highly doubt these feats turned into abilities would imbalance a game. No reason to jump on me for it, saying why play D&D if I make those actions instead of feats. Afterall D&D didn't always have feats.

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